A trip to Kanshawanga

Zea has been two years. I thought birthdays were celebrated in a grand style every year, but the case of Zomuda is different. My boy had grown and was able to communicate in human language.

As a mother, I shall let him be of good cheer to his people, because he shall one day take over from his great father.

"Guards tell the queen to come with Prince Zea to the garden, Hala ordered, yes your majesty it shall be done as you wish".

"Your highness the king wants to see you and his small highness in the garden", okay, we shall meet him soon", Lila replied to the guard.

Hala was seated on one of the swings with a glass of fresh wine, beside him was a bottle of the wine on a golden table.

He signalled the guards for privacy as Lila walked in with Zea. 

I am going for a meeting. I want you to take care of my kingdom till I return. 

First time king Hala assigned leadership responsibilities to his wife. "Why will this man dashed such a huge responsibility to me?" anyway I have been looking for peace and I have found it, Lila was lost in thought". 

Hala was very sensitive to body language, he perceived Lila was feeling ramious towards the task before her. 

Should I withdraw you from the task? No, my lord, she replied. Why then are you lost in thought?" wasn't lost, just wanted to ask you if your king's men are aware of it. 

I own nobody's judgement but everybody owns my judgments. 

" I shall let them know but it is not a must to do so". 

Lila digested other words concerning his trip. 

"Eh... That reminds me, I shall travel with one of my cabinet members, and who should that be Lila asked respectfully?"

"Mr Ria of course". Lila perceived their mission was not for the good of Zomuda but she couldn't confront her husband, while Ria instead of Mr Poker was the aim of their trip. 

Mr Ria was the medium through which king Hala sieved information from his people, it was obvious to Lila that the journey planned by these two monsters shall bring bane to Zomuda. 

"My lord, does the queen ever travel with the king?" 

Hala became strange by Lila's question, hmmm...." you want to travel with me, to where?" Lila was unable to provide an answer, though she asked the question not to travel with Hala but to put words in his mouth but Hala was too clever for Lila to manipulate. 

Where did you want to go with me? Hala asked Lila in a terrifying tune. 

" Maybe a ceremonial trip,'' she replied. 

We shall cross the bridge when we get there. 

"I need some rest, I want to have my siesta", Hala excused Lila. 

"I ought to bury my head into the sand for some of his words, the man is the true definition of the breeze whose direction is unpredictable", said Lila. 

"I want to see my king's men, he ordered his messenger".

" It is done as you wish your majesty", he replied Hala and went so fast and delivered the messages. 

"I called these impromptu seating as it occurred to my mind. I have a trip to embark on to the kingdom of Kanshawanga, it is a vital visitation but I need to go with one of you". 

No one wanted to go because of his unpredictable character, except Ria who was the green snake in the kingdom. 

But he can't show his interest. If not he will be suspected by the other men. 

Poker or Mik supposed to go with him, but their life is very important to them, so they were vehemently praying in their mind not to be selected. 

During king Keith time, when he wants to travel, he does call the diviner to do balloting for who to go with because all the men would show interest in going with him. The journey with late king Keith was always a blessing to whosoever accompanied him. But the regime of Hala never consults the diviner before embarking on any journey. 

Ria, he called immediately all the men's ears stood tall like an antenna. 

They knew that anything Ria was involved in was evil orchestrated by him and the king. "Your majesty, I am always at your disposal,'' Ria said. 

"You shall accompany me to the kingdom of Kanshawanga, get ready for the trip early tomorrow morning".

 "As it pleases you, your highness,'' he said. 

We can go home now the meeting is over, Hala signalled Ria to wait behind. 

Ria became reluctant in sipping his wine, the other men left him with the king. 

Ria, Hala called. I chose you for this trip because of your wisdom and cruelty. Truly I am going to visit the king of kanshawanga but my aim of visiting is to know all their exit points during the war, so be smart with me okay! 

"Yes your majesty, Ria responded". 

They embarked on the journey as early as 5 am and arrived in kanshawanga at 4 pm. They were welcomed wholeheartedly by King Tira. 

Food and wine were made available for them and they had adequate rest against the next day. 

Hala was very friendly to king Tira, but Tira never knew Hala was a black sheep in white skin. They discussed each of their kingdoms vividly but Tira was too loquacious to expose his stomach to Hala. 

They took a tour through the four boundaries of the kingdom of Kanshawanga, all this king Tira did because he believed in himself as the greatest warrior. 

They spent two weeks on their vacation living Zomuda responsibilities for Lila. 

Lila governed her people like late king Keith for the transient time Hala and Ria left the kingdom. 

Zomudians never wanted Hala to return because they enjoy peace and equality with Lila. 

Hala king's men were full of happiness as they discussed the developmental affair of Zomuda with Lila. 

They enjoyed every little atmosphere with the queen but the tenure of her reign was just too brief.