Chapter 100: The fox and racoon dog

With the lingering excitement from the last round, many members from the audience were looking forward to the next round.

Some of them lamented, that the Last Uchiha didn't get to show off his sharingan much but couldn't do much about it.

Genma glanced around the stadium as he requested the attendance of the next two genin, that were about to engage in battle.

"For the second round, would Gaara and Naruto Uzumaki, make their way down to the battlefield!"

The remnants of the previous one sided battle were littered across the stadium.

Gaara glanced over to Naruto coldly, as he used a sand variation of the body flicker technique to descend into his place. Naruto on the other hand, simply jumped down.

Hachiro commented with interest, "The nine tailed fox against the racoon dog..."

Kakashi had made sure to stick nearby after the last round and felt slightly confused for a moment.

While, the knowledge that kumogakure had found out about their jinchuriki caused them worry, the mention of the racoon dog baffled him.

Racoon dog... Racoon dog...

Yakumo Kurama looked around awkwardly, she noticed that a lot of people had been wearing a covering over one of their eyes.

Her crazy imagination couldn't help but leading her thoughts in the direction of evil cults trying to take over the world.

Was the illuminati a real thing?

She smiled cheerfully as she entertained herself with her wild conspiracy theories.

Genma noticing that the two contestants were ready for a showdown, announced the start of their duel.


"Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

Right off the bat, Naruto formed a hand seal and created tens of shadow clones in one go.

They surrounded Gaara enclosing off any escape routes and making sure to take advantage of their numbers.

The scene caused many of the jonin to be taken aback.

"How much chakra does this kid have?!"

"That's not even the main problem, there's no way he can withstand the recoil of hundreds of clones on his mind!"

The multi shadow clone jutsu was a forbidden technique that most would never touch in their lives.

They simply didn't have the required chakra to carelessly use the technique. It was extremely easy to lose your life or become mentally handicapped by using this technique.

Gaara kept his murderously indifferent expression on, as he folded his arms and manipulated the sand and shaped it like a hardened whip.

The sand whip swept across the ground and caused numerous clones to dissipate into puffs of smoke.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

Gaara placed a hand in front of him as he picked up clusters of sand and crushed some clones beneath them.

Thankfully, even if Naruto didn't possess the taijutsu skills of Rock Lee, his sheer physical strength was enough to allow the remaining clones a chance to dodge.

Gaara created a shield to defend against the clones that had gotten close.

Kankuro commented stating what he thought to be a fact.

"It's impossible for someone in that monster's age group to break his defense."

It took the death of his only friends before he realised he wasn't getting anywhere.

He gave a lonely grin before biting his finger and slamming his hand onto the ground.

Some of the crowd queried, not expecting an answer.

"Why's he performing a summoning after he's used up most of his chakra?"

"Summoning Technique!"

Poof! Gamatatsu

The smoke drifted away and revealed a yellow toad the size of a lion from earth.

'Rasa' rubbed his chin and thought to himself, "So, Jiraiya is teaching the jinchuriki kid... a fitting combination."

Naruto yelled at Gamatatsu from on top of his head.

"Can you please help me, Gamatatsu?!"

The toad happily complied, he took a deep breath as the cheeks of his mouth bulged.

"Water Style: Water gun jutsu!"

The intense stream of water, beamed heavily upon the sand drilling its way though.

Gaara was forced to use more of his limited sand to reinforce the wall, limiting the water's advancement for now.

Naruto leapt down from the back of the toad and dashed forward making a hand seal.

"Multi shadow clone jutsu!"

This time, at least double the amount of shadow clones appeared, as they tried to group up and throw as many punches as they could Gaara's way.

"Naruto Uzumaki technique, five hundred punches!"

The almost endless sea of punches broke through the sand shield.

Naruto was in a perfect position to win the match.

Sakura Haruno exclaimed in surprise.

"Naruto is going to win?!"

Kankuro and Temari, who were fairly certain the monster of a boy from their village was unbeatable reacted just as severely.

"Gaara can't lose!"

Many of the nobles looked on in interest.

A random shinobi kid, beating the Kazekage's strongest son and genin of the sand?

That was a dark horse if they ever saw one.

Even Hiruzen had a complex expression. He had thought that this chunin exams was going to end as a total disaster.

All the reliable genin from the clans had been eliminated and the most unlikely shinobi, an orphan he had forgot about for a few years ended up being the one to win glory for Konoha.

A stray kunai that Naruto threw got dangerously close before being halted by Gaara's sand armour.

The red haired jinchuriki widened his eyes in disbelief as a the kunai transformed into a clone with a grin.

The clone attempted to stab another kunai towards him only to be met with more sand.

Gaara gulped at the close encounter before burying the clone under a pile of sand.

That however, gave an opening to a clone to come from behind and stab him in the wrist.

Gaara screamed in fear, he had flashbacks to the tormenting moments in Sunagakure as he wildly flailed the sand around him.

I'm bleeding... I'm bleeding... he wants to kill me... I'll kill him!


He released a war cry as the floating sand tripled in speed.

It took the form of a wave as it slammed into and dispelled a majority of the clones.


The real Naruto gasped for air after being smacked into the stadiums wall.

He looked up to see Gaara's appearance had changed.

Half of his body was covered in thick yellow sand with deep violet lines running along it.

"Is that a jinchuriki?!"

The realisation that the Sand's jinchuriki was breathing within a hundred meters of the other shinobi caused a storm within their minds.

Kakashi reacted quickly and took out his sharingan

"Kurenai can you ready a genjutsu?"

She nodded in response.

Genma tensed and looked towards the Hokage for orders on what to do.

If a jinchuriki was unleashed in the middle of the village, especially when something as attractive as the chunin exams were going on, it would result in an unbelievably high death toll.

The nine tails disaster was the perfect example of how bad things could go.

Naruto could faintly hear something.

"Hehe~that damn tanuki..."

He could hear the deep, sonorous and hypnotising voice call out to him.

"Look around you kid... these self-entitled nobodies are watching you fight like a circus animal...they don't treat you as an equal, but merely a toy that entertains remember, don't you?"

The voice paused, letting his words sink in.


The low voice continued,

"The way they looked at you... the way they're cheering for your opponent and delighting in your misery...they're all evil humans that enjoy your suffering...there is only one way to make them accept you..."

With an evil tone, it said.

"Accept my chakra and show them their betters..."