Chapter 84: Larch Dance

"First gate, Gate of Opening!"

Might Guy disregarded the rules and rushed to save Neji's life.

He didn't have the necessary time to open anymore gates, as he tried his best to stop Hinata's hell stab from reaching his student.

Tenten noticed how close her crush was to being divided in half and she covered eyes and screamed, "No!!!"


The sound of thunder halted, Hachiro appeared holding onto Hinata's wrist.

He made sure to block the chakra from reaching Neji by positioning himself in front of him.

Tenten said softly before collapsing on the ground from relief.

"Thank goodness..."

Sasuke stood stunned.


At least, he could vaguely seen afterimages of Hinata before she used the Hell stab.

But this jonin just appeared and he didn't even use a lot of chakra.

Neji fell on his butt gasping for breath.

He wheezed, as he thought about how close he was to death, seconds ago.

"Sorry, dad, I couldn't stop it."

Hinata sheepishly apologised, while rubbing a hand through her hair.

"It's alright."

Hachiro turned to the panicking Guy and said, "Mr. Guy seems fine with this outcome." (I write, Mr. Might originally, and it sounded so weird...)

Guy agreed, more concerned about Neji's well being.

"Y-Yes, of course."

After questioning him and asking if he was alright, he chucked him over his shoulder and jumped back into the stand again.

"Cough... Winner, Hinata Raiden!"

Hayate, the referee, raised his hand and announced with slight delay.

Might Guy tried to save his own student first, that was equivalent to the Hyuga genius admitting defeat.

If this happened normally, it would cause a commotion as a sensei interfering meant a breach in the rules.

But since this involved two major villages, that seemed perfectly content in pretending it never went down, the smaller ones could only agree.

Hinata happily skipped over to the stand holding onto her father's hand with little care.

Hiruzen stared at Hinata with envy.

Such a young genius that would definitely surpass the Strongest Raikage in history, the worst part was that he had voluntarily gave her away to the enemy... Just thinking about it made his skin crawl.

To have mastered the techniques which were named, the strongest spear and shield at a young age, she could possibly be a genius on the level of the First and Second Hokage.

Sasuke Uchiha VS Yoroi

The battle went no different than the original with the fodder from the Leaf.

Yoroi just sucked the essence(chakra) of Sasuke, until the curse mark tried to take over but ultimately failed.

His reward was a loving, lions barrage to the chest.

Just when Hachiro expected it too be a list following the matches from the original,

Misumi Tsurugi VS Kimimaro Kaguya

The many jonin scattered around the stands frowned remembering the surname Kaguya.

Kaguya? As in the clan with terrifying battle instincts?

"I'll beat that guy..."

The second fodder gritted his teeth bearing a grudge for something his opponent wasn't even responsible for.

Orochimaru, had ordered him to surrender any matches in which he encountered Cloud genin in.

Unfortunately, the snake overestimated his brainwashing technique and his subordinates brains.

In his eyes, Orochimaru thought he was too weak to win this match, he had absolute confidence in his abilities so like a good little boy he wanted to prove his own worth by surpassing the expectations his master had for him.

Orochimaru knit his eyebrows noticing his disobedience and looked towards his opponent.

He shrugged his shoulders and went off to observe what went wrong with the Cursed seal.

The battle was over in moments.

Misumi Tsurugi using his pirated Luffy skills, wrapped around Kimimaro immobilising him.

The spectating Inazuka whispered in fear, "That guy is dead."

Akamaru on his head gave a cute howl in agreement.

The genin beside them thought he was referring to Kimimaro as the dead one, however.

Kimimaro spat out two words emotionlessly.

"Larch Dance..."


Bones stuck out from his body turning the Sound Ninja into a bloody corpse riddled with holes.


At the sudden bloody scene, many genin screamed in fright.

"He's... dead."

Naruto hesitantly swallowed his dry saliva. ( ͝סּ ͜ʖ͡סּ)

Kakashi regretted keeping his sharingan out as he memorised the bloody scene to heart.

"He's been pierced in 27 different locations... he has no chance of survival."

To think the ninja from the cloud were so ruthless...

"That's a Kaguya alright."

Guy said solemnly.

The way, he fought that clan fought was burned into his memories.

Their enemies always ended up as a brutal bloody mess.

Rock Lee asked puzzledly, "Guy-sensei, what is the Kaguya clan?"

"It was a shinobi clan from the mist. They had terrifying taijutsu skills and were much faster than other shinobi. At times, their battle instincts and recklessness could make you wonder if everyone fight was one where their lives were on the line. However, they were annihilated by the Fourth Mizukage a few years ago."

Guy replied with worry.

Hiruzen was thinking to himself, "Where does Kumogakure get all these talents from?"

"It's so unfair, how come Kumogakure has all the geniuses..."


Good morning! :waving emoji: