Another week had already passed and Light's workouts had progressed arduously. When Albert saw that his son could now perform basic movements with precision and stability, he proceeded to teach her the true use of the sword.
The exercises for the body were intensified a bit for the child, since the previous ones could already be done normally.
Not only that, he had already been absorbing mana for a week and gradually forming his magic core. In order to absorb mana from the environment, Light first sat cross-legged and relaxed his mind.
For a 3-year-old it was easy since his mind was free of stress and daily responsibilities that disturbed the child's mind. With his training he had no problems since he could approach it calmly.
That is why when he closed his eyes, his mind had entered a state of serenity and in a few minutes he began to feel and see small white particles floating around him.
When he began to see the small mana particles, he concentrated his mind and began to slowly absorb them. In the book he mentioned that when starting to absorb mana, it had to be done in a safe way, since if you absorb quickly you can overload your body and your newly unstable core.
Creating damage was easy when you're just a 3-year-old and you don't even have a core, so Light took precautions and began the process leisurely. The best things take time to come, and when they do, they bring amazing effects.
This was how he spent his second week of training. Things went up to another level and both Light's body and mind were developing rapidly.
Passing weeks after weeks, it was already the last weekend of the month. Light's training intensified every time he improved, so much so that Albert could already practice personally with his son. Sure, Albert showed gentle movements so as not to hurt his son.
Light on the other hand, attacked with precise lunges and his movements were agile. He occasionally stumbled, since he took several movements to the extreme and because of the short size of his body, he missed and fell.
Even so, for a 3-year-old to fight in such a way, well, Albert was surprised by how talented his son was and how quickly he learned. With a smile, Albert approached Light as he barely got up from the awkward fall he interpreted.
"Well done, son," Albert congratulated the little boy. Unlike the son of Zirion, you are undoubtedly more talented.
Light often heard about him, Zirion and his son, the truth was that he was not attracted to that pair, but since his father and his grandmother Susan mention it from time to time, maybe ask a question or two of they wasn't that bad.
"Father, how talented is this son of Zirion?" Asked Light.
"Well, not as much as you, but better than other average kids," Albert replied. According to Susan, he was already able to handle words almost fluently, and he was quick to adapt to reading.
"That's all?" Said Light a little disappointed.
Albert seeing the face of his son and the tone with which he spoke, only let out a small laugh.
"Light, that you already have a high level of consciousness and perception at such a young age, it is surprising, besides that you will be able to take better advantage of things and be able to understand them faster than anyone else.
"I understand, father."
Light on the one hand understood that concept. Being able to do things that a normal child could not, was the meaning of praise. For example, a three-year-old was just learning to speak, not to mention that his brain is unable to form proper maturity.
Even walking was difficult for them, a three-year-old boy walked a little clumsy and, not having a mature level of consciousness capable of making him think properly, he was not aware of adapting to his walk to maintain a safe balance.
On the other hand, Light with three years of age could already read, speak and walk with an incredible fluency, in addition to that his level of consciousness was already capable of thinking about things that a child could not.
Not only that, Light read history, language and magic books, learning from them at the same time, developing his brain power to an amazing level. In addition to learning the use of the sword and exercising his body for greater performance.
If Light's mind could be classified, it certainly rivaled the ability of a 12-year-old born to a large family. And if we include his mental maturity, he would definitely get over it. Light was considered a talented prodigy.
Despite being that, his family kept it a secret. Not a bad thing, just that there was no need to mention it in a small town where there was only one wizard, and that was Susan.
The rest of the people in the town were ordinary people. The only ones who understood things about the importance of magic and such things were the guards who looked after the town, and yet they were the villagers themselves.
Furthermore, the family felt that with the appearance of Zirion's son, the village was proud, so there was no need to brag about their son.
Light also felt comfortable the way things were, he also didn't see the need to be the center of attention. His life was going very well, his training and his studies at home. Ailyn seeing that Light liked to read and only trained every day, she took the opportunity to teach her son things.
Things like addition, subtraction, multiplying, dividing, the language of her race, basic cultures, and other things that she said would help her child in the future.
Light did not blame the lessons either, total, it would be once a week so he did not interrupt his training. Thanks to the study, Light learned more about the town where they lived and what kind of culture they shared.
The little town where he lives is called Nion. It is far from the big cities and especially the kingdom. He was also near a small forest full of wild beasts, but they weren't that dangerous.
Every five years, the town held a food festival to celebrate the great sowing. That same day, errant merchants visit the town in search of exchanging things with the town for food and taking it to other towns.
Five years was enough time for the crops to grow and store them so that they could be exchanged and sold to the public and merchants.
Light learned many things throughout the month. Not only did his training and creation of his mana core improve, but his knowledge of the everyday world.
Thus, a month passed full of studies and intense training.
The second month had arrived. Light had improved a lot in many ways. His awareness was broader now, so thinking and managing multiple tasks was easier than before.
His appearance had changed a bit, his size was already that of a 4-year-old boy, the only difference was that his body showed well-shaped limbs to be those of a child. His vocabulary was more polite and more mature.
In practice with his father, now that he had grown up a bit, performing various movements had become somewhat easier. Learning the sword from him certainly paid off.
Albert, seeing the progress of his son with the sword, wanted to take things a little further. He decided to teach her to fight hand to hand, taking advantage of his talent and his rapid learning, he wanted to teach her everything he knew to take advantage of his small age.
Albert did not need to be an expert to know that if his son continued to grow in such a way, his chances of continuing to improve in the future were great. That filled him with pride, he always smiled when he saw his son practice with the sword and see how well he improved.
This new month Light's trainings and teachings continued to increase.
Regarding his formation of the mana core, Light was gradually increasing the extraction of mana to form the core. Light read that having a good foundation could bring him good benefits when his core woke up.
Susan from time to time would watch Light practice with her father, and she would sometimes see him in her room meditating. The only thing she took the boy seriously was training with Albert, since when she saw Light meditate, she could only think that she was analyzing what she read.
She never came to think that the boy was already forming his mana nucleus, that was something impossible despite being a blessed talent. The formation of the magic nucleus was something that began from the age of 10, not to mention that to do so, it was necessary to be instructed by a magician who has gone through the process and is precise in explaining it.
So to think that Light created the core of mana for him still did not enter his mind, or those of his parents.
Two weeks had passed since the month began. The training days were kept according to Light's thoughts, every weekend he helped her mother with her chores or accompanied her to her town, in addition to being in constant study with her.
Albert as always instructed him in the way of the sword and taught him hand-to-hand combat. In moments of intrigue, Light asked his father how he knew how to fight and use the sword.
"Well, Zirion's father once worked as a duke's personal guard, so one day an accident happened to him and as compensation, the earl gave him these lands when he was young," Albert said. Now he he is the head of the town and he personally instructed us in the beginning, he even continues to do it from time to time.
"I see, so that's why Zirion is the head of the guards? Because of his background?" Asked Light.
Albert was surprised by the words and the understanding of the boy, later he remembered that he is a fan of stories and that his mother taught him things. A wry smile appeared on his face.
"That's right, it's because of his background and because he's older and his training is better than ours," Albert replied.
"So that boy ... Helleans, his training in swordplay and stuff is better than mine?" Light kept asking, since she wanted to see how good that boy was.
"Actually, Helleans doesn't have training like yours. Susan says that the boy is not that good at it and that he only focuses on learning about reading and improving his knowledge of it".
Light stopped asking and inquiring about the child, after all, every time she did, the answers she got were not that interesting.
"Okay, let's go into the house, through the dark clouds, he'll be about to rain, besides, Mom must have already made lunch," Albert said.
"Okay, father."
Light entered the house with his father and they went to shower, after that they went to lunch and Light took a break to spend the afternoon reading for a while and continuing to meditate to form his mana nucleus.
As his father had said, the heavy rain had fallen, Light looked out the window as the drops fell and slowly fell through the window.
In that, Light also observed how a small mole entered his burrow to protect itself from him, when suddenly a chest descended from the sky and quickly took the small animal away.
Light felt a bit of pity for the animal, after all, he was still a child, and his heart and mind were still innocent. Light after witnessing the scene, decided to relax his mind and start absorbing the mana.
He crossed his legs and then closed his eyes, Light inhaled and exhaled and after a few seconds he began to see the small white particles that represented mana.
It was like this for two hours until a strong thunder struck the skies, causing Light to lose concentration. The sudden roar scared him, so after relaxing his mind from him, he went back to absorbing mana.
Light spent the whole afternoon like this. The rain kept company too, it wasn't until nightfall that the strong storm stopped. Light at the end of his meditation, went down to dinner and then went to sleep. For the little boy, that was his usual routine, so after spending two months on that plan, he adapted to it.