Again, two months flew by. In those two months, Light had learned many things. Both her father and the book.
The thing was, Albert didn't spend much time with his family anymore. Protecting the town had become a constant task so the days of guard increased.
Albert when he was with Light, the most he could do was observe and appreciate the progress with his son. Light still didn't want to show off his new melee and sword fighting techniques.
He wanted to show them to his father through actual combat, but due to his lack of time, he couldn't. Although, after those two months, things calmed down and apparently they had finally managed to eliminate the den of wild ants.
To celebrate the victory, the village chief decided to form a celebratory party and at the same time celebrate the birthday of his son, Zirion. This celebration will take place in a month and a half.
The whole town was invited, the celebration would be in the central square of the town. So it was easy to get there.
Light was not much interested in that either, his mind was on continuing to train and getting stronger. His maturity had evolved a lot, and his thoughts were deeper.
Another thing that was improving in Light was the perception of him and the memorization of things. Light was able to grasp various things from the books much better that he previously didn't understand well, and he could memorize the movements that were in the book with a few reviews.
One afternoon, Light was meditating to continue solidifying his mana core. Light was very comfortable with his progress on things. While it had been said that the body would begin to extract mana at the age of 5, Light was an exception.
Because his level of consciousness was already high, and that he had the teaching of a book. Light reduced the mana extraction enough that his body would not take damage from overcharging.
Also, thanks to the training his father gave him to exercise his body, he felt better and better and the extraction of mana increased. Now, Light was a little taller than a 5-year-old boy and his body was well defined and strong for his age.
Because of that, he made it easier for her and he could give it his all in the absorption.
Every act and training of Light filled every gap in his training. Albert began to teach his son because he knew that his level of consciousness and learning were very good.
He also thought that if it happened that his son could not be a magician, at least he would be well instructed and familiar with fighting and sword, so he would have a good future as a warrior or guard.
Regardless of how it would be in the future, Albert always had that feeling that his son would undoubtedly be someone and that his destiny was not going to be taking care of a distant town.
Thinking about that, he remembered when Goddess Alkana mentioned something that his fate could not be avoided. They interpreted it as a good future for his son.
Light, as always, woke up early the next day and went down to the kitchen, his father told him that today he would train personally with him and Light was excited. At last he could teach her his new moves and new sword techniques.
When father and son were already in the yard, Albert told him about something that finally caught his attention a bit.
"Zirion decided that on the day of celebration, a small friendly fight would take place between the guards."
"So what? Said Light. I'm still small, besides, I doubt that this fight includes me".
"Actually, we agreed that our children who are more capable and who have a good training, could participate as well".
Albert, seeing that his son had finally shown interest, smiled and kept saying.
"There are 10 and 12-year-olds who have good training, plus some of them are well dedicated, since they are aspiring town guards. I of course signed you up in that fight".
"Did you tell Mom about that?" Said Light as he raised an eyebrow and smiled in a mischievous way.
Albert just grimaced and smirked.
"Don't worry, the winner will win a prize, I doubt you won't be interested in something like that."
Light laughed at his father's gesture and comment and then asked.
"What kind of award will it be?"
"I really don't know, Zirion said it would be a surprise."
The two after diverting the conversation and agreeing to participate, began to practice.
Light decided not to show his new abilities, he wanted not only to surprise his father, he would take the opportunity to amaze everyone. After all, he wanted to be known across the continent, why not start with his little town?
Also, he wanted to experience the feeling of being the center of attention. Speaking of attention, Light couldn't help but think of Helleans.
"Father, will Zirion's son participate as well?"
"I don't know either, but maybe I will."
After the morning workout, Light moved on to his afternoon routine. Form the core of mana from him.
Light occasionally continued to meditate after dinner until late in the morning. Today was one of those nights. Wanting to improve was also one of his resolutions that were born over time.
Many emotions, thoughts and ideologies were born and grew with the passage, so Light always learned a new feeling, and thanks to his mother, he could know and later understand the meaning.
As always, Light thanked his parents for the teachings and also thanked Goddess Alkana for giving him the talent that he had. If he weren't for his parents witnessing the scene, Light wouldn't have believed in something like that.
But things were different, he never complained about his parents and what they thought, so he accepted the fact that a Goddess had blessed him.
Time passed and he was only a day away from the festival. The town that day was active and preparations to decorate the plaza were being carried out.
Light's mother volunteered to make the food and desserts with other mothers for the festival.
Albert along with a squad of guards watched over the town and the fields to verify that everything was okay. Villagers who were sick were calling on Susan to heal them to be ready for the celebration.
All the members of his family were busy the day before the festival, so Light decided to stay at his house and relax for a while. He wanted to spend his day preparing his mind since he had never attended such a large celebration.
His parents did not hesitate to leave him alone, how to worry about leaving his son alone in the house when the boy even knew how to use a sword?
Light spent his day on the patio watching the hares run and the birds fly in the sky so quietly. A very relaxing day for the child.
The day of the celebration had arrived. Light's mother was in the living room, buttoning her son's shirt. Light was dressed in a white dress shirt, beige dress pants, and black shoes.
Very elegant the boy for a night where he was going to fight. Surely his father hadn't said anything to his mother. A worrying smile crossed the young man's face.
His mother was wearing the dress that Susan had given her last year, and his body was adorned with the jewels that he and his father had given her. Ailyn also had her hair tied up so she made her earrings stand out more.
Albert was dressed a bit smart, he was prepared in case his wife became furious and violent during the night.
Susan was also well dressed. When everyone was ready, they left for the town square. When they arrived, Light saw many people. Despite the fact that the town was small, its inhabitants were quite large.
The square was bustling, and several vendors took the opportunity to sell things like toys, jewelry, and food.
Light saw everything so striking and incredible that it was impossible not to be amazed. After a while, Light's parents and his son with Susan, had reached a place in the square where there were many chairs and tables adorned with food.
In that place were the village chief, Zirion and his family.
When they got there, everyone greeted each other and then Light's parents introduced him to the people. There were still people who did not know Light personally, so today was the time for them to do so.
Light noticed an old man on a large wooden chair, his appearance was gray hair, slightly dull blue eyes and wrinkled grayish skin.
Next to the old man there was also another old woman with the same characteristics. According to Light's parents, they were Zirion's parents, and the old man was the head of the village. Light greeted them appropriately.
"Greetings, sir, ma'am, I hope you are having a rewarding evening."
"What good manners the child has," the old woman congratulated, a little flattered that the child called her ma'am. My name Samantha, I hope you enjoy the evening with the other children.
Light just ignored that part and went back to his parents. Light definitely did not feel on the level of a child his age. It is not that the little one despises them, it is that with Light's level of maturity, he doubts that another child can understand him.
"They told me you're only 4 years old, and look at you, you don't seem that old," the village chief laughed in a good way. Your father must be training you well, whenever he can, he shows off how good you are. Hope to see you in action tonight, kid.
"Open something at night apart from the celebration?" Ailyn's question was cold and worrying, as if she was upset.
Albert noticed the tone with which his wife spoke and when he was about to change the subject, Zecky suddenly arrived and spoke.
"Sure, there will be a little friendly fight tonight." Your son was enrolled in the fight for your husband, presuming that he would sweep everyone away, that Alby didn't tell you?
When Zecky finished speaking, a cold look was threatening him, when the blacksmith turned around, Albert gave off a murderous intention. All Zecky could say was, "a," as his gaze froze.
Ailyn squeezed Zecky's shoulder tightly and said:
"Oh yeah? Honey, you didn't mention any of that, did you?" Ailyn's tone was threatening.
Light just let out a sigh and stepped out of the way. A concerned Albert tried to calm his beloved while he convinced her that everything was going to be alright.
"Also, love, there is a good prize at the end."
"Well, if so, it will be worth it then," Ailyn replied as she smiled kindly and looked at her little one.
Light at that moment felt an enormous pressure and responsibility, he could only wrinkle his face as he smiled at his mother.
The rest of the people present just laughed, the scene formed a moment ago was unique.
"Well, within two hours the tournament will take place, the prize will be a 50% discount for any purchase made in the town, in addition to winning a weapon and 5 silver coins".
Zirion had finally revealed the award and was undoubtedly tempted. One winner could take it all. The 50% discount was good, the weapon was definitely a good prize not to mention 5 silver coins.
The monetary system was based on bronze, silver, gold and white gold coins. 10 bronze coins made a silver coin, 10 silver made a gold coin, and 10 gold coins made a white gold coin.
The most used currency in the town was the bronze one, and very few silver, that is why the silver coins were of good value.
The sword was also very useful, because the fight would be of men, that one win a good sword or another type of weapon, it was tempting.