Chapter 59: The loyal Hyuga clan!

Hiashi was sending shots towards Hiruzen.

He was feeling quite stressed with the chaos going on lately, he understood why both Kumogakure and the elders wanted the Uchiha dead.

For Hiruzen, it was because the Uchiha were 'untrustworthy' and a clan that didn't care about his position of Hokage.

The Uchiha was a clan that opposed them frequently compared to others, without them the elders wouldn't have to be careful of slipping up.

They were more trouble alive than dead, that's what the elders thought.

One thing, they were forgetting was that the Uchiha clan was a major deterrence to other countries.

Reason why the Cloud was so cautious? They were afraid of another mangekyo sharingan.

If their two perfect jinchuriki was immobilized, they wouldn't have enough assurance to protect themselves, nevermind, win the war.

Iwagakure's tsuchikage was traumatized after a run in with Madara and thus was never too invested in the wars up to now.

For the sand, it was not something they could brush aside lightly.

And lastly for the Mist, it would be horrible if their jinchuriki and Mizukage was knocked out altogether.

It would create a vacuum in the village and would cause even more blood to be spilled.

Personally, Hiashi was fine with the Uchiha's destruction. Worst comes worst, he could lead the Hyuga clan into defecting to the cloud. But for now, if the Uchiha were gone, they could claim to be 'Konoha's No.1 Clan' and no one would object to it.

Well, at least for a while...

Hiruzen would probably realise that the political power of the Hyuga clan had rose and try to confiscate it through legal means, because he couldn't be trusted to wield that power 'fairly'.

Even, if he wasn't the brightest in the head. He wouldn't let someone possess the power to threaten him so freely.

After the Uchiha's demise, the Hyuga could be next.

That's why he wanted to raise the value the Hyuga held.

Although, Hiruzen didn't like the disrespect. He had something more important to worry about.

He brushed it off and smiled,

"Haha~ Hiashi, I'm glad your loyalty still lies with Konoha. Since, Fugaku has asked to join forces, I'm sure you know some of the more intricate details in their plan, right?"

Konoha could easily suppress to Uchiha in terms of combat power, but it would be disastrous if this escalated into a matter between villages.

Therefore, if he could get some more insight on how the Uchiha plan to implement their rebellion, he could crush them before any enemy nation even begins to consider launching an attack.

"Of course, I came here with the interest of Konoha and the Hyuga clan in mind."

The Cloud's plan was to let Konoha and the Uchiha loose and watch them slaughter each other. It wouldn't be too hard to steal a few sharingan when it got messy.

The Hyuga would probably be excluded from the counterattack to avoid them getting credit.

The elders will most likely try to hog it all for themselves.

The Uchiha's plan had three parts to it.

The first step was rather obvious, hide the old or weak women and children inside the Naka shrine.

Since, the shrine was the Uchiha's secret meeting place, it was the best option they had.

Secondly, all ninja's above chunin-level, lead by the Patriarch would attack the Hokage's residence at night.

Lastly, the genin of their clan would use the ensuring chaos to sneakily capture the Nine Tails Jinchuriki.

Then, they would bring him back to the shrine where they would use their sharingan to launch a combination jutsu and order the Kyubi to launch an attack like the Nine Tails Dis isaster.

Through, Hiashi, the elders gained the information they needed and prepared a counterattack.

Their finalized plan looked something like this.

They would mobilise both, Anbu and Root to encircle and suppress the Uchiha's main force which would be knocking on their doorstep any time soon.

The genin who wanted to capture Naruto Uzumaki would have a face down with the Shimura and Sarutobi clan's.

Hopefully, everything would go smoothly and the Uchiha wiped out.

And when they said wiped out, they mean completely an

The remaining women and children who weren't participating...

"We will leave the Naka shrine to you."

Danzo said coldly to the Anbu ninja that they had just called in.

Itachi Uchiha, trembled with a forehead covered in cold sweat.

"Those old women and weak children..."

"When they grow up they will cling to vengeance and become embodiments of hatred. They will become seeds that nurture darkness, that darkness will grow and eventually drive them insane destroying everything around them."

Koharu added with a stone face, "The merciful thing to do, is to kill them and rid them of that burden."

Itachi didn't give up and tried to think of a solid argument.

But only to find, he couldn't come up with anything convincing on such short notice.

Homura disliked this back and forth and lit a fire under him.

"Even if you don't do it, we can do it for you. If you at least, do what we ask of you, we can fulfil that request you pushed forward previously."

Itachi's only plee to the Hokage and his confidants, was for his younger brother Sasuke to be spared and guaranteed a safe and happy life.

The Uchiha dropped his head and agreed silently.

After he left, the group of elders began a new round of conversation.

Homaru said with a smile from relief,

"It's a blessing that the Hyuga clan is still loyal to the village. If Patriarch Hiashi had let that incident from a few years ago affect his judgement, we would have been in trouble."

Danzo huffed in response,

"They can't be trusted! After we're done with the red eyed freaks, we'll deal with then next."

Hiruzen chided, "Shut up, Danzo! If we push the Hyuga out of the village like the Uchiha, then we will have to pay for some serious consequences!"

Although, they were fine with losing the Uchiha, the Hyuga clan was vital on the battlefield, and even moreso after the Uchiha clan was about to be slaughtered.

The Shimura, gave a snort at his proposal being shot down.