Chapter 68: Hinata taking a big step

The day after the chaotic events from yesterday went down, Hiruzen summoned the clan leaders of the village for an important and urgent meeting.

Everyone present was astonished when the old man announced that last night, Itachi Uchiha, slaughtered his entire clan, leaving only Sasuke Uchiha alive.

They also designated him as an S-rank rebel on the Leaf's bingo book.

The only good news was that due to Root failing to stop the mass murderer, their leader Danzo Shimura had been revoked of all his power.

Most of the ninja from Root would retire and the rest would join the Anbu.

It was to be implemented immediately.


After the series of shocking announcements, the sound disappeared completely.

To an average villager, nothing would seem wrong at first glance.

But any ninja with enough information could easily deduce that there was something very wrong with their village leaders decisions.

There was so many loopholes that it held no credibility.

First and foremost, Itachi Uchiha had no such ability.

To slaughter hundreds of Jonin, and nearly a thousand other people that had some degree of ninja training was practically impossible for one man.

Even if he was the genius of the prestigious Uchiha clan, at 11 years old, there was no way he would have enough time and energy to kill them all. And that was without missing a single Uchiha besides his brother.

Secondly, the Hokage had coincidentally imposed a curfew as if he knew what was going to happen.

What creeped them out, was that two of the only people that could and frequently did oppose him disappeared.

Both the Uchiha and Danzo. In this incident, the Third Hokage came out on top by miles ahead.

The Sarutobi clan was 'temporially' taking command of the police force and many of the Root ninja would soon join the Anbu.

Somehow, he came out as the only benefactor in this situation. There was no way that was a coincidence.

However, no one wanted to risk being the next one stripped of power and didn't oppose the decision.

They also represented not only themselves but their clans, even if not for themselves they couldn't afford to antagonise the Hokage and his faction.

Otherwise, they could be the next Uchiha clan.

Nevertheless, one thing, everyone present in the room overlooked was that Konoha's military strength had dropped heavily after this incident.

Well, aside from the Hyuga patriarch at least.

After getting home, Hiashi picked up a pen and wrote to Kumogakure–

"As of right now, the Hokage is holding all the political power. It seems quite peaceful on the surface, but everyone is secretly panicking..."

The village, hidden in the clouds.

In the meeting room.

The Raikage's deputy, stood at the end of the long rectangular table with a data board in his hands.

He had a layer of gauze wrapped around his left eye as he reported,

"In this operation, we acquired 46 pairs of sharingan. Among those 7 have three tomoe, 15 have two tomoe and the rest are one tomoe."(I call BS)

Hachiro said,

"We're keeping this as a village secret so put measures in place to prevent those below from finding out."

After a short pause, Hachiro continued,

"There's countless idiots who will want a sharingan transplant, but two conditions must be met. The first is that they should have at least one S-rank mission under their belt and a body compatible with the sharingan. According to the information the Research Department presented us with, we've figured out that those with good talent or a bloodline have higher compatibility, keep that in mind."

The few people present at the meeting nodded in agreement.

Darui squinted at Genkei's left eye and asked,

"How does your new eye feel."

Genkai touched the gauze around his left eye and said emotionally,

"I haven't really gotten used to it yet, but I kind of feel jealous with how good it is at memorising things. One glance at the report and I knew it off by heart."

Genkai said regretfully,

"Although, it is annoying having your chakra drained 24/7. I almost wish I was born of Uchiha descent now."

"How about we rename the village? We'll be having lots of red eyed cyclops walking around, I wonder how great of a reputation we'll hold then."

Hachiro smirk and mocked,

"Oh, shut up. We won't really hand them out so carelessly."

The Fourth Raikage laughed to himself silently before asking,

"So, what's next? You got any plans?"

"Yeah, life plans."

Hachiro got up and walked over to the door,

He turned around and said,

"And maybe a few diabolical ones that involve crushing Konoha. But life plans first, I've got a daughter to look after."

Hearing the first half of his sentence they felt eager at the thought.

They had made some serious advances in the last decade on their dream of becoming number one.

Maybe, just hopefully, they would live to see the day where that mutual dream was realised...



The Island turtle, training ground.

Hinata had been going to the ninja academy in the cloud for several months.

Today, she was taking a big step forward in her life.

She took a deep breath as an invisible chakra flowed out off her body.

Like a hurricane it caused her hair and clothes to flutter wildly.

"Try to restrain some of your chakra before slowly releasing it as lightning attribute chakra."

Hachiro was guiding her from the side.

She grinded her teeth as her cute face oozed out cold sweat.


Wild, out of control, spasmed in the air and lit her skin with a purple hue.

Samui, Atsui and Mabui witnessing this scene were completely dumbfounded.

That looked similar to the Lightning Style Chakra Mode.

Although, it was rough and merely a prototype of the refined version, this little girl was merely 6 years old.

Don't tell me that the Raikage is going to lose that bet he made three years ago.

She has over 7 years to learn the hell stab technique and if she keeps up her current pace, she should have it down in no time!

"Good job, Hinata! That was astonishing. I'm sure your uncle, will be afraid at the mere mention of your name now."

Hachiro hugged Hinata and took a sweat towel and wiped her head a few times with it.

"Dad, stop it. It's uncomfortable."

Hinata's face flushed as she tried to escape his arms reach.

"Look at her! Thanks to you, she's learning to rebel 10 years too early!"

Samui slapped Atsui on the back of his head with an expression of hatred.

Atsui secretly grieved and cursed her.

Then he thought about how amazing Hinata was, she seemed just as talented as his brother-in-law, even though they didn't come from the same bloodline.

Suddenly, as if struck by thunder, Atsui had a moment of inspiration.

Bloodline Limit?

"Ehm... Excuse me, brother Iaw~"

A sly smirk appeared on Atsui's face as he tapped Hachiro's shoulder.

He gave an innocent smile and said while beaming at him,

"I heard from sister-in-law you seized some sharingan, right?"