Chapter 98: Pretty eyes


Sasuke felt an absurd repulsive force coming from Hinata's hand, that caused him to be swatted backwards like an annoying fly.

He tumbled in the air before smashing into the ceiling of the crowd stands.

Naruto leapt onto the railings and shouted in concern for his teammate.

"Sasuke, are you okay?!"

Not only was Sasuke caught by the invisible force, the referee Genma was also affected by it.

Thankfully, he managed to grab onto a tree with a grappling kunai before he embarrassed himself.

Neji looked on in half awe, half anger.

"She wasn't even going all out against me? What even was that anyway?"

Hizashi narrowed his white eyes and used them in conjunction with his years of knowledge to attempt an analysis.

"That was nothing like wind style or lightning style. Maybe, it's a kekkai genkai similar to Iwagakure's dust release."

Hanabi was entranced by her pretty, big sister.

"Father, look! big sis- Hinata's eyes are so beautiful!"

Hanabi's exclamation caused the Hyuga family seated next to her to notice the emergence of a bluish pattern.

Alongside, her biological clan, the spectating shinobi and civilians fell into discussion.

"I thought the Uchiha were bigshots!"

"What jutsu was that?"

"I didn't even see any hand seals."

"Huh? Doesn't her eyes look different?"

The atmosphere was filled with a many different emotions as the audience tried to unravel the mystery.

The unknown was something to fear, but it was also something to conquer.

Kakashi debated about whether to check with his sharingan but held off on that thought.

Is this the evolution of the byakugan? I wonder if it can go even further.

The sharingan's ability to evolve was well known, he knew it could go even further than the initial three stages that were public knowledge as well.

'Rasa'... no, the scientific madman known as Orochimaru was trembling in excitement.

"So... the byakugan can evolve..."

Hiruzen had a dark expression that was a mix of anger and frustration.

"Damn it, does that mean the Hyuga clan might be able to become even stronger than I thought? I should have kept a closer relationship with them."

His thoughts then took a depressing turn, "But then again, the evolution method must only be in the hands of the Cloud, otherwise I would have known about this from teacher."

How unlucky he was, all the geniuses left his hands before he could try to milk them for all they're worth.

A voice from the audience proudly said, "Hinata is a future Kage!"

Everyone looked at its source to find out it was Hachiro... meaning there was a lot of credibility to that statement.

A thunderous uproar spread among the spectators, they interpreted it as she was going to be the future Raikage.

This was something they could tell their kids when they were older.

Hachiro chuckled.

She was definitely going to be a kage, just not the Raikage...

Sasuke stood up again, the two tomoe sharingan in his eyes spun as he muttered.

"I'll have to avoid close combat for now. The next option is-"

He formed several seals with his hands before releasing a fireball with a diameter of more than five meters.

This was a jutsu the Uchiha were famed for, Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!

A frown formed on Hinata's face, she murmured to herself.

"I'm still not that great at using these eyes."

Thunder emerged and started to coat her body, instead of facing the flames head on, she leapt over them entirely

Neji's pupils dilated as he remembered back to when, he had to fight her.

She used the Lightning Style: Chakra Mode.

Sasuke recalled Kakashi's words, "So far, Hinata Raiden has demonstrated some of the strongest lightning techniques in existence. Her defense and offense are strong, you're unlikely to defeat her."

He used his sharingan to try and pick up any weak points.

He noticed that his opponent had her hand in position for a four finger hell stab.

According to his sensei, the lesser the amount of fingers, the more power there is.

"Other than chidori, I don't have any techniques that stand a chance. I'll try to end this with my next move."

He would bet on whether Chidori was really as great of a technique as his teacher made it out to be.

Sasuke jumped back before creating several seals.

Lightning chakra coated his left arm with a humming sound.

A few well connected Konoha shinobi reacted upon seeing the ninjutsu.

"That's chidori?!"

Hinata noticed her opponents odd behaviour and decided to improvise.

Sasuke rushed towards her with a speed unmatched among chunin.

The speed boost from Chidori was a major part of the reason it was so effective.

Hizashi's thoughts leaked out as he thought with shock.

"That stance seems similar to the gentle fist."

Neji activated his own byakugan and scanned Hinata "The chakra she's using seems to be too much."

Hinata stomped on the ground before holding her palm parallel to body.

"Eighty God's Vacuum Attack!"

With a heavy swing, a mighty pressure travelled through the air and swallowed Sasuke along with his Chidori.


Permanent it is