Chapter 83: Thunder(Magical) girl Hinata

As the examiner and referee for these battles, Hayate Gekko stood between the two at the start and announced.

"Then now, may the battle between Hinata Raiden and Neji Hyuga, begin!"

He used the Body Flicker Technique to retreat the second his hand fell, giving the two a wider space to fight.


Almost instantly, the two ninja activated their byakugan's, causing the veins around their eyes to bulge.

The nearby shinobi watched with max concentration.

A fight between two byakugan users...

Hiruzen and some of the Hyuga shinobi were more focused on Hinata.

"Even without a teacher, she has mastered the byakugan well."

Neji pranced forward with his gentle fist stance.

In response, Hinata tensed her body and prepared a fist.


Lightning coated her delicate body like a protective covering.

The gentle and kind impression, they had gotten from her became violent.

"What is that!?"

Naruto shouted in amazement, it looked scary and cool to him.

The genin around him showed drastic emotions, like fear and awe.

Kakashi became serious as he said quietly in shock.

"Lightning Chakra Mode?"

Sakura heard him and asked,

"Kakashi-sensei, what's Lightning Chakra Mode?"

Kakashi lifted his forehead protector to reveal sharingan as he said,

"It's a famed jutsu that most Raikage have."

He closely observed Hinata's chakra.

Orochimaru in his disguise as a ninja from the sound, smiled under his mask and said to himself.

"Huh, unexpectedly, the Cloud trusts a genin with this technique. Especially, one that might betray them... Although, I guess she probably has little to no feelings, for the Hyuga clan."


The snake's mask hid a terrifying smile.

"I guess I have to up my game if I want to catch more talents than you, Hachiro-kun~"


Fortunately, the mask concealed his mouth and Hinata had drawn the attention of everyone around him, otherwise, his sensei may have recognised the familiar mannerisms.

Hinata charged towards Neji like a meteor and got into the stance for a chop.


Neji's face changed dramatically at her sudden appearance.

Lightning Oppression Horizontal Chop! (Such a long name)

The spectating genin marvelled at her speed, they couldn't even see her movements.

Even Sasuke, with his two tomoe sharingan struggled to keep up with her.

The Uchiha felt cold sweat drip down his head.

So fast!

My Sharingan can barely keep up.

Kurenai's squad looked even more disheartened.

They had previously just assumed that Kimimaro was the strongest of the three and had set him as their targets.

Unfortunately, reality wasn't so kind and it turned out, their teams weren't even on the same level.

Kimimaro said dully, "Over, already?"


Guy gave a wide smile.

"Of course, not! Neji, is strong too!"


Neji took the chop to his shoulder, but endured and used the momentum to gain some distance before spinning around.

Suddenly, a thin dome made of chakra was formed around him, pushing Hinata back and stopping her advance.

The spectating shinobi showed confusion.

"Revolving Heaven?"

Someone from the branch house in the Hyuga clan learning the main families techniques was unheard of.

Noticing how Hinata was repelled, Tenten shouted excitedly,

"See? Neji is going to win!"

After, forcing his opponent back, Neji carefully looked around with his byakugan. He had a solemn expression.

He gritted his teeth and ignored the pain in his left shoulder.

He thought to himself, "This is a horrible matchup for my gentle fist. The chakra covering, will make it almost impossible to block her tenketsu points..."

Kurenai asked in wonder, "How did someone from the branch house get his hands on the Revolving Heaven? I've met the people in the main family and they are ass****'s that wouldn't ever, give away something belonging to them."

Either way, she was happy that someone representing Konoha was even stronger than what she initially thought.

Hachiro commented,

"Won't make a difference..."

Kurenai restrained herself and smiled,

"What makes you say that?"

He didn't reply but kept on watching the battle.

Hinata made maximum use of her byakugan to observe the flow of her opponents chakra and said slowly,

"That's an annoying technique."


Neji looked at her with slight frustration.

She raised her hand as the chakra slowly added layers on top of itself.

She took a deep breath before tucking in her thumb and pointing her hand towards Neji.

"Wait, seriously, she's learnt the Hell stab!"

Kakashi looked on stunned.

His team of genin looked at him curiously, unsure of what had disturbed, their always languid sensei.

"What's that?"

Guy slowly while focusing on the battle.

"The Third Riakage was known as the Strongest of Cloud Shinobi in his lifetime. That coat of chakra covering Hinata is a less mature version of his 'Strongest Shield', while that technique she is trying to use was the 'strongest spear'..."

"That technique is called the 'Hell Stab'."

"Hell stab?"

Rock Lee was surprised, as a taijutsu fanatic, he had heard about this technique from his sensei.

Kurenai said in disbelief, "Even the Raikage hasn't learnt this technique. How did someone less than 15 years old do that?"

Kakashi said, "We don't actually know if the Raikage knows it. There is simply no leaf shinobi that has managed to report him using it."

Guy shouted anxiously, "Neji, be careful and surrender, when things go bad!"

"You can't block that technique, she is trying to use!"

Tenten and Lee looked at Guy as if he was a lie.

Guy-sensei said Surrender? Are we dreaming?

Neji gave a hmph, obviously, doubting his words.

He spun rapidly and shouted,

"I want to see for myself!"

Four-Finger Hell Stab!

By shoving even more chakra onto the soles of her feet, she shot out at double her previous speed.


The 'strongest spear' cut the surface of the Revolving Heaven technique like a balloon.

There was no resistance as the rest of the dome dissipated with a hole blown in it.

Hell stab continued to advance towards Neji.

At this point, Hinata could no longer stop, even if she wanted to.