Chapter 109: Young master Sasuke

The Hokage's administration building.

Sasuke wandered over, still filled with doubts about the 'mission' he had been commissioned.

Despite not knowing a whole lot about the deployment of the Leaf's Anbu, he was quite surprised to find there was literally no one guarding this place.

Their absence displayed how abrupt and powerful the joint invasion by Otogakure, Sunagure and Kumogakure was.

Nearly every shinobi had been called to deal with the attack, leaving the seals guarding the important locations alone.

Just as Sasuke was about to knock on the door and find out whether someone was in the interior of the building, a shout interrupted him.


He glanced behind him and noticed the arrival of Rock Lee, Ino, Shikamaru, Useless and the other genin from the Konoha 12 in fighting condition.

He turned 90° right and asked with a frown.

"What are you doing here?"

Kiba replied in a confused tone, "You really plan to kill an elder for the sake of someone you've just met."

Shikamaru calmly presented the consequences. "If you really kill two of Konoha's highest authorities, the village will kick you out and force you to become a rebel just like your brother."

Sasuke initially started to think about his actions, before being reminded of his traitorous brother.

Without anymore hesitation, he threatened them coldly. "If you try to block my path, I'll cut you down."

Forgoing the typical ninja like behaviour, he smashed a chidori into the door of the building.


In moments, a dozen Anbu appeared and surrounded him.

One of them stepped forward and chided him, "By destroying the entrance to the Hokage's residence, are you trying to disrespect the many valiant leaders who gave their lives for the village!"

Sasuke being an emo, ignored him and glared at Koharu and Homura that had two Anbu protecting them closely each.

"You are Homura and Koharu, correct?"

Koharu gave a kind grandmotherly smile and hoarsely said, "Sasuke-boy, please pay more attention to your tone and way of speaking in the future."

With an arrogance rivalling the most egotistical young masters, the Uchiha disregarded the fact that he was both outmatched and outnumbered, and snarkily replied.

"No. Come with me this instant."

The expression of the old woman froze, she dropped the facade almost immediately.

This annoying Uchiha brat!

If it hadn't been for that bastard Itachi then I would place you on a suicide mission!

Sasuke's expression got colder as he narrowed his eyes slightly and demanded, "Follow me."

After she failed to comply, twisting thunder appeared around his left hand.

He wanted... no, he needed to know the truth and everything about his brother and his weaknesses and who better than Izumi-neechan

"What do you think you're doing?"

The Anbu finally recognised him as a threat and rushed towards him, in hopes of preventing him from using his ninjutsu on the elders.


Sakura Haruno, the fan girl with next stage obsessive love, yelled in horror and tried to prevent their approach.

"Fine then, I'll make you come."

Sasuke leapt forward angrily with the lightning jutsu hugging his arm.

He didn't intend to let anyone block his way.

Unfortunately, not even the anger he was feeling could bring out enough plot armour.

Although, he had exceptional strength for his age, he was against a group of well trained shinobi that were special jonin at least.

The Uchiha squatted on the ground dodging a kick, before springing up and stabbing the Anbu with his left hand.

His undeveloped body stopped him from unleashing any drastic damage and after narrowly avoiding their grasp for a few moments he was eventually captured after the extended use of sharingan and chidori draining his stamina.

Feeling baffled, Homura asked his partner in crime. "Why do you think this remnant has suddenly targeted us? It seems quite random."

Koharu cheerfully replied after recovering from a sullen look earlier.

"Doesn't matter, now we can end him with a legitimate reason. Despite how foolish that Itachi is, he won't argue if we plainly present the evidence of him trying to betray the Leaf."

Homura asked doubtfully, "Are you sure? I think he cared for this little brat a lot."

After a few minutes of back and forth discussion, they eventually came to the same conclusion.

Sasuke Uchiha was going to grow into a time bomb that could and will most likely cause them more trouble in the foreseeable future.

They weren't sure they could pull the wool over the eyes of this Uchiha, so if he became a genius on the level of Itachi it would only be detrimental to them.

As such, they would execute him here and now before blaming it on the Cloud.

During their conversation, Sasuke heard them talk about Itachi and the threats he left before defecting from the village.

He wanted to know what they were saying!

Unfortunately, he couldn't hear them from his position.

Sasuke glared at them while immobilised with his hands tied behind his back.

Koharu showed a faint smile and said, "What does it matter to you, you cursed brat. Soon, you'll be nothing but a cold corpse on the ground, how do you feel."

Sasuke spat on the ground giving the elder a clear display of his opinion.

Koharu lost her smile and waved her hand while saying, "Hurry up!"

The Anbu beside him, drew his sword and swung it with no hurry on his mind.

Sakura made sure to make her uselessness known by screaming his name without doing anything else.



Sasuke revealed an oddly shaped kunai in his mouth which he used to block the first swing.

He gave a grunt and paled slightly as blood dripped out from his gums.

The Anbu kicked him down and continued his swing, but hit the ground beside the Uchiha after he rolled to the side.

He dropped a smoke bomb the complacent fools forgot to confiscate before diving towards the doorway and spitting out the kunai.

He could faintly hear, the sound of the shinobi behind him shouting jutsu names and yelled in fear, realising how horrible his situation was.

"Sister Izu-"

Before he finished, a shadow from above attracted his attention.


Around the flying figure, a silver skeletal arm appeared blocking the projectiles homing onto him for his life.

The Konoha 11, he ran past, looked in fear at the looming limb and more specifically the bloody looking woman it extended out from.

Sasuke, exclaimed in surprise. "Sister Izumi?! You heard me?!"

The kunoichi had her brows knit and told him, "No, not really. I just teleported to the marked kunai I gave you after my clone dispelled itself."


Eight of the Anbu outside fell to the ground with only a cut on their neck.

Homura and Koharu looked at her stunned.

"Who are you?!"

"Your worst nightmare... and on that note. Are you going to quietly join Danzo on that pole over their or will I have to force you?"

They could faintly see on a tall wooden pole, a struggling man missing an arm.

The two elders turned pale.

"N-No way! All the Uchiha were meant to be dead!"

The Flying Thunder God kunai seemed to have a piercingly bright shine coming from it...


Tempted to throw in a JOJO meme at the end. (Never actually watched or read it lol