Chapter 56: Seeds of prejudice

Tutai gave his opinion,

"It doesn't matter how Shisui Uchiha died, its good for us no matter how his end came about."

"I was worried that he would grow to become a living counter to our Jinchuriki. However, isn't Itachi Uchiha still alive? He's on the same level and another worry for us."

"According to what Hachiro saw in the chunin exams, he's likely going to be a Kage-level ninja specialising in genjutsu."

The vulnerability created by her tailed beast made Yugito quite afraid of the sharingan.

Pakura and Mei had seen how troublesome he was when they had took the Chunin exam.

Hachiro said vaguely,

"He won't be a threat for now. We can be as passive as we want in the current situation."

Tutai pressed,

"Do you have any ideas?"

They still remembered when he said Shisui had little time to live.

That's why they suspected he had done something to set the elders in Konoha against Shisui.


Upon seeing that Tutai was still looking at dubiously, he said.

"I really don't. It's just the seeds of prejudice set by Tobirama taking effect."

Soon the night of the Uchiha Massacre will take place.

He didn't have much interest in participating as a third party.

He had snooped around a little and found out that Kumo at the moment didn't have the necessary technology or medical skills to implant sharingans.

He didn't want anyone in Kumo half-assing the transplantation and ending up like Danzo.

It might also encourage the village to start developing a method to steal Kekkai genkai like the Chimera technique created by Hiruko.

If that happened Haku, Kimimaro, Mei and Hinata would have a permanent target on their backs.

All in all, he was better staying in the village to train himself.

The discussion ended shortly after Hachiro expressed his lack of interest of the events in Konoha.

The conclusion they reached was to continue having their spies monitor the movements of the Leaf and Uchiha.

After leaving, Hachiro went to go find Terumi Mei.

Recently, Mei had done a few missions and got herself a house.

Right now, they sat beside each other on the roof under the starry sky.

From time to time, you could hear the voice of two people exercising intensely.

Pakura had sat on a nearby tree for over 5 minutes wondering if they planned on ending any time soon.

She was a little impatient because the intelligence was important.

She shouted,

"Mr. Raiden... I have something to report!"

She couldn't help but look away when she saw the faint traces of kissing marks along his neck.

She took out a scroll from the ninja bag on her waist and said quietly,

"Ehm- it's an urgent message from Hyuga Hiashi..."


He responded and opened the scroll to take a closer look.

The spies in the cloud had only been able to infiltrate Konoha so deeply because of the Hyuga clan's assistance.


He sighed as he couldn't believe the way things had progressed.

He gave a Pakura a glance and an order.

"Go and inform everyone to gather in the meeting room. I'll be there later."

"Yes, sir!"

She forced some extra chakra into her Body Flicker in a hurry.

She heard a kind reminder.

"Also, just come up and ask next time. I think Mei might have something for exhibitionism, she started moaning even louder than usual after you arrived."

She lost her balance and almost Flickered into a tree.