Chapter 55: Death of a genius

After the Raikage finished his clumsy speech about the village and its history, the children were led to a training ground.

Before letting go of Hachiro's hand, Hinata clenched her little fist and said with an excited smile,

"Dad, I'll take first place!"

Hinata hadn't changed much from the original book, his initial fears were for naught.

Aside from a little more confidence, she was still that gentle girl that was nervous when meeting others.

He crouched down and gave her a bright smile.

"Well then Hinata, Dad will cheer you on! You can do this!"

He reached out his hand and ruffled her head.

Apparently, because he had offhandedly mentioned to Samui, he liked Hinata having longer hair, she agreed and insisted on growing it out.

As such, although, she was young her hair stretched all the way down her back.


Hinata squinted her eyes comfortably and purred like a cat.

In comparison, Konoha's opening ceremony was much more exciting for the children.

"When the tree leaves dance,

One shall find flames.

The fire's shadow will illuminate the village,

And once again, tree leaves shall bud anew."

"This is... the will of Fire!"

Standing on the podium as the star of the show, Sarutobi Hiruzen repeated his 50 year old pyramid scheme.

If Tutai knew, he would cry.

I work hard every year thinking of trying to improve and make it easier for Lord Raikage to remember!

And you just play the same thing on repeat like a broken recorder and somehow brainwash every idiot that listens.

Fugaku stood behind his youngest son, Sasuke in the entrance ceremony, he whispered quietly,

"It's fine to listen, but don't take it seriously."

Sasuke looked up at him with a confused expression on his immature face.

Originally, his father had planned to attend Itachi's inauguration ceremony for joining the Anbu.

But Itachi requested his father to look after and make sure his younger brother fit in at school instead.

Sasuke felt a little guilty and grateful.

He vowed to himself to become an honourable ninja like his brother.

Behind Sasuke, was a yellow haired gremlin without company.

He had no parents and sat alone on the swing.

The blonde brat wasn't listening to Hiruzen's speech but cast his eyes up at the Rock sculpture of the Fourth Hokage.

He though back to a few months ago, when a kind big brother and elder sister, gave him money and said,

"You look quite alike to the Fourth Hokage."

He knew the Fourth Hokage was a hero that saved the village from danger.

So did that big brother mean, he was going to be a hero too someday?

That thought made him happy, some people believed that he could realise his dream.

Even if he felt lonely, he had to do his best to become recognised as the next Hokage...

A few months later.

Student name: Hinata Raiden

Year placement,

Theory: 1/50

Physique: 1/50

Ninjutsu: 1/50

On a road leading to their house, Hachiro looked at Hinata's report card.

Number one in everything?

He looked up at Hinata, she was fidgeting with her hair and keeping her head down.

Even if he couldn't see her expression, he knew that this is one of those, 'Praise me!' moment's.

"Hinata sure is the best student, I know. She managed to get number one in everything!"

Hinata giggled and looked up at him with a bright smile.

"Hinata has worked hard. You can have the final say when it comes to dinner today."

Samui showed a rare smile, she gave Hinata a few headpats.

Suddenly, a ninja in Anbu attire interrupted them and asked for Hachiro.

The Anbu wore a very unique mask, they were an Anbu team leader, codenamed Sukōchi.

Her real name was Pakura.

Pakura said quietly so that the child couldn't hear her.

"An officer from the frontline, just returned information that they believe Shisui Uchiha is dead."

It's so bad already? I guess I should have been keeping more tabs on them.

Hachiro turned his head to his family,

"Sorry Hinata, I won't be back for dinner. How does tomorrow sound? I'll bring you to your favourite restaurant if you want."

Noticing that the Anbu didn't wait till he was free, Samui realised that something serious was happening.

Without saying much, she nodded and said "Be careful."

Hinata, although, disappointed. Agreed and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

He summoned a shadow clone and told it to entertain them before leaving.

"Wait a second... how come the bloodline limit users are all female..."

Taking note of the familiar and bizarre looking hair, she knew who was behind the mask.

Hinata, Terumi Mei and Pakura.

Three female bloodline limits.

Very suspicious...

Hachiro would cry injustice if he knew. What about Haku and Kimimaro?

You can't just conveniently forget about them!

Inside Raikage's office.

"He died?! How?!"

Listening to the Anbu's report, Killer Bee and Yugito were shocked.

The sharingan was their greatest weakness, one that could not be made up.

The Tailed beasts in their bodies could dispel 99% of illusions in the world of Shinobi.

But Shisui Uchiha and his mangekyo were part of that 1% that was effective.

The death of their nemesis, that they had never met, made them all too happy.

"According to a more recent report, it was suicide. We couldn't investigate any deeper than that without being found out."

Mei was present as well, she lamented.

"So the curse of Konoha continues."

Now, Sakumo Hatake would have a companion in the afterlife.

Hachiro said,

"The majority of geniuses in Konoha die by their own comrades hands."