Chapter 113: Death of Homura Mitokado

It was common practise for the elders to use their power for personal gain before concealing their actions by destroying any possible sources of the information.

Afterall, between there being a small possibility and absolutely no chance, the latter was obviously the better option.

Of course, they always remembered to place them on the monument of hero's in the village, therefore it was alright!

However, that wasn't something they could openly tell their teacher or his brother about.

If either of them found out, they would be harshly punished and stripped of their positions even if by some miracle, Konoha won the battle in the end.

They started to regret pushing Sakumo to committing suicide, otherwise the situation would have never devolved into such a horrible state for them.

Just thinking about the reprimanding their teacher would give them for pushing away so many geniuses made them pale in fear.

Hiruzen thought about ways to lessen the blame on himself and maybe push the rest onto Danzo.

He himself didn't have any direct involvement with the White Fang's death or the annihilation of the Senju clan.

He ruthlessly thought to himself, "Not many know the details about the Uzumaki clan's destruction, I can hide it if I act quickly after all this is over..."

Within a couple of minutes, Izumi had announced several crimes as the crowd recoiled in shock and disbelief.

Kakashi felt his faith in the village collapse, as he stood in a daze.

The world suddenly felt so very...grey...

"My father..."

The shinobi whether they were from the Konoha or the other villages, reacted dramatically.

A leaf shinobi said with a complicated expression. "The White Fang was the idol of my younger brother. He always refused to believe he died by suicide, I guess he was right, all along!"

Another Anbu was baffled by what he heard. "But, why did elder Danzo spread the information of the Senju clan's missions to the other villages if they were trying to harm Konoha?"

A leader of a bounty hunting group smiled, "Huh? I knew it. A shinobi could never be that strong!"

The eyes of one of his underlings lit up, "Hey leader, how about we try to go after his bounty later. It's one of the highest in shinobi history, just imagine all the booze we can buy with that!"

The leader beamed and agreed, not knowing his greed just sealed the end of his fate...

A kunoichi emotionally commented feeling grief, "Aww~ the poor kid has been bullied from such a young age..." She wiped her tears before exclaiming with conviction, "Yosh! This big sister will make sure to take good care of him from now on! Hahaha..."

Some of the audience found the truth easier to accept than others, but others felt it difficult to believe.

With how horribly they treated these people who were ready to sacrifice themselves for the village, what about the chunin and genin?

Had everything, they were taught in the academy simply been brainwashing nonsense?!

Their ridiculous infighting was almost on the level of children tearing a play set apart to satisfy their vanity.

Hearing about some of the Third's great achievements, Tobirama and Ashura's former reincarnation, Hashirama seemed like they were ready to lose it.

Even with the Second Hokage's massive collection of knowledge, he couldn't find the suitable vocabulary to express his anger and disappointment without throwing the scraps of Konoha's reputation away too.

Before he could even start or give an opinion, Sasuke was the first to break the peace with a three tomoe sharingan and a spear of Lightning chakra spasming around his left hand.

With bloodshot eyes, he screeched as he rushed forward wildly.

"I'm going to kill you!"

The rage blinded him from the Lightning chakra cutting into his flesh.

He jumped onto the head of a chunin before diving towards Homura Mitokado.

Unfortunately, the exhaustion and lack of chakra caused him to descend before reaching his target.

Hachiro winked at the jonin holding the pole, causing him to nod to signify his understanding.

He lowered the pole onto the ground before cutting the ropes that bound the elders onto the post.

Atsui picked up the panicking Homura and sadistically smiled before throwing him over to the edgy brat.

"Stop! Help me!"

Koharu tried to shrink her presence by crawling backwards, before bumping into the leg of an Anbu and realising that it wasn't doing her any good.

Sasuke crawled back up again and raised a kunai towards Homura.

The spectating old, female elder realised that it was likely to be her ending as well, if the situation kept progressing as it had.

"Please teacher, save Homura. We didn't mean for this too happen..."

Tobirama ignored her but looked at Homura with many tangled emotions.

Koharu realised that her teacher intended to abandon them to cut Konoha's losses.

It was his way of saying, 'This village has allowed you to live a prosperous life. Now is the time for you to repay the village after all the harm you've done.'

Her old face displayed despair, as she hesitantly said trying to save herself, "I-it... was Danzo's fault! He was the one who proposed all of those plans. We didn't have anything to do with it!"


With a roar, Sasuke's face contorted in anger as the kunai entered the old man's neck.

He pulled it out, causing a puddle of blood to spill over the roof of the building.

A faint smile appeared on Izumi's face before disappearing, she murmured to herself, "That's called karma..."

Hachiro asked her without actually turning his head, "How about letting Naruto kill Danzo or Hiruzen?"

She nodded and replied with, "Sure. He doesn't seem like he would be capable of doing that though. He seems like a simple kid that still sees the hypocrite as the 'grandfather' he imagined up in his head. And... I'm not sure if his father will interfere..."

Hachiro answered with a hum and whispered back. "I guess you're right. Minato on the other hand looks as if he's having a mental breakdown, probably questioning his entire life up to this point."