CHAPTER 91: Not this Again

The voice he heard was enough to shock him as he automatically believed that maybe one of the consciousness he fought against had finally succeeded in invading him which was one of the reasons why he was convinced that he was now hearing things in his head.

"Really? I get no reply at all?" The voice said as it continued speaking shocking Malifus the more, when he discovered that all the consciousness he had been fighting for power suddenly disappeared, not like they weren't there but more like he could feel them but they could no longer affect him.

"You can thank me later but first I need you to retreat with all the mutated demons in your control," The voice replied sharply and in a slightly depressed manner,

Malifus on the other hand felt grateful for no longer being tormented by the forces he had been struggling against but that in no way meant that he would readily bow to any one that felt the need to tell him what to do,