Chapter 106: Not very smart Hokage?

Hiruzen noticed what she wanted to do and yelled, "Enma! Shrink quickly!"

The stick became shorter causing the attraction force to weaken tremendously.

However, last minute, Hinata, decreased the number of fingers, "Three Finger Hell Stab!"

The power of the thrust increased by a fold and she dashed out at a speed, faster than Hiruzen.

A group of catching up Anbu, exclaimed as they rushed over.

"Lord Hokage, be careful!"

Mirrors made of crystal-like ice formed around them in the shape of a dome.

A cold and feminine voice echoed in their ears.

"I would advise you to worry for yourself."

Inside the many mirrors, reflections of Haku were present. He softly muttered, "

Standing in the ice mirror, countless white reflections faintly spoke:

"Demonic mirroring ice crystal jutsu!"



Sweat poured down, Hinata as she grimaced in pain from smashing her hand into the black staff.

"It's durable..." (move on)

She slide back slightly before gathering lightning chakra into her hand again but with one less finger.

"Two finger Hell stab!"

Despite this being the first time, she used the next level of Hell stab, she felt that she was ready for it.

After getting the Tenseigan, her perception, chakra control and physical strength had all increased exponentially

And in a way, this was the first time in history someone had ever used the Hell stab technique with such proficiency.

She used her eyes to pull the staff closer before grabbing onto it with her hand and chopping downwards with her hand.


Cracks spread as she gradually cut through the summon.

Hiruzen noticed the cutting power she demonstrated and unsummoned Enma, sending him back to his monkey habitat.

Inside the sudden emergence of smoke, Hinata twisted her hand used her momentum to slash towards the old Hokage.

With a lunge, she drew his blood and looked at him parallel from the ground.

A thick wound lay on his side, the old man's wrinkled face merely changed slightly as he substituted out of the way of her next swipe.

He reappeared, ignoring his wound and making hand movements faster than the flash.

"Die! Fire style: Dragon Flame Bomb!"

A river of flames instantly ingulfed and swallowed her.

Hiruzen hopped on top of a nearby building, and made sure several logs were nearby, in case he need to substitute.

He looked back down at the thin smoke as a lightning covered Hinata leapt towards him with just as much determination as before.

Like he planned, he made the seals necessary to switch positions with the log, but neglected to notice a stray kunai thrown by one of the shinobi from below.


The old man twitched in pain as the kunai dug deep into his thigh, thankfully, he managed to gain some distance with the substitution.

Jiraiya rolled his eyes and joked with his opponent.

"Hey, look the old man is loosing his touch."

Orochimaru replied with a weird laugh.

"Heh~ It's normal if you haven't fought in years, a machine would turn rusty with how long he's been inactive."

The arm's of the snake personification turned into many smaller snakes.

"Hidden Shadow Snake Hands!"

Jiraiya whistled and dived to the side preparing another wind jutsu.

"Can you stop with the snakes already? I'm going to have nightmares being bitten by them with every step I take!"

Right now, Orochimaru had the hand because Jiraiya hadn't gotten the time to enter Sage Mode.

The snake intended to keep it that way, as such the pressure was high.

Hiruzen jumped around and kept abusing simple techniques to avoid close combat.

He eyed her as she suddenly decided to switch to longer ranged techniques, then he had an idea.

One, he felt was great.


Sorry for the short chapter, I might be occupied for the rest of the day so I thought I may as well post what I had.