Chapter 90: "The moon?"

Kimimaro hurriedly replied, after forcing himself to recover from the feelings of awe.

"Ahh! Yes! Of course!"

Hachiro gave a sigh of relief.

The monstrosity held together by purple chakra fell apart without a source feeding it.

With the violent chakra fading, the iron sand flopped to the ground obeying the laws of gravity.

Hachiro floated off the ground a little to look at the damage he caused more closely.

He glanced at the nearby Hokage going through a torrent of emotions and said, "Kumogakure will compensate for the losses incurred by this attack. We will settle the details after the chunin exam."

In reality, he was just playing his cards in a way, they would believe Kumo wanted to preserve their current alliance.

They would definitely fear his great show of power and try to think of several countermeasures. Although, he didn't think they would be very effective as his weaknesses were few in number so even if they miraculously got their hands on Hinata or Haku he could just snatch them before they reacted.

As for compensation, the Leaf village would soon belong to Kumo so nothing lost there.

Plus, even without Kumogakure, the Leaf had enough riches to rebuild themselves and regain their functionality as a major village in time for the Fourth Ninja War after Pain's decimating attack.

You could doubt the wealth of anyone in the world but the Leaf.

Hachiro looked around him, he noticed a lot of ninja from Konoha and other villages in a trance, he shouted.

"The intruder is gone, everyone! Exciting battle is over, so you can all go home."

They snapped out of it and looked at each other.

Hiruzen, being the village leader walked over making his presence known.

The Konoha shinobi relaxed slightly, they felt a little safer with their Hokage nearby.

"Mr. Raiden."

"These two intruders, seem to have come for you. And... that was iron sand right?"

Hearing his rhetorical question, Homura and Koharu frowned.

Even if the murder had happened years ago, he had only cooled down enough to calmly wait for a better chance to strike. They understood that there was no chance of him giving up on revenge.

Thankfully, Hachiro didn't answer the question immediately and replied.

"Hmm~ I'm tired, we can wait until the exams take place finish, right?"

He proceeded to walk off.

Kimimaro and Haku followed along with Toneri on his back.

His answer made Hiruzen go red.

He automatically assumed the worst, and was ready to cry with how much work it would take to avenge his son.

He stood strong and tried to keep a neutral expression in hopes of preserving his image as a leader.

I can tolerate this... just like before...s-smile...

He lifted the corners of his lips into a strange looking smile

He glanced around him and told the Clan leaders around him his next orders.

"The intruders have been dealt with, we will meet in the the administration room in 20 minutes. We will discuss what we should do about the Chunin exams..."

The clan heads gave their own subordinates orders before filing into the Hokage's building.

Choza Akimichi and Inoichi Yamanaka found their best friend Shikaku approaching them.

Inoichi asked tentatively, "Do you think the cloud want conflict?"

The Nara replied with a whisper,

"I don't know, there isn't enough information. But more importantly, lord Hokage suspects that Kumogakure was actually the one behind Shinnosuke and Mrs Ako's death... they might also be the culprits behind the Scroll of sealings disappearance."

The two grew stern, they glanced around the room and checked if anyone was listening.

Shikaku comforted them knowing what they were thinking.

"Lord Hokage, is probably going to bring this up in the meeting either way, don't be afraid to try dissuade him."

They were silent for a moment before Shikaku broke the silence by entering the meeting room.

They looked at each other and shrugged before trailing behind.



In an old, abandoned training ground in Konoha.

Orochimaru currently disguised as a Sound Jonin curiously looked at this teenager anxiously trying to break free from the hold of bone spurs.

Toneri looked at the former snake sannin in fear, he stopped his helpless flailing on the tree as the approaching shinobi asked questioningly

"Otsutsuki? I managed to get my hands on evidence of their existence but the information I have on them is blurred and unrealistic. There aren't enough records to form a fact file."

Hachiro ignored his question for obvious reasons and asked what he wanted to know directly.

"That's nice, I came here for a few things."

"While I'm here can you get the location of the moon from this kid. I'm sure you've managed to get your grubby hands on the Yamanaka's techniques somehow.

No torture would be preferable, but minimal is fine as well."

Orochimaru looked at him and made his confusion clear.

"The moon?"

The moon is in the sky shining down on us at night.

What does that matter, you going to somehow fly up there?

Hachiro continued.

"Secondly, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm under the impression you studied Hashirama cells."

"If it's possible can you transplant some into the Kaguya you've met before."

He inquired inquisitively.