63--Delivering Kiritsugu's Letter (Illya's Tears)

"Aniki, are you okay?"

--Of course not! Damn! Half my bones are mush. Go find Illya, we need to talk.

Archer sighed before jumping up and going in search of his little sister.

Saber approached me with a strange smile.

"Are you strangely nice to him?"

--He's a pitiful guy~ What do you think of the King of Knights battle?

--Acceptable, it's a pity the loss of Assassin but in general terms it was a splendid battle.

She sighed and nodded gallantly in an attempt to cheer me up.

--Know, what do you plan to do?

--Nothing... my wish cannot be obtained with this grail. I will continue searching.

Look at the melancholic but resolute face of the young inhuman.

"Aren't you going to consider my proposal?"

--Get a partial reincarnation and live a half human life in this time?

--Your wish is to remake the king's choice but the real reason is your longing for freedom correct?

Saber frowned and cursed under her breath.

"It's extremely annoying that you know so much about me...

--Live a happy life with Shirou, then you can return to your time and be called to a new war. Do you lose anything?

"You're right, but I'll still have to decline."

--Alright, more mana for me~

"You're infuriating, you know that?"

--Try to keep a good mood when you've got half the damn bones broken~

Saber and I share a wry smile. We waited for Archer as we rested in the shade of one of the many trees in the forest.

Minutes later a Guardian Counter returned accompanied by three homunculi.


--I greet the current supervisor of the Church, 10th Seat-dono, as you should already know I am Illyasviel Von Einzberg, master of the Einzberg and owner of this castle.

Illya introduced herself with absolute elegance and composure, if I hadn't seen her have a psychiatric breakdown a few moments ago I'd think she was someone else. I nodded at her formal introduction and knelt down to catch up with her, her small face, pointed nose, large bright red eyes slightly sore from tears of defeat, Illya was indeed a cute and precious girl if we forget the fact that she is crazy. .

--Illya-san, as I said before, I am Emiya Kiritsugu's disciple before he died, he asked me one last favor, to deliver some letters to his two sons when they meet.

Sigh and speak in a serious voice.

--I hereby officially declare an end to the 5th war for the holy grail of the city of Fuyuki, any Master or Servant who goes against my decision will be executed!

Archer just smiled and nodded while Saber and the homunculi were shocked. I put my hand on Illya's white hair and stroked it.

--Illyasviel your role as a sacrifice for the core of the grail will not be necessary, I have prepared another one however the preparations for the Heaven Vest are still required, the Grail is tainted so your family's dream "The 3rd Magic" is not it will be possible, forget even thinking about reaching Akasha, the current grail is just an accumulation of predominantly negative energy.

--Wait a moment Sir Overseer!

The thin-looking homunculus Sella interrupted my words, with an arrogant tone.

--Yes, Miss?

--How come the grail is tainted, Jubstacheit-sama didn't inform us about it?

I smiled and moved my hand from Illya's head to Sella's, I can't help it they are adorably silly.

--Jubstacheit will not admit that due to his foolishness and greed during the third war, he cheated and called Angaria Maiyu "Avenger" only to be eliminated in the first battle, this Servant Avenger returned to the grail where his ability saw the light, a being that it feeds, not that it is conceptually the origin and end of all the curses and evils of the world. It has been incubating within the grail, it went to visit Illya in imitation of its mother Irisviel's form ten years ago.

--Ah!... does that mean?

Sella froze at her own thought, I stroked her slightly long hair.

--Exactly, Jubstacheit sent them here on a suicide mission, it's not to win, it's to clean up their mess before they die, the Einzberg family will end with the death of their last heir, not Illyaviel Von Einzberg, not "Will to the Einzbergs"

The light in Illya's eyes disappeared and she began to speak in a monotone.

--For a simple Agency Executor, you know your business very well. Spiritual doctor? Alchemist? Or do you prefer Shapeshifters~

--I'm just an admirer of the Alchemical work of the Einzbergs, seeing how they fall into oblivion and their studies are taken over by other families is a great loss for me, personally I would like to learn their alchemy. The cleaning and dismantling of the grail is my short-term goal, my real goal is to understand alchemy, the creation of artificial beings and bring said creation to the point where the line between the artificial and the real is annulled or imperceptible.

I spoke happily, it had been years since I met a great alchemist, someone who understood my passion.

--There are still madmen who seek Eden... May the Einzbergs not end up in oblivion, I must thank you for freeing Makiri Zolgen from her torment, an old friend who was lost in her search, abandoning his humanity when we swore to remain human , how unfortunate.

--Vampirism is a heresy but if you know how to apply it, it can be a good answer, Makiri chose parasitism, turning himself into one of his worms, destroying everything, becoming nothing more than a monster.

Thank you for cleaning up our mistakes.

--I am also a victim of them, this is just revenge.

--Hahahaha~ you're so funny Escaño-oniisama~ I lost~ Jubstacheit-ojiichan must be dead, so I'll leave all the Einzberg knowledge to you~

The light returned to Illya's eyes and she began to laugh.

--Thank you very much, Illya-chan~ this Onii-chan will make sure to repair your body so that you can live a long life, that goes for you two too Sella, Leysritt.

The two Homunculi were surprised to be called by their names.

--How do you know their names?

Illya looked at me intrigued.

--I know many secrets, present, past, future~ I know many things~

--Onii-sama, it's very interesting~

Illya earnestly serious before starting to act flirty. I hit her in the head.

--No magic eyes~ those things don't work with me~


--No magic eyes, Sella, Leysritt would appreciate it if you would take care of the castle and prepare the Heaven Vest for the next few days, I'll take custody of Illya although if you want one of you can come with us.

The two homunculi looked at each other as they thought about the best option, Illya was looking at me while sticking her tongue out at me and hiding behind Archer. After a few seconds of deliberation Leysritt was chosen as Illya's bodyguard.

I will be in your care.

The beautiful, curvaceous homunculus bowed in a perfect Victorian salute.

--Okay~ then we go, Archer take Illya, I'll take Leysritt, Saber you can lead the way, Sella-san we don't see~

--Please take care of Illya-sama. Liz don't act silly.


Leysritt nodded before bowing his head as if he had already forgotten everything.

Archer and I carried our respective princesses and jumped into the air, Saber just smiled wryly and chased after us in a hurry.


Emiya Residence. (a few minutes before)

--Rider-san, Nee-sama... How's the battle going?

--Sakura, Akatsuki-dono has everything under control, it's just that Assassin-dono lost his life.

--Assassin-san, he was a good person, although he died a bit quickly.


Rin, Sakura and Rider were talking as they waited for the others to return, Shirou for his part was walking in circles as he thought about Saber's safety.

--Calm down Emiya-Kun, Kurama knows what he's doing.


--Senpai, Akatsuki-san is very strong, Saber-chan will be safe.

--Shirou-dono, Akatsuki-dono has full control of the battle, he won't lose.

--Argh! I know! I know! it is just that...

"You wanted to be there saving the world, didn't you?"


--You are extremely childish, Emiya-Kun, the world of the Magi is very cruel, you knew that~ Kiritsugu-san put his duty as a father above his duty as a Magus, which left you with that mediocre level of sorcery, instead Kurama -Kun on his own crawled to the dark part of the world, clearly he has killed people, monsters, vampires and specters, he has gone through infinite tribulations and penances to get to where he is, but what have you done, a little boy who never has seen the real world.


Sakura...it's necessary.

--Kurama-Kun is doing all this to fulfill the last wish of his master Emiya Kiritsugu, your father Emiya-Kun, instead of complaining about your own weakness you should shut up and wait.

Rin finished her verbal volley against the redheaded youth, who could only sit and obey.

Damn, if only he was stronger...

--Shirou-dono, strength is not something that brings happiness, I shouldn't think that way.

--Thank you, for the advice Rider-san.

A few minutes later a great roar was heard throughout the mansion.


Emiya Residence. (Now)


I yelled after putting Leysritt down.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Nii-san?!"

Shirou ran out followed by three beautiful girls.

"I have half my bones broken so shut up and sit down, I have something to give you, Illya and so do you."

The two brothers sat in perfect seiza on the grass.

--These are the letters that Kiritsugu-san gave me, one for Illya and one for you Shirou, they are enchanted with a magic lock only you can open them, so take.

I handed over the letters and the two quickly opened them.

Shirou first opened the letter and read it, a few seconds later he started crying and cursing.

--Damn it, that old man... he never told me the truth... damn it. Kurama-nii thank you for everything. I think I owe you a lot now.

--Don't worry, I'm your Nii-san for a reason, think of me as Taiga-nee. You owe me nothing.

--Have after keeping for years you wanted to know what it says...

--I won't deny it.

I took the letter and read it, contrary to my expectations it was a big confession from the old Kiritsugu, I thought it would be something more remarkable but it's not just a confession about what this Shirou already knew. I returned the letter to Shirou and sighed.

--Ten the old man is very emotional when it comes to the two of you~ Illya like...

Before I finished my sentence I saw Illya crying uncontrollably and silently in Leysritt's arms as she clung to the letter. Obviously the content was very special to her.

--Okay, Shirou prepares a room for Illya and Leysritt... I'll be back later, I have to inform my wife. Rin, Sakura, Rider I'll leave Illya, Archer you know what to do, see you.

Everyone agreed to my words and I left the place.