Chapter 102: Surrender the position of Fifth Hokage

Izumi ignored the rest of their shouts and thought about what she should do besides maintain the barrier.

The men and women gathered in the VIP section had a great deal of money and could be exploited so long as they played their cards well.

Since, the majority didn't hold any 'real' loyalty to Konoha village, as long as they didn't touch their countries directly, they were more than likely to be obedient.

Turmoil spread among the Konoha shinobi and civilians as they picked up the pace and reacted to the grave situation.

"Who are these people, and where are they coming from?!"

"Where is Lord Hokage!?"

"Help, someone! Hokage-sama was kidnapped!"

"No way! Who was it?!"

This crisis was worse than anything, the leaf shinobi had saw before.

The One Tailed beast had run off into the nearby forest and the Nine Tails Jinchuriki had disappeared at some point, unknown to them.

A mysterious woman had created a complex enchantment, that trapped important figures from all over the world, and they wouldn't be able to help within a short period of time.

Even their inspirational leader, the Third Hokage had been compromised.

Unfortunately, for the poor saps. the bad news hadn't finished coming yet.


Hiruzen looked into the distance as one of Konoha's wall were smashed into pieces by an angry demon cat made of blue flaming chakra.

The old man muttered, "Kumogakure..."

He had some suspicions about everything, that was going on, but hoped it wasn't as he thought.

He couldn't allow himself to be stalled, long enough for the Cloud to cause irreversible damage, and the two tailed beasts that were almost realised.

"Kazekage-sama, please don't tell me you are naive enough to trust the war mongering village, hidden in the clouds?"

Hiruzen forced himself to remain poised as he memorised the surroundings while distracting his captor with small talk.

"That would be a grave mistake. We in Konoha hate war with a passion."

'Rasa' gave a soft chuckle and joked, "The grave mistake will have Konoha buried beneath it."

Hiruzen grunted and tentatively asked, "Is that you, Orochimaru?"

The former snake sanin smiled before dropping the kunai.

Hiruzen snapped around and kicked him, only to meet a dissolving body of snakes crawling along his leg.

In the process of throwing them off him, he was bit by one causing him to grab a antidote the inside of his Hokage cloak.

Orochimaru flickered onto the roof with his real appearance, and mockingly asked with a smile.

"Sensei, isn't the view wonderful?"

In the distance, he could see the Hachibi release a loud roar as it massacred families faster than Itachi. (Ha.)

He noticed that Hachiro had arrived at an unknown time and was looking at the drama in interest.

"I wonder what the Cloud hopes to achieve by going through with this. You're going to upset the balance in the shinobi world and will ultimately not benefit from this at all, instead you will paint a target on your backs as you accompany Konoha to hell shortly after."

The old man concocted threats as he intended to persuade the Cloud to pull out from the attack.

He already knew how hot the fire of hatred burned within his student, so he wanted to try and minimize the losses.

"Actually, we will benefit quite well from this. We had intended to take action sooner, but we decided to be patient and lo and behold. Konoha has reached a new low point."

Hachiro sat comfortably with his legs crossed on a building beside them.

He innocently blinked and continued, "Oh, and don't worry. My daughter Hinata, will keep your seat warm for you, while you rest in retirement."

Hiruzen looked at him stunned, before leaping off in a hurry across two building and back to the final exam site.

He panicked as he knew, there was almost no chance of reconciliation after this battle.

He descended back into the stadium and shouted with urgency.

"All Anbu, gather together and help me fight of these intruders!"

A good handful of the clan leader's were present, commanding their subordinates on what to do, they jumped over to the Hokage to find out what was going on.

"Hokage-sama, is something wrong? Why are you running from us."

Like a spectre, Hachiro appeared behind the Kage-level shinobi with an unknown method.

The Akimichi clan was quick on the uptake and used their gigantification technique to swipe their hand towards the Cloud shinobi.

"That's rude. I don't think that's how you should treat the father of the next Hokage, Akimichi-san."

The leaf shinobi landed beside the Hokage but felt dumbfounded at his stray statement.

Hiruzen boiled with anger, his face was red.

He knew full well, that Hinata Raiden was merely going to end up as a puppet for Kumogakure to control the Leaf, but it didn't even seem as if he could do anything to stop it.

Hachiro grinned and gave another comment.

"I'm going to ask my precious daughter to help her dear father. What should I tell her? I'm being bullied by any random shinobi and am in dire need of help?"

Hiruzen yelled with renewed confidence as his eyes spit flames.

"Stop the invasion!"

Without a shred of hesitation, the shinobi brainwashed by the will of Fire leapt forward intending to sacrifice themselves for their Hokage and village.

Even if they had witnessed the power far beyond their league half a month ago.

Driven by the powerful force, known as pyramid schemes, they surrounded their attacker and readied their signature techniques.

However, what they didn't expect was that, Hyuga Hiashi would suddenly, turn on them.

"Eight Trigrams Air Palm!"

With a shout and the extraction of two lives belonging to elite jonin, he successfully stabbed Konoha in the back.

"Almighty push!"

Hinata rushed over to them, while wildly dismantling the stadium, like it was her playground.

A few patriarchs looked at him in disbelief and questioned, "Hiashi, what are you doing?!"

He looked at them as though they were idiots and stoicly said, "What do you think? It's called a coup."

Then, he cleared his throat and prepared a demoralising shout, "Sarutobi, why don't you surrender your position to the fifth Hokage, already?!"

Thanks to the chakra infused in his voice the entire stadium clearly heard him.


This chapter annoys me to hell and back