Chapter 91: No rush

If at all possible, Hachiro wanted to have minimal contact with Orochimaru.

However, the moon was a major location of interest to him and likely possessed relics from the era of the Sage of six paths.

Annoyingly enough, Izumi the only with genjutsu expertise struggled to put him in an illusion thanks to his chakra and lack of eyes.

On short notice, this closet pedo, was probably the best option.

Not that knowing anything about the moon would do him any good...

Secondly, as of right now, the snake was the only one with knowledge on cell transplantation that involved using cells as powerful as Hashirama's.

Hopefully, it would allow Kimimaro to at least live a normal life, he could try to convince him somehow to take up a job as an official if he was desperate enough to continue wanting to help the village.

He looked at Toneri and scratched his chin...

Maybe, Otsutsuki cells would be a better match with the Kaguya family heritage.

It might be a better idea to try them first, there is a good probability it would work better when you consider they even inherited the name of princess Kaguya.

"So, he's a pure blood descendant of the Sage of Six paths? The ancestor of chakra? This is an exciting task."

With a perverted smile, he assured Hachiro.

"Leave it to me! I'll make sure to get every. Inch. Of information..."

He gave a giggle from expectation as his scientific brain scanned the Otsutsuki eagerly.

"Alright, whatever."

Hachiro replied before turning around to walk out of the room.

"Just a moment, could I add a condition~?"

Orochimaru asked cautiously, "Unfortunately, I don't have any mind reading techniques, but I can get the general information of what you want to know. He'll become a vegetable after, so could I take his body?"

Hachiro hesitated slightly, before staring at him and responding, "You can have the corpse. Make sure you fulfil my request though."

After entering his delegated dwelling, Hachiro found the two sisters Hinata and Hanabi sleeping in the hotel room.

He got lost in thought looking at the two.

They were descendants of Hamura and had the potential to awaken the Tenseigan.

In the original, it took Otsutsuki chakra and a pure byakugan for the evolution to take place, could he somehow pull off something similar?

He wasn't sure how Madara had gone about it, but replicating what he did would be a long project.

He would have to ponder over that later, or better yet get some Kumo scientists on the case...


If I copy Madara, wouldn't Hinata have an ugly face on her chest somewhere...




Ten minutes later, Hinata with her little kitty of a sister woke up.

"Dad, what's wrong."

She looked at him concerned seeing that he was sitting on the rocking chair with bloodshot eyes that seemed to tear down the wall in front of him.

He snapped back to reality and shook his head vigorously.

With the current trend, Hinata would safely become a Kage-level ninja.

There was no real need for her to become as strong as Sasuke or Naruto.

She skipped over to him as he picked up and give her a hug.

"Dad, that hurts!"

HInata winced in pain at his squeezing.

He loosened his grip and smiled at Hanabi, who stared at them.

She shyly shook her head and hid under the bed's duvet

"Uh ah ah ah ah!!!"

Suddenly, they heard screams causing the two girls to shiver on the spot.

Hanabi whimpered while covering herself with the duvet.

"W-what's that? Did something happen?"

Damn snake.

Experimenting before he finishes the jobs I had for him, I'll make sure to give him a fist of pain when he's done.

A strange expression flashed across Hachiro's face before he replied, "Doesn't seem like it... I'm feeling hungry, how about we get something to eat?"

Hanabi jumped out and ran over excitedly shouting,

"Is uncle Hachiro going to treat us? I want fried bananas!"

Fried bananas? What?!?!

Hachiro had a deadpan expression as he looked outside a window.

"Do you like bananas?"

She cheerfully replied, nodding, regardless of his judging thoughts.

"Umu! My favourite food is banana and my favourite drink is milk!"

That is... well... unusual?..



Konoha's meeting room.

An important discussion was taking place.

Unlike past meetings that dictated Konoha's next moves, an extra frog found himself stuck in the room.

Jiraiya looked at everyone with a happy, dumb smile.

He had a general idea of the events that took place six years ago, because of the massive consequences from the spread of rumours that told both common folk and ninja alike of the ending the current Hokage's family.

Hiruzen quickly voiced his suspicions about whether the Cloud were the true culprits behind stealing the Scroll of Sealing, and most importantly the death of his son and daughter-in-law.

No one shared their own opinions after listening to his, there was a deathly silence.

The Hyuga patriarch was the first to open his mouth.

"Hokage-sama, I don't think we are in the best situation to deal with our current troubles.

Hiruzen frowned, his relationship with the Hyuga had grown distant and the patriarch rarely gave an opinion on the events taking place.

"Would you mind expanding further, Hiashi?"

Hiashi nodded and explained what he meant in detail.

"We don't possess any solid methods of getting revenge or retrieving the lost scroll. Assassinating someone of Hachiro Raiden's strength may as well be an impossible task, if we cause a war, as Jiraiya-sama has informed us, the Cloud currently have six possible kage level shinobi. Even in the best case scenario, we will lose another chunk of combat power."