Laura volunteered to go for the morning tour and lectures Tom and Tate wanted to go for with the best friends while Sawyer stayed behind to do absolutely anything else. Which just ended up being him reading up on all that he’d missed in his classes the day before thanks to them. In the space of less than twenty four hours, they had managed to make silence feel like the best thing in the world even though he’s not quite sure he’s ever taken advantage of it.
The peace and quiet ended at two in the afternoon when their laughter carried from the corridor into the room more than ten seconds before they entered. The two who left to meet Laura outside returned with four guests. Noelle, Otto, Reed and Laura trooped in in front of them. “… If you had been there, you would be rolling.” Reed said, looking back at the best friends.
“How did they get out of it then?” Tom asked, eager to hear the end of this story that had them laughing so loud.