Chapter 82: Neji Hyuga VS Hinata Raiden

The central tower in the Forest of Death.

Hachiro, Baki and Kurenai moved towards the central tower via a secret passage that was normally closed off.

The teams sent by the Sand and Cloud had completed the exam a few days earlier than the deadline, as such the leaders would have to entertain and occupy the genin for a couple of days before the next segment of the exam started.

Kurenai was coming, half to monitor Hachiro and half to encourage her team after Kiba threw a temper tantrum.

Hachiro, of course took pleasure in her suffering and gloated upon learning that the poor team under her, had the fortunate chance to encounter his genin team.

"Hehe~ Miss Yuhi, I think I'm better at training genin than you~"

Apparently, Kimimaro had soloed all three himself, it ended up casting a psychological shadow on the poor dog owner.

Kurenai gave a 'Hmph!' and said,

"It's just one fight. Stop getting so proud."

After spending a period of time pacifying Kiba, she sent the Leaf trio back to the Forest, as they hopped with renewed vigour.

Unfortunately, they only had three days to collect two scrolls and without a protagonist's halo that was going to be a hard task.

Hachiro gave his genin team, a grin and said,

"Nice job. How about a treat? You decide."

Haku and Hinata smiled excitedly while Kimimaro gave a small nod.



After leaving the Forest of Death, they went to the Yakiniku Q.

Soon, they finished their meals and went back to walking on the streets of Konoha.

Haku wanted to go explore this new village, he found himself in and make a new friend or two.

Hachiro gave him a few rules and instructions before giving him some pocket change and his shinobi ID.

Kimimaro lost interest after memorising the layout of the village and went back to the hotel to train some more.

Mainly, chakra control training, his terminal illness forced him to avoid unnecessary movement and physical activity as possible.

Hinata didn't have any concerns and would much rather follow her father around like a puppy.

Hachiro looked at her inquisitively, Hinata was telling him about the 'strange gaze' she was feeling in the Forest.

"That's... weird."

He couldn't think of anyone strong enough and with reason to observe Hinata without being found out themselves.

Orochimaru or White Zetsu, maybe? I'll make sure, they die painfully if it is them.

He closed his eyes and expanded his perception to the maximum around Konoha village, and carefully looked through every nook and cranny.

He frowned, he could not find any peculiar or familiar chakra signature.

He wasn't a dense anime protagonist that would chalk it up to an 'Illusion'.

That would be so cliche, its not even funny.

He said to ease her worries,

"Don't worry about it. I'll find out what it is sooner and later."

Hinata cutely swung her head up and down, to give an exaggerated nod.


She then thought of something, since her mom, and big sisters weren't here, could she finally get to play with her dad all by herself.

They were rude and never let her join in on the fun, but now she had a full month and three days.

She could make a full schedule of fun!

The Inazuka's kennels~, the top of the mountain beside Konoha, the valley of the end and so much more!

Hinata felt excitement course through her.

Hachiro patted her on the shoulder and pointed to a nearby lake.

"Look, goldfish!"

Facing his interest, she felt puzzled.

Why should I watch a goldfish swim? They don't look so amazing.



Three days later.

After, being led to numerous tourist spots and locations by Hinata, it was finally time to make their way towards the final exam site, to the young girls dismay.

The dozen other candidates stood gathered in the center of the venue.

Their jonin leaders stood on the either sides of the stands, as they occasionally encourage their students.

Unfortunately enough, for Kurenai's genin team. Getting the two necessary scrolls in the little time they had been allotted, proved to be a hard task, they failed.

However, they had somehow managed to convince the higher-ups to the red-eyed jonin and her team into the stadium so that they could watch and study the battle from the spectators stands.

Most likely, Asuma pulling some strings for the love of his life!

Soon, the Hokage arrived and Kabuto chose to abstain from the rest of the exam like in the original.

He had gotten more than enough information so staying any longer would be pointless.

Hayate announced with a pained expression.

"Due to more teams passing than our initial estimates, we will have to run a few preliminary rounds first."

"These rounds will continue until at least half of the people here are eliminated."

Sasuke on the side wanted to throw a kunai at him.

He had finally gotten to the last part of the exam with extreme pain and hard work, there was also that paedophilic snake that bit him on the neck. And now, he would have to fight with this unbearable itch for twice as long as before.

The Hokage, slowly stood up and explained the true meaning behind the exams.

That it was a way to show off and bring honour to ones own village.

He also stated that they must select the elite of the elite to participate in the finals.

After he finished his long speech, the electronic board on the side lit up.(Was that a thing?)

The hearts of many genin dropped from anxiety.

They were tiring themselves out mentally before their matches even began.

After a few seconds, the screen revealed two names...

Hinata Raiden VS Neji Hyuga.

Hachiro muttered, "F***, someone is totally, messing with these matchups."

His not so pleasant comment, drew the attention of several Jonin sitting close by.

Kurenai had learnt to adapt and that meant ignoring any and all anger-inducing opinions, he felt the need to share.

"Don't worry, I've seen worse. I'll just pretend it didn't happen."

She felt the need to take a deep breath...

Think happy thoughts...

The wrinkles and smile on Hiruzen's face didn't falter in the least.

Kakashi stared at him from the side and whispered to himself.

"He's acting quite brazenly, he must have gotten stronger since last time. Although... he was acting quite brazenly last time as well."

He blushed slightly, kissing your genin during an exam? Either your denser than a brick wall or a pervert...

Aside from Hinata and Neji, the other contestants tried to find their Jonin sensei's.

"Wow! So that big brother was so amazing!"

Stars popped out of Naruto's eyes.

Naruto looked at the two people staring daggers at each other.

"Hey look Kakashi-sensei, they have the same eyes!"

He clutched onto the railing as the expression of his sensei became complicated.

"Hmm, well, they are from the same family..."

"Family? As in the Hyuga clan?"

Sakura asked surprised.

Trying to clear her confusion, she asked,

"Isn't that girl from Kumogakure? Her surname is Raiden on the board."

Kakashi gave a heavy sigh and told her.

"It's a long story. I'll tell you later, sometime."

It was a dark spot in Konoha's history.

Many of the villages here didn't know about it and he didn't think the Hokage wanted them to know.

Sakura noticed the dull atmosphere and kept quiet.

Neji brainwashed himself to treat Hinata, as any other ninja.

No matter his opponent, he would be the last one standing...

"Let's have a fair fight, Hinata of the... Cloud."

Hinata smiled back and said,

"Okay, Neji-kun. Please take it easy on me!"


Sorry, for the late chapter. My mum has had me slaving away for her. ;-;