Chapter 112: The elders, heroes of the cloud

The reactions of the Konoha soldiers was intense, finding out that they were condemning and wantonly disrespecting the son of the Fourth Hokage was enough to make them tremble in fear of him finding out.

They might even be executed for causing a jinchuriki emotional turmoil

"There's no way! How could the Demon Fox be a relative of the Lord Fourth?!"

"Impossible! I refuse to believe this!"

While not many present knew who the parents of 'princess' Tsunade, they were well aware of who the Fourth Hokage was and his accomplishments in life.

Perhaps, the most notable of all was when he singlehandedly brought the Nine Tailed Fox away from the village and fought the monster alone.

Even his other heroic feats and exploits had been sung as praises throughout the Leaf village.

The Konoha 12 reacted in various ways but most of them were at a loss of what to do.

Naruto's tired body struggled to muster much more strength, as he curled up and started to cry even more intensely.

Minato looked at his son for the second time since he was born and felt a heart breaking grief

Despite being an Edo Tensei reincarnation, the pain he felt was far worse than just physical pain, he endured to obtain the Hokage position.

He hesitated thinking he didn't have much right to comfort him now, but he gently picked him up and hugged him anyway.

Naruto looked up at him angrily but just hung his head low and tried to sniffle the tears as he drifted off to dreamland.

Today, had been longer and more exhausting than any training session, he had went through before.

He would need a feast of ramen, ramen and ramen to replenish his energy once everything had went down.

Tobirama stared at them in thought while trying to think of ways to diffuse or ease the current incident.

Minato placed Naruto on grass nearby before flashing back over to everyone else.

He said helplessly, "I'm sorry, I didn't think that he would be treated so horribly because he was a jinchuriki..."

The Third looked at him with an awkward expression on his face.

Tobirama noticed his reaction but decided it would be better to capitalise on the time presented to them currently, by the enemy.

"What has happened after our deaths?"

Ino hid behind her father slightly uncomfortable staring at the Senju with his arms folded.

"What's happening...?"

Her father kicked her on the shin with worry and repeated, "I told you earlier, stay away from the battlefield."

Acting like a spoiled brat, she ignored his concerns and shrank further behind him.

He shook his head involuntarily, "Children." He mused.

Izumi dully announced with the same constant monotone voice.

"Danzo has purposely leaked information about an S-rank mission and spread rumours containing crucial information about the Anbu's former Head captain, Sakumo Hatake. He also handed out S level classified information by revealing the current Jinchuriki of Konoha."

She paused as the other elders hoped she was finished and that was all the information she had.

But with a growing sadistic grin, she destroyed those dreams.

"He then proceeded to secretly escalate between the village and the Uchiha by discreetly assassinating them and hiding it through framing. He later proposed the annihilation of the Uchiha clan to which the other elders agreed."

Hiruzen noticed that they were progressively getting worse for him and decided to fly into a 'rage'.

With what seemed to be clear anger.

"He shouted, I had to follow through or the damage that would be inflicted upon Konoha would be immense!"

Whilst defending himself, he slammed his left hand onto the ground as a giant shuriken appeared in a puff of smoke.

With masterful technique he threw the Fuma shuriken straight towards her.


The sound of weapons colliding entered his ears, a Cloud Anbu deflected the massive shuriken into the ground.

Tobirama's frown deepened and he asked Izumi, "What happened after I died?"

Hiruzen gulped nervously but didn't follow his attack up after his teacher displayed his interest in her.

He then glared at Hiruzen and said with displeasure, "I want every detail and then I'll ask you Hiruzen."

Atsui cheerfully hummed, "Don't worry Hiruzen-sama, your a hero of our Hidden Cloud village. We will always treat you with the necessary courtesy and respect!"

Genkei added with a big smile, "Right, right! As you say, the four elders are our heroes, when we get back we must engrave their names on the memorial monument for future generations to admire."


Going to start deleting anything, that I deem 'unnecessary' from now on.

E.g. Sakura's feelings and thoughts after she finds out that Naruto is the son of the Fourth Hokage.