Chapter 101: The Snake kidnapping the Hokage

Hiruzen was quite shocked by the appearance of the jinchuriki.

His first reaction was to question the Fourth Kazekage beside him, why hadn't he informed Konoha that a weapon of mass destruction would also be taking part in the exam.

A jinchuriki had the potential to raze a village to the ground, even if they weren't, many lives would be lost in the process of stopping the rampage of the tailed beast.

Even someone as strong as Minato Namikaze, a terror that struck fear into the hearts of all men died under their gargantuan might.

However, before he could even open his mouth to complain, a monstrous roar come from the arena below.

Crimson chakra emerged from Naruto and coated itself in layers around his body.

The tailed beast chakra was even thicker than Shukaku's, forming two tails.

Halfway through transforming, the blonde with blood red eyes leapt and soared through the air, rushing towards Gaara.

Kakashi looked stunned for a moment before recalling back to the Hiruzen's words.

"Hokage-sama, said that the Reaper Death Seal completely isolated the Nine Tails..."

He shuddered in thought of the destruction the one and nine tailed beasts could cause if they both tried to attack the village at the same time.


Naruto gave a beastly growl as he relentlessly tried to harvest Gaara's life.

Every punch and kick came purely from instinct, but that only made it all the harder for Gaara to keep up.

The genin from the sand looked in horror as Gaara got pummelled into the ground.

"Uzumaki Naruto!!! I'll kill you and drain you dry of blood for mother!!!"

He used the new power reserves, he had access to and transformed his left arm into one of Shukaku's paws.

He slung his new arm towards his opponent only to be met with the additional of another tail and a kick.

Boom! Bang! Bang!

Naruto was sent smashing through the two walls in the stadium, the chakra writhed as a fourth tail grew.

Sasuke looked on in astonishment, as he wanted to doubt whether he was dreaming this whole exam.

He clenched his fist and muttered, "How could that dobe be so strong... if I had that power, I could..."

Get revenge on that traitor for killing off our clan... no, my clan...

Since, the start of this exam, he had been manhandled by Hinata Raiden.

And now, that dead last had managed to surpass him.

It was unacceptable, he touched the mark on his neck in deep thought.

Hiruzen no longer had the privilege to act calmly and befitting of his title as leader.

"Everyone, stop them! Right, this instance!"

He put the questions, he had to the back of his mind and ordered the present shinobi from the Leaf to take the two jinchuriki out of commission.

He then addressed the various dignitaries trembling in fear and said,

"I'm sorry about these current events, we will quickly take care of these unforeseen events."

The Konoha ninja leapt into action and formed some hand seals.

Hachiro gave an extremely abrupt giggle, causing two evacuating jonin to look at him with strange eyes.

Was this guy okay in the head?


Screams started playing on repeat before one loud, and high pitched voice grabbed the attention of many shinobi.

The half transformed Gaara was ultimately, unable to defeat Naruto with four tails of Kyubi chakra and succumbed to the chakra from within trying to take over.

The hundreds of Konoha shinobi were knocked away as a giant mass of sand appeared in the form of a racoon.

Tailed Beast Mode.

Kakashi held onto a railing and wiped off the few drops of sweat sliding down his face.

"Damn it, he transformed so soon!"

He got worried for Naruto, even if he didn't spend much time training with him, because he felt indebt to the last Uchiha for failing to save his old teammates, he still cared for him.

Unfortunately, an obstacle appeared in his path. That Obstacle was in the form of three orbs of fire.

"Scorch Style- Extremely Steaming Murder!"


Kakashi reacted in the last moment with the help of his sharingan and narrowly dodged the attack.

Thanks to his quick and honed instincts, he formed a dozen hand seals at lightning speed and created a earthen wall with the head of a wolf to defend against the next barrage.

"Earth Style-Mud Wall!"

Unfortunately, without any resistance the crimson balls of flame glided through failing to even buy him a smother of time.

Using some flashy acrobatics, he manoeuvred past the attacks before scanning the stadium.

"Fire that hot could only mean..."

He spotted a tall woman dressed in the Cloud's Anbu uniform, discreetly dashing towards him from among the shadows.

"A scorch style user. A Kage-level scorch style user."

He muttered to himself, "Just my luck... Shadow Clone Jutsu."

And thus, began the Konoha Crush plan!

With the orders from their leaders, the predators laying in wait for their prey jumped into action all at once.

The Kazekage 'Rasa', grabbed a handful of kunai from up his sleeves and shifted behind Hiruzen.

He held up a kunai to his neck, before the Anbu squad could even notice Sunagakure's betrayal.

"Lord Hokage!"

The Anbu squad tried to rush back in horror and left the people they were saving on their own.

"Don't get in the way!!

A young, burly blond with an eyepatch leapt down from the top of the stadium and blocked two of them with a shortsword.

He was Samui's younger brother Atsui.

A few other shinobi with odd looking patches of cloth covering their eyes blocked the rest of the Anbu squad.

As Orochimaru led his sensei away from the scene, a black haired woman with smart looking glasses slammed her hand on the ground.

"Uchiha Isolation barrier!"

A translucent red cube expanded and covered the many dignitaries that had come to visit the leaf village.

The daimyo from the Land of Grass looked around in terror trying to find the, now-gone, Hokage.

"Wh-what's happening!?"

"Don't worry."

The black haired woman smiled slightly and took off her glasses, "This barrier is intended purely to protect you."

One of the distracted Anbu shouted in shock, "Why do you have the Uchiha's techniques!"

That was practically a lost technique at this point!