Chapter 108: Sweet Revenge

The underground facilities of Root.

In a large and empty base, blood was spread all over the ground.

Izumi's civilian clothes had long been stained red.

She had long waited for such a chance, to get revenge on Danzo after finding out what led to the massacre which caused her mother's death.

She understood that the Root, the Hokage and many high level shinobi held responsibilities that couldn't be shirked off in their lifetimes.

A jonin swiftly ran over and reported to her.

"Captain Iko, we have lost 3 people so far."

Without an ounce of hesitation she gave a cold and detached response with closed eyes.

"Move their bodies to somewhere where we can retrieve them and take the sharingan."

Despite the shinobi in the Cyclops corps possessing high strength for their level, they struggled in the face of the many ninja's located at the Root base.

Even if Danzo didn't come out to face the war himself, they had assumed he would send a considerable part of his subordinates to assist Hiruzen and cut the losses of the leaf.

However, they hadn't suspected that he would still have over 200 subordinates sitting in his base, so it was actually rather impressive they hadn't all died against these emotionless weapon in human skin.

The remaining root members from elsewhere in the base came all at once.

She opened her eyes and revealed a crossdart pattern spinning in her eyes.

She shouted with hatred oozing from her voice, "Danzo! Are you waiting for an invitation?! Come out already!"

A silver skeleton frame formed around her and gave a battle cry.

Ignorant of fear, the Root Anbu continued to rush towards the hulking figure as a half created sword fell and harvested a dozen lives.

She let out a classic Uchiha growl before her eyes locked onto a wall to her right.

The colossal silver chakra construct violently punched the location revealing a man made dug out.

"Hurry up..."

The right hand of the susanoo formed an additional katana before slashing horizontally and dividing the surrounding area in two.


Half of the base collapsed in on itself as a result of losing its support and forced Danzo to show up lest his Root was slaughtered like the Uchiha.

Noticing the approach of the figure her hatred was directed towards, she upgraded her susanoo to its second form.

A tear of blood dripped down her face due to her use of visual prowess.

Danzo sulked noticing the Uchiha and several shinobi with a sharingan in their eye socket.

"Damn the Uchiha. And that Itachi."

He squinted his normal eye at the Cloud Anbu uniform and cursed.

"And most of all, you cloud ninja..."

He paused before continuing with supressed anger, "Because of you shinobi I lost my sharingan."

Izumi's sharingan ignited with flames as she yelled with even greater fury

"YOUR sharingan?! That was my clan!"

The way, he spoke without a hint of remorse triggered the built up emotions in her causing her to rage.

Danzo spoke self-righteously, "What are you getting upset about? The Uchiha belong to Konoha, it's their duty to use their power to protect Konoha!"

She grit her teeth as her fingertips drew blood from her palms.

The sheer rage was close to making her force the third form into reality if it hadn't meant straining her eyes even further.

The blindness caused by each use of the Mangekyo sharingan was irreversible as far as they knew, she had no sibling nor access to Indra or more accurately Hogoromo's chakra.

They had done some testing with Hashirama cells and come to the conclusion, she would need an unhealthy amount to have any real effect.

The chances that her body would simply reject the Senju cells thanks to compatibility issues was scary high.

It made him think about whether Obito was just lucky to survive or not the first Uchiha to have gotten Madara's attention.

There was also the probability that Black Zetsu had aided him in some way.

Ultimately, there was no reliable method to prevent the deterioration of her eyes and thus she was mostly prohibited from using them.

The Flying Thunder God jutsu was what made up the majority of her combat power.

The next second the boiling rage seemed to cool down as she become coldly calm.

She remembered back when Hachiro started insulting the Uchiha clan as a edgy brats with temper problems.

Sure the power boost they got from the rage was cool and all. But a shinobi, was meant to be silent and deadly, not shouting 'I'll have my revenge' or 'My eyes see through your lies!' at every chance you get.

With the renewed calm of a lake, she forced her unique mangekyo pattern to return to its three tomoe state.

Despite the Susanoo dissipating, she emotionlessly pulled out several special kunai in each hand.

"Talk is pointless. I'll kill you using the eyes you hate."

Danzo took note of the strange structure of the kunai and doubtfully thought.

Sensei's Flying Thunder God?

One of the jonin on standby looked and asked her for commands.


Izumi did a bad job of hiding her inner turmoil and cut him off in a shaky tone.

"Retreat. No, stand nearby and make sure no one interrupts our fight.

Her surrounding subordinates nodded showing they understood before body flickering away gaining some distance.

With a single focus on her mind, she threw the kunai in her hand with a sharp flick of her wrist.

The kunai trimmed a few hairs off Danzo's head, as he ducked and confirmed his suspicions.

Shaped exactly liked Tobirama-sensei's and not far from that brat minato's.

With the knowledge of the technique's deadly potential, he revealed the long secret he had been hiding for a decade by ripping the bandage around his right eye off.

The distant Anbu gasped in surprise.

An elder of Konoha had done something like transplanting sharingan? Who would have thought, certainly not them.

Danzo made a few hand seals before clapping his hands together and eyeing the incoming knives wanting to take his life.

"Well said, in that case I will defeat you with the eyes of your fallen brethren. Soon yours will be added to that list!"

He then thought to himself, "Sensei always transitioned into stabs or paper bombs. Other than that he only used it to gain distance and use longer ranged jutsu. Assuming this woman doesn't possess the same variety of jutsu but keeps to the same attack pattern..."

The cheeks of the old elder swelled as he spat out a burst of wind pressure, "Wind Style: Vacuum Wave!"

Danzo's plan for now was to stay a good distance from the kunai while forcing his opponent into a mid-range to long range battle.

Izumi gave a grunt before scanning the battle site with her scarlet eyes.

Switching to shuriken, she threw a fleet of them and waited for Danzo to counter the group.

"Wind Style: Wind Cutting Blade!"

The close proximity in which their trajectory lied caused the elder to go for a more concentrated technique.

That though, would prove to a bad decision.

Through a wire tied onto the shuriken from underneath, Izumi manipulated them to the left from a distance away.

"A good old technique, you Uchiha were famed for."

Danzo's wrinkly old face gave a terrifying grin that would give children nightmares.

He sneered, "I've killed more Uchiha than you've ever seen. I know of all your dirty tricks!"

"Wind Style: continuous vacuum waves!"

The raging wind sent the kunai back so fast they got jammed into remaining wall on the left.

Danzo gave a greedy smile and prepared to launch an offensive.

"Those eyes of yours would be better suited to the hands of someone capable like me!"

His hideous face seemed to enlarge in Izumi's vision as his laughter got wilder from desire.



A white lump of flesh with eyes fell onto the ground.

Danzo looked at it confused before realising he was missing an arm.


He screamed in shock as he felt disbelief.

What just happened?!

"You're weak."

Danzo's butt landed on the ground, as he looked up at her spinning Mangekyo with fear.

She had somehow appeared right in front of him without his knowledge on how she achieved that.

She blankly asked a question.

"How much do you know about the sharingan and us Uchiha?"

She continued in an emotionless tone without giving him a chance to answer.

"Well, I suppose you think you know everything after you indirectly killed so many of us. Unfortunately, the knowledge you gain from defeating everyone else is useless against my Mangekyo sharingan."

Danzo crawled backwards in horror, with twisted facial features, he said. "I-If you kill me, I will kill Sasuke!"

Ignoring the little bit of backbone he had gotten again she amusedly asked him, "Wouldn't that attract Itachi's ire?"

The elder smirked and confidently replied, "I'll blame it on you Cloud ninja, and that Uchiha brat can go to hell with a peace of mind knowing his death was for Kon-"


A new cut was formed on his forehead, an 'X' mark.

With mild irritation the kunoichi stated coldly, "If you utter the words, 'For Konoha', I will chop your tongue off."


Note: [Ultimate skill: Lord of Edginess, Sasuke Uchiha... Successfully acquired.]