Chapter 69: The time is ripe.


In Kirigakure, the Mizukage's office.

"I only managed to get four pairs from the Uchiha genin. They're all single tomoe. The rest were taken away by that Kumogakure ninja, Hachiro Raiden."

White Zetsu wriggled his body about and took out a couple of bloody eyes.

He handed them to Obito, who was sitting in the Mizukage's chair.

Due to outside intervention he didn't manage to get as many Sharingan as in the original.

These four pairs came from the Genin, who tried to kidnap Naruto Uzumaki.

"Only one tomoe? These are going to be a pain to use. Oh, well."

Obito wasn't the slightest bit pleased but since, they could use Izanagi all the same it would work.

It didn't how strong the sharingan were, higher levels may allow you to have a greater affect on reality, but what really mattered to him was the extra lives they would bring him.

With four pairs, he had a total of 8. And with his current one that was 9. Maybe, he could pretend to be a humanoid cat now?

"We have enough people to start capturing the tailed beasts. We could also expand while we're at it. Should we begin with our plans?"

Zetsu asked tilting his head to the side.

In response to his question a half White and Black Zetsu emerged half emerged from the floor and said,

"No, not now."

"That bastard, Orochimaru tried to take Itachi's eyes. After failing, he ran off. Now, we have an extra vacancy."

Obito said emotionlessly,

"Maybe it's for the best. Orochimaru has never offered to help the organisation from the beginning."

"Just keep searching for new members."

The White Zetsu smiled strangely and murmered,

"By the way, we can confirm that Hachiro Raiden knows your true identity, Obito~"

"Should we do something about him?"

Black Zetsu answered by saying,

"No, I don't think we have to worry much. He probably has some special ability like Mito Uzumaki's eye of Kagura technique. We snuck around some high-ranking shinobi from Kumogakure and they failed to find us."

"You don't need to worry about me. I can make my own decisions."

Obito waved his hand around like a spoiled brat.



A few days later, in the Cloud's hospital for ninja


Atsui walked out of the building with a smirk, and a gauze wrapped around his left eye.

Samui noticing how smug her stupid brother looked, gave him a kick on the shin.

"Thank you, sister!"

Despite being bullied by her, he smiled back.

Originally, he wasn't qualified for the Sharingan transplantation by a long shot. The reason he managed to get a letter of consent was because his brother-in-law helped him out.

He didn't help out for free though, apparently he made his sister agree to a condition.


Samui snorted and looked away.

"By the way, sister, what did you have to promise brother in law in order for him to help me?"

On the way home, he asked a mix out of curiousity and gratitude.

He had to make sure he repaid her for her help.

His question caused Samui to remember something she wish she hadn't.

At first, Hachiro wasn't too keen to agree. Not because he was against going through the back door, but because his talent as a ninja was extremely mediocre.

Even if he got the sharingan, it wouldn't help all that much.

After a quick discussion with Samui, he said he would agree to the Sharingan transplantation if she fulfilled a condition.

Just remembering it caused her to go beet red.

She looked him dead in the eye before raising her leg.


"I didn't say anything wrong?!"

Atsui's gratitude disappeared along with that painful kick.



Nearly, half a month had passed since the Uchiha genocide.

In this period of time, realising that they had lost a large portion of their combat power. Konoha had tried to conceal the news.

They had lost a major deterrence so if they could keep the matter a secret, it may put off another war or two.

Unfortunately, they realised too late.

In that half a month, the news riled the ninja world up faster than a torpedo's detonation in a calm lake.

The Uchiha's annihilation caused waves to rise throughout every nation.

Now, the two major founders of Konoha had been exterminated aside from one individual each.

Some countries started to show hostility against the Land of Fire and made strange movements.

Thankfully, Hiruzen had already prepared after realising his blunder and stationed a defensive line along the border preventing foreign enemies from entering easily.

The other major ninja villages didn't try to make any moves against Konoha, perhaps because they hadn't recovered from their old wounds or they were waiting for an opportunity.

54 years after the establishment of Konoha, the Uchiha genocide took place two years earlier than in the original.

The military strength of Konoha had hit an all-time-low in their long history.

Until six years later, which will signal the start of Shippuden, Konoha will not regain anymore meat.

All countries and village would enjoy a period of peace until it truly begun.

New generations from each village were growing up in this seemingly peaceful era.

Time fly by, following a five year period the World remained calm.

Nothing too alarming occured.

The chunin exams organised by Konoha, Kumo and Suna continued being conducted in a rotation.

Last year was Kumogakure's turn.

And now, they were at the beginning of the cycle again. The next exam would be help in Konoha.

Silently, the Shinobi from the cloud improved their strength and gained a certain degree of control over the sharingan they got from the Uchiha clan.

Pakura and Izumi were also promoted during this time after proving their ability and loyalty to the Cloud.

Unknowingly, the cloud slowly developed and prepared for the future.

Hinata had been receiving focused guidance from Hachiro and improved exponentially, not one of her peers could keep up with the Ludacris speed she got stronger at.

Additionally, a small village called 'Otogakure' was established, they revealed a strength surpassing its competitors and quickly expanded becoming a well known ninja village after the major five.