Chapter 89: He died, nameless

The giant of lightning resembled a perfect Susanoo in some ways.

It had a humanoid shape with half formed wings.

Haku trembled, despite not witnessing the scene in the valley of clouds and lightning, he had heard about the giant being of lightning from other shinobi present.

"Is this the advanced version of that technique?"

Kimimaro replied with his eyebrows knit, "Seems like it, the other villages will know about Hachiro-sama's ability to manipulate iron sand now."

Haku nodded in realisation before reminding him, "What should we do about the attack? We don't know, if Hachiro-sama, can recover enough chakra before the big battle."

The other villages were now staring at the demonic being towering over them with dread.

Konoha in particular, their relationship with Kumogakure wasn't the best and more importantly, that thing was about to fight in the middle of their village!

If a battle went down, with the might of that construct, the damage to Konoha would certainly be worth hundreds of billion ryo.

What was worse, was that they couldn't demand the cloud for renumeration or that would strain their already less than favourable connection with them.

They were thankful enough, the target of this chakra packed behemoth wasn't them.

Hiruzen stopped as he got closer, the other elders hopped on over to him after noticing his presence.

The Hokage's gaze was fixated on the monstrosity with iron sand for skin.

Keyword, iron sand...

He looked at it in a daze... he started to breath heavily as the sight of his family lying dead as corpses overlapped.

He reached out... he could almost feel the touch of his dear son, Shinnosuke...

He remembered when the silly child stole his kunai to practise his throwing skills in secret, just so he could impress his father...

He recalled how proud he had been when he formally extended an invitation to join the Anbu.

His eyes got slightly watery, he snapped out of his trance and looked at the sand shinobi.

Previously, they had been the 'culprits' behind that incident, but new information had crept up in the form of a cloud shinobi controlling iron sand.

He debated between which side was more likely to benefit.

And ultimately concluded...

He didn't even want to continue down that train of thought, he was being manipulated this entire time. As if the situation couldn't get any worse, he also found out that getting revenge was a pipe dream.

The stuck up expression on the Otsutsuki froze. Even if he wasn't the brightest tool in the shed, he could understand by now that his opponent wasn't as inferior as he had been taught to believe.

He quickly barked losing all his bite,

"Toneri! Let's go!"

His courage had been sapped dry, flee-*Cough!* a tactical retreat seemed like the best option.

However, his usually attentive and obedient son didn't reply.

He felt an ominous premonition and looked around for him.


He caught sight of his son, just in time to see a hand pierce him close to the lungs.

He screamed like a pig being butchered and tried to withdraw from close quarters.

Unfortunately, his lack of battle experience, showed as he forgot this wasn't a one on one fight.

Kimimaro and Haku leapt at the chance to take a stab at his back

Haku slapped his hand on the ground as his ice sealed off any escape routes, allowing Kimimaro's to go for an easy stab at his heart.

Tomeri noticed too late and stumbled in fear, causing Kimimaro to miss and give a large cut to his arm.

Hachiro thought of something and yelled over to them.

"Try to preserve his life."

Haku and Kimimaro looked at each other awkwardly as their young opponent fainted from the pain. Obviously, not use to it.

"Damn you!!!"

The Otsutsuki father roared with a mix of heartbreak and rage.

Hachiro ignored his shouts and removed the iron skin of the giant around him.

He divided the iron sand into two uneven portions.

The smaller one took on the form of a pointy spear, he commanded it to hover in front of the purple frame as the rest of the sand chased and slowed the Otsutsuki down.

The Otsutsuki was hard to keep held down in one place, but eventually was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of iron sand in Konoha.

"If you hadn't been eyeing Hinata, you wouldn't have had to die."

Hachiro raised his hand and like his mirror image, the behemoth of lightning chakra mimicked his actions.

"Enhanced Railgun!"

With the flick of his fingers, the metal object shot forward causing rampant destruction in its path.

The beam was bright and loud causing everyone to try hide from it.

Continuous booms rang out.

Boom – boom – boom –

The continuous explosion sound, and the intense shining thunder light.

After a few moments, some of them gathered the courage to open their eyes.

The houses from the center to the west of Konoha were missing their top floors.

Although, no civilian lives were claimed in that attack, a good portion of their village was.

The unhealthily white freak had disappeared and they shivered imagining his ending.

Hachiro almost instantaneously hopped over to his three genin and asked.

"You didn't kill that kid, did you?


Sorry for the very late chapter. Things went to hell today, school dumped me with all the homework at their disposal, had a computer course I take on Wednesday's and no chapters saved up.(I should probably do that, lol.)