The future invasion

There was just a day left for Hala and Ria to return to Zomuda. King Tira had a warm conversation with them concerning leadership skills, both king Hala and Mr Ria had a good moment with the king that evening.

"When it was night everybody had gone to bed, Hala woke Ria. We have almost achieved the purpose of our visit, in time to come we shall get this whole kingdom to ourselves and I will make you the chief superintendent overseeing the activities of this kingdom".

"We shall be on our way first thing tomorrow morning". 

"Words are not sufficient to thank you for your kind heart towards me, you shall be a king forever Mr Ria praised Hala", as they went back to bed.

As early as 4:30am both men were set to go back to their kingdom, king Tira gifted Hala a golden necklace and a mirror framed with silver, Mr Ria was given a wristband made from the lion skin and a red cap with a touch of gold.

Both kings exchanged hugs with each other. Hala and Ria went their way with their guards.

They were full of happiness as they discussed home excitedly.

Apart from Mr Ria, there is nobody who can share good moments with the king.

They arrived at Zomuda and were given a warm welcome as it is done whenever the king announces his trip.

His people were all happy and they praised the almighty for the safe return of their king and his entourage.

Hala was happy seeing how his people care for him, but that doesn't change his mind about using them to achieve his plan.

"I need some rest, tomorrow I shall communicate to you via my king's men how we went. Hala addressed his people and went in to have some rest because they arrived so exhaustively at a late hour.

" Hope the journey went well Lila asked politely the next day?" 

Yes, it went well, king Tira was down to earth seeing me so exhausted in his kingdom. We were received wholeheartedly and entertained with plenty of food and drink. 

He engaged us in a community tour to show us their escape route in time of war. 

Immediately Lila's eyes became bulgy on hearing the foolish mistake of King Tira. 

"This man has chosen the bitter part for himself,'' Lila said within herself. 

Anyways my visit to this kingdom is to get us ready awaiting the invasion of the kingdom Hala opened up to Lila, but Lila was already aware of his vices. 

Let go and have lunch Hala said romantically to Lila. 

Zea was already two years old and he can manage a chair on his own at the dinny table. 

The table was packed with varieties of food. "Go and tell the king's men I need them now for the report of my trip".

The guard put on a marathon race to deliver the king's message. 

"It's a thing of joy our king returned safe and sound may the almighty acclaim all praise Ria said". 

This seating is initiated to discuss what we didn't conclude some years ago. For the past seven years, I made a public notice about us enlarging our coast and we can only achieve this by fighting for our wants. 

For the past few months, I have been travelling to other kingdoms to see how large and powerful they are. We can't fold our hands to let Zomuda shrink in size; instead, we shall fight forcefully to claim other kingdoms to Zomuda. 

I want our kingdom to be the greatest and largest. We shall start getting our youth and the able-bodied men trained for the war awaiting us. 

Your majesty, buh.....bu.....but what will now happen to your king friends sir Poker asked as a stammered. 

"In the animal jungle, there is no best friend forever when it's time for breakfast, lunch or even dinner. 

Everybody is prey at that moment king Hala replied to Mr Poker". 

His answer left the men speechless. I called on you all to get ready because one day we shall face the battle against our best friends and brethren who will automatically become our enemies.

All of you can go home, pass the information to your next-door neighbour until it is evenly distributed. 

The men went their various ways humming to each other. 

Guards!!! Yes your majesty one of them responded, get me, Zea, I will do just as you wish. 

Father, you sent for me? Zea was just two years old when this happened. 

"Yes, I did". 

My kingdom is my pride and you are my ego and potency. I want you to key to every action and word including the characters I shall portray anytime. 

"The lion never gives birth to a goat". 

"I am the great lion that has the fearless cub, you shall follow my footsteps to be successful". 

Some time ago, I proposed to the people about invading our neighbouring kingdom and having them under us. The time is near and we are vehemently getting ready for it. 

"I shall be harder in mind than this". 

Hala was still corrupting his son when Lila interrupted. 

"Zea my little lord, she called, it is time to see the garden with the most beautiful creatures''. Hala couldn't object because it is a tradition set aside for princes in Zomuda. 

"My lord forgive my manners, she pleaded with Hala to take Zea". 

"It's fine, you guys can go and feel your eyes as our law demands, remember you are a fearless lion, be strong for your father Zea!!!! 

Both of them left for Lila's chamber. My boy remembers the only way to live long and please the almighty is to have a pure and a contrite spirit. 

"You are a Prince but you are the same as the ordinary human in the kingdom, love them as you love yourself", Lila admonished her son. 

Zia, please get Zea ready for the tour, "I will do just that, your majesty". 

Zea was well dressed by Zia as they were ready for the tour around the Palace.