Chapter 99: Ending Sasuke's career

"Eighty God's Vacuum Attack!"

From her palm, a phantom of her arm extended and pushed Sasuke into the wall.

Accompanied by the loud thud of the Uchiha slamming into the stadium, the loud chattering of the audience spread like wild fire.

The cloud of dust dissipated and revealed a huge palm print over ten meters wide.

"There's no way that's the gentle fist! It isn't that powerful!"

"If it was the Hyuga clan would be the ones producing Hokage's!"

"The range on that attack is so long for a taijutsu attack!"

"Do you need those eyes to be that strong?"

The shock and discussion reverberated throughout the audience.

After the shock, the out-of-control discussions continued to resound throughout the venue.

The Hyuga family couldn't help but feel uncomfortable as they tried to think of something to refute their sporadic statements that unintentionally spoke bad about them.

The comments about their lack of ability to produce kage-level ninja stung the Hyuga patriarch particularly deep.

He knew himself, if not for the other clans dying out then they would never be able to claim they were the no. 1 clan in Konoha.

If they managed to nurture even one genius to the level Hinata was on, then maybe they could win themselves some honour.

Hiashi muttered with a bitter expression, "My kidnapped daughter turns out to be a genius... maybe this is fate at work. I wonder what would have happened lest she remained in our clan.

Hizashi nodded and said, "It's probably for the best. We definitely would not have been able to provide the required training for her to reach her current level."

'Rasa' squinted his eyes and commented quite loudly,

"Another Kage-level ninja at such a young age! She must be a real genius, right?"

Hiruzen didn't respond but the wrinkles on his face twitched in anger at Konoha's loss.

This would bring the total number of kage-level ninja in Kumogakure up to seven.

The Raikage, Killer B, Yugito, Mei, Hachiro, and the Anbu captain with scorch release were all fearsome ninja, that were forcing Konoha to tread carefully.

With the talent displayed by Hinata, she had a good chance of surpassing the First Hokage.

He looked down at the floor as his face twisted in rage and despair.

He had almost no chance at avenging his son...

Yugao Uzuki whispered to her fellow Anbu guarding the Hokage with worry.

"Sasuke Uchiha won't die, right?"

'Rasa' heard her worries and smiled.

He spoke with tangible interest and said, "No, it doesn't look it..." ...After all, my little gift is quite the game changer...

He gave another maniacal smile under his mask as he suppressed a malicious giggle.

On the back of Sasuke's neck, many black lines started to rapidly grow and spread out, all over his body.

Hinata felt revolting chakra surge out of her opponent as she to hopped back a little to distance herself from it.

"I feel sick..."

To her astonishment, Sasuke managed to slowly drag his broken body up once again.

He looked up at her with a wild and ferocious expression before leaping towards her with the speed of an elite jonin.

She carefully observed the chakra that flowed through the cursed lines visible on his face.

He activated his sharingan and chidori again for the second time while screaming.

Hinata decided it was better to be safe than sorry, and activated Lightning style chakra mode and tried to position herself for a chop.

Four Finger Hell Stab!

Her arm blurred as it diagonally slammed into his shoulder.

A spider like cobweb spread out over the training grounds, creating a dust cloud to cover them.


Sasuke let out a screech in pain as he fainted with a shattered arm. (Just destroyed that man's whole career.)

He didn't even get the chance to use the cursed seal's second form, due to a lack of energy and time spent adapting it's hosts new body to its effects.

Kakashi used the Body Flicker Technique to dash over to the field as he brought his Uchiha student over to the medics.

Genma Shirai snapped out of his daze and announced.

"Winner, Hinata Raiden!"

The audience erupted into applause as they praised her.

"Wow, she's amazing. She must be the strongest genin here!"

"How could we let such a genius be taken by the Cloud shinobi back then?"

"I expected more from the Uchiha..."

"Hey jerk, stop looking at her!"

Kurenai asked Hachiro full of doubts.

"Did you know she was going to be so talented when you took her?"

She wanted to attribute it to coincidence but the chance of grabbing a child with the potential to become the next Hokage was either someone with ridiculous luck or knowledge beforehand.

In response, he stuck out his tongue and asked as if it was a serious question.

"Really, I didn't know Konoha had geniuses, I've never seen one before, how about you introduce me sometime?"

She choked on the air.

Well... we had some... but you don't need to rub it in that they're all dead...