Chapter 107: Arrival of the special guests

He recognised the similarities with the gentle fist style and with a sly smirk, shouted. "Your real name is Hyuga Hinata!"

She ignored him and used the Eighty gods Vacuum Palm.

The gust of wind slammed him into the wall and caused him to scream even more hysterically.

"You're real father is Hiashi Hyuga! A Konoha ninja!"

Hachiro looked on with minor amazement.

Was the old man underestimating Hinata's intelligence or something?

It should have been plainly obvious to anyone if you're bloodline didn't originate from your home village, that you weren't biologically related to your parents.

It wasn't like they really tried hiding it anyway.

Hinata paused and blankly tilted her head, "So?"

Hiruzen looked for a few seconds, evidently not really expecting it to work, before using his many years of brainwashing to come up with a convincing speech.

"As a ninja of Konoha, invaders are our enemies!"

He spread his arms wide and loudly proclaimed, "The position of Hokage is not just won by personal strength."

With an emotional and awe-inspiring look, he passionately raised his hands in the air and continued, "Only those recognised and respected by the villagers can gain the right to succeed the Hokage position! It is a sacred rule that has lead Konoha to prosperity!"

He paused and gauged her reaction, "Repelling these unscrupulous invaders is a great merit that will surely allow you to become the fifth Hokage!"

The few nearby ninja that experienced the events twelve years ago were speechless.

They could attribute the majority of their Hokage's actions to 'for the sake of the village'.

But right now, he was shamelessly lying to a child and spoon feeding her B*******.

Wasn't he the one who requested for the Hyuga to hand the girl over?


Hinata blinked as they stared at each other awkwardly for a few moments.

Chirp~ Chirp~!

The sound of birds could be vaguely heard.


Suddenly, a blue beast made of flames released a battle cry and caused the surrounding shinobi from Konoha to become stunned.

A few of them broke down, under what seemed like a recreation of the disaster from 12 years ago.

The two tails protruding from the beast invoked some of their most torturous memories hidden in the depths of their minds.

"Super-Expansion Jutsu!"

Choza Akimichi grow to a size, only a little smaller than Matatabi.


With an intense roar, the clan leader rushed towards the two tailed beast and tried to pin her down with his weight.


The giant feline didn't take too kindly, to that as the flames making up her body doubled in intensity.

Inside the tailed beasts mouth, a massive ball of blue flame was formed.

"Fire style: Scorching Wraith!"

The ball smashed into the Akimichi as he screamed in pain, before being knocked aside.


Trying his best to prevent squashing his teammates, he shrank in midair to a smaller size.

"Cyan Cat Claw!"

The large cat swiped it's front paw and tried to remove the annoying threat.

Abruptly, she paused in midair.

Many different lines converged into her shadow halting her movements.

Shikaku shouted with sweat dripping down him from the strain.

"Hurry! Use the mind transfer jutsu!"


The colossus shook trying to struggle free from the shackles bound to it by the clan of Nara.

It's insane strength caused the many ninja to show a pained expression and gave them a first hand experience of why, the tailed beasts were called walking natural disasters.

The Yamanaka clan got into position and tried to use their signature jutsu.

"Mind Transfer Jutsu!"

The blue beast paused and stood motionlessly still.

Unfortunately, that was not to last.

"Boiling Style: Burning Fog Technique!"

Greyish mist appeared in a similar fashion to Kirigakure's camouflaging techniques.

Shikaku frowned, "Even the mist is joining the fray?"

He speculated and evaluated a number of different way the situation could go with his genius mind and cautioned the shinobi under him. "Back to back, everyone. Anyone with chakra to spare and wind style jutsu, blow the fog away!"

In acquiescence of his orders, the shinobi meeting the conditions utilised their jutsu.

"Wind Style: Wind Gale Burst!"

"Wind Style: Wind Stream!"

The fog gradually dispersed before rushing back at them with even more enthusiasm.

Shikaku's frown deepened, as he questioned Inoichi beside him.

"Do you think you could move the two tails east?"

The Yamanaka clan leader hesitantly shook his head.


Suddenly, the clan leader's heard screams coming from their clanmates.

"AHH! Help! Don't touch the mist! It's corrosive!"

Some of the shinobi on the edge of the battlefield fell flat and writhed in pain as they suffered miserable and painful deaths.

Shikaku reacted as fast as possible and screamed at them, "Abandon your control over the tailed beast! Preserve your liv-"


"Water Style: Bloody Shark River!"

A flood of water came out of the mist, with small sharks sneaking about inside the liquid.

The impact of the water knocked the shinobi backwards with only the Akimichi standing their ground.

Even then, large chunks of flesh were bitten off by the mini sharks that were acting like piranha.

Inoichi exclaimed in frustration as he tried to swim up and stand on the water, "Damn it, this is definitely from Kirigakure!"

In the water was sharks and on top of it was a corrosive mist.

A painful combination that restricted movement speed, but constantly challenged you for your life.

After a period of time, the chakra supply was cut off causing the waves of water coming their way to come to a standstill.

The shinobi gave a sigh of relief noticing that the mist was gone as well.

The clan leaders kept their guard up and looked around for the enemy, before realising the two tails had returned to a much smaller size.

The beast stood on top of a pile of rubble with a lady possessing auburn hair standing on top of its head.

With a devious smirk, one hand forming seals and the other on her hip.

They felt chills down their spines, as if they were mice caught by a cat.



In a forest located inside Konoha.

"Wake up already!"

Thanks to the almost endless barrage of Naruto's punches, the strain placed on Gaara's body got worse before the One Tails was forced to recede back into his body unwillingly.

Gradually, during their fight the one tails receded back into his body unwillingly.

"Why?! How did I lose?! No... I'm not allowed to lose! Not to this weakling, not to anyone!"

Gaara lay on the ground, looking straight up at the sky, as he tried to force himself awake by digging his fingertips into his palms.

The cloak around Naruto faded as he fell to the ground with his lose of power, with his cheek against the ground he mournfully told him.

"It's okay... there's no point in fighting anymore."

Gaara used maximum effort to roll over and try to get up.

Naruto lay motionlessly and slowly talked about past events.

"Monster... Demon fox, Demon child... Bastard, Murderer...I've been called them all..."

"I understand you, I know what you feel, because I feel it too."

Gaara limply lay down again, he showed an expression, he had never shown in the past 12 years of his life.


He begun and looked into Naruto's eyes wrought with depression and heartache.

He transitioned to an angry face but only gave a 'Hmph!' while feeling similar emotions.

Gaara looked off to the side and opened his mouth but struggled to say anything.


A tall woman dressed in cloud Anbu uniform appeared squatting down beside them, along with the shouts of his siblings in the distance.

The woman performed some basic checks commonly known by every jonin ninja, before looking at the two approaching children getting ready to attack her.

Temari waved her fan from afar and caused a gust of wind to sweep past her.

It proved futile as she stuck to the ground using chakra on her feet and holding onto the two jinchuriki.

The Anbu took off her mask while chiding them.

"Be careful, these two have some serious internal injuries."

The three siblings looked at her in shock.

Temari stared at her tentatively, "Pa-Pakura-sensei?"



Hinata repeatedly used the Eighty gods Vacuum Palm to attack the Hokage.

Boom! Boom!

Hiruzen dived left and right while looking disheveled after his brainwashing failed.

A creature of wind charged towards Orochimaru.

He responded in kind by performing another summoning.

"Summoning Technique, Impure world Reincarnation!"


Three coffins appeared and blocked the jutsu.

One had the character '1' carved onto it, another '2' and the last '4'.

With a nefarious grin, Orochimaru made some hand seals.

Hiruzen saw his actions from the corner of his eye and felt a bad premonition.

Snake → Boar → Ram → Rabbit → Dog...

The snake clapped his hands together and caused a phantom to appear behind him.

He placed his hands in front of his stomach and caused the transparent shinigami behind him to mimic his actions.

The reaper cut open his abdomin under the manipulation of Orochimaru.

An orb of light came out of the unknown creature's stomach followed by Orochimaru's shout.

"Hachiro-kun, if you would?"

Hachiro dragged two random zetsu that he found spying on him over, and threw it to him.

Jiraiya tried to use another water jutsu but was interrupted by a bolt of lightning.

In the meantime, a smile that split Orochimaru's face in two formed as he completed the jutsu.

"These are our special guests. I trust we're all acquainted with each other. Yes?"

Smoke diffused out of the coffins as they opened.