Chapter 88: Your first obstacle

Not to mention how unpleasant the attitude of this Otsutsuki was, his son had even stole Hanabi's eyes and tried to force Hinata to love him.

He couldn't think of one solid reason to let them go, aside from taking their bloodline.

The dark clouds in the sky gathered together and shrouded over the clear sky.

200,000,000 volts, Sango! (Thunder fall)

All at once, they spat out thick coils of lightning raining down on the pale Otsutsuki's.

The many tourists that had gained quite a lot of distance from the street were the fight was going down, ran even faster out of fear.

Now only the nearby ninja like the group from Konoha were left.

Even though, they wielded the supernatural force called chakra, they still felt chills at this astonishing sight.

This was the first time, they had seen Lightning style of such large magnitude.

If they compared the jutsu, they were familiar with, it would be like ants and elephants.

A gap as wide as a chasm.

Sasuke was learning the chidori and saw the beautiful blue bolt smash down towards the center of the village.

He glanced between the jutsu in his hands and the one that looked like it wanted to destroy Konoha.

Wasn't the Chidori meant to be one of the strongest lightning style jutsu in Konoha!?

The veins around the eyes of the older Otsutsuki, bulged as the chakra passing through them glowed blue.

The Konoha shinobi wondered who this man with the Byakugan was.

They watched as he got into a posture similar to the gentle fist and punched forward.

Immediately afterwards, the Ōtsutsuki rihito put on a posture that was somewhat similar to the Gentle Fist method of the Hyuga family, not only visually but obviously different.

"Eighty gods Vacuum Attack!"

Chakra passed through his arm forming multiple fists in the air and colliding with the raining bolts.


The energy produced by the resulting collision released more energy than an ordinary man could every produce in his lifetime.

The shockwaves caused a mighty visual impact that caused gusts of wind.


Lee struggled to stay on the ground in his injured state.

Gradually, the wind lifted him into the air, before Guy pulled him down to earth again.

"Lee! Be careful!"

"Are they monsters?!"

Tenten screamed covering her face with her hands.

This was far above the winds created by Temari, she shuddered just imagining taking it head on.

Neji copied her actions while keeping his byakugan active to continue observing the fight.

He was going through, a lot of turmoil mentally.

"Those techniques seem so similar to Hyuga heritary techniques but are fundamentally different. Where did they come from?"



Along with the disastrous weather going on that impacted the shinobi. The infrastructure and civilians also faced consequences for being nearby the conflict as it occurred.

The Hokage ran up the stairs of his building and jumped off the roof along the top of the other houses.

On the way, to the location of the commotion, he shouted at the Anbu.

"What's going on?!"

The Anbu hurriedly replied saying,

"Hachiro Raiden from Kumogakure is fighting with an unknown shinobi around the commercial streets. We have yet to unravel the unknown assailants exact identity."

"How could you not know?! We have access to more information than a single man could read in a lifetime!"

He approached the battle field and used a vague sensing technique to find out the wreckage left behind by the foreign Shinobi and revealed an expression of shock.



"That's the technique, Kaguya, used in the Fourth Ninja War. It's strong."

Hachiro carefully analysed the information, he had obtained from their first clash.

He had his back to his enemies as he hugged, Hinata and Hanabi, close intending to protect them from the afteraffects.


Kimimaro and Haku approached in the distance as well as many shinobi from Konohagakure and spies from other villages mingling in with them.

The clan leaders tried to gather ninja from their clans while trading information on what happened.

"I need a detailed report on the situation."

"Who are those two?"

Many of them were recognisable at first glance, Hiashi Hyuga, Shikaku Nara, Inoichi Yamanaka and others.

Hachiro sat the shaking Hanabi down and noticed that she was paralysed in fear.

He gave Hinata orders, "Hurry and bring her back to her father. Afterwards, you can try to fight the boy with no eyes, be careful and look out for unconventional ways of attacking."

She promptly executed them by grabbing Hinata and partially covering her lower half in Lightning Style Chakra.

She responded, "Yes, Sir!"

With his byakugan active, the moon dweller looked down on them, he twisted his wrists trying to ease the numbing.

"Hmph. How surprising, the humans created by the Great Sage are actually kind of strong."

With thick arrogance dripping from his mouth, he said.

"But don't misunderstand. That won't save you. I shall show you true strength as you tremble before me!"

The corner of Hachiro's eye twitched as he recalled how the Straw hat's beat up the Celestial Dragons on impulse. He can see why...

", do you."

He lifted his leg in an exaggerated motion and stomped down.


Violent violet currents of electricity crawled through every corner of Konoha before seemingly disappearing. (Violent violet, violent violet)

The sound of faint humming rang out from across the entire village.

Slowly, weapons from everywhere flew out and started to congregate towards one location.

In his family's weapon shop, Tenten's father exclaimed.

"Huh? What's happeni- stop, come back!"

He jumped over the counter and tried to halt their flight by weighing them down with his body weight.

Various other people also experienced their weapons and anything metallic pull away from them.

Some of them chased after their weapons to witness them degrade into lumps of sand.

Kankuro held onto his puppet as if it was worth more than his life before it finally broke free.

He looked up to witness the formation of a giant that had iron sand for skin and lightning chakra that leaked out to hold the body together.

"Your first obstacle, in crushing me, is this giant I made. Have fun!"


Don't think I described the giant very well, I got school so I'll change it later. Also, the reveal of his ability to manipulate iron sand, doesn't really matter (The leaf are f***** anyway).



A lot of people seem bothered by the use of iron sand so should I rewrite this chapter?