The excursion

Zea was accompanied by two guards to his mother. "Come here son and let go and see the wonderful creature of the almighty", Lila said.

Lila was so excited to show her little boy of two years everywhere she was conversant with in the Palace and the kingdom entirely.

"Some time ago, I was like every other person in Zomuda, not my opinion or my dream to be married into the Palace, though it was a beautiful place but I am not a fan of a luxurious lifestyle".

My mother was very intelligent and a dedicated woman to her husband. I mean your grandmother. My dream was to get married to a warrior and there was a particular warrior I admired so much then.

His charming appearance was Irresistible to me. Whenever I saw him I salivated like a hungry dog, but the way of the almighty was different for me. I never knew he was making me for the Palace.

There was a day when the king, your late grandfather, called for every beautiful girl in the kingdom to come to the Palace for dance and the best and the most beautiful girl in the eyes of the Prince then now the king, the lion of Zomuda would be his wife.

My father was so happy to hear the news because he knew I was going to come out first.

I never wanted to be in the competition, for reasons I shall tell you some other time but I was compelled to attend by my father.

"I was selected by your father. Mother, Zea, is called Lila. "Are you the most beautiful woman in the kingdom? He asked, rolling his bulgy eyes. Lila smiled at her son and said," boy, I am not, it was all the handiwork of the almighty".

"I was married in the Palace after that event, but I wasn't comfortable at my arrival, but thanks to the almighty, I met beautiful maidens who turned out to be sisters to me".

After some time of staying in the Palace, I was taken for an orientation walk as we are doing now by your father.

The first pool we passed is where your father keeps consumable aquatic animals including fishes. Lila was conscious to show her son the skeletons in his father's cupboard. 

They came to the garden. "This garden was long ago built by your grandparents, his royal majesty King Keith". 

"He built the garden to promote love in the Palace, not only in the Palace". Whenever he has visitors, they come here to drink together. 

Lila lifted Zea into one of the swings and swung it to and fro, Zea gave his mother a bright and welcoming smile, Lila never hesitated in reciprocating the smile. 

The maidens smiled at each other as they whispered to each other, "indeed she has a heart of gold". 

Lila hopped into the swing close to Zea as both mother and child felt the moments together. 

"Okay", we are going straight to where horses are kept, Lila said as she brought Zea down the swing. They all happily walked together to where the horses were kept. 

Mother, "I love the white horse", hahaha......Lila laughed out loud. You don't need to like anything here, they are all yours but you see that white horse, it is meant for a royal trip, whenever your father wants to embark on a royal trip he rides on it. "Your father loved you so much and I know soon when you grow taller he shall let you ride on it too". 

Guard, he called one of the men that escorted them to lift Zea onto the horseback. 

The horse was excited to receive Zea into his back. It gave Zea a brief ride around the Palace and returned him to his mother, thank Toluzi Lila appreciated the horse and the horse in return received the greeting by raising his two hands. 

Both the maidens and the guards were all laughing at the comic and benevolent display by the horse. 

Now boy!!! "It is time to return to the Palace as time is far away. We shall go in to have our bath, eat and share the exciting moment you had with your father". 

They met Hala seated outside the Palace, not in the garden but a little canopy taking fresh air and a very fresh wine by his side. 

"Welcome back from your excursion, I hope you guys had a wonderful time out there?" Yes, we did, Lila responded. "Okay, you guys should go in, clean up and let's meet at the dining table, alright my lord". 

"Your presence in this Palace is our tranquillizer and sedative, you are not just a human but from the look of things, the almighty incarnated in human form to serve us peace, Zia said to Lila reverently". 

The almighty is greater than me and merciful than me also, "I am Lila not even up to a strand of the almighty hair, please you guys should stop flattering me he said". 

I know one day we shall all sit and eat together at one table. "That means either we have constipation, diarrhoea or we are suffocated to death after the mean, one of the guys said", another interjected, your majesty, "how can common human beings like us, a mere servant to eat with the king, are you recruiting us for our early death?" 

Lila was lost for words and at the same time enraged but she got to give in to their points because they were right. 

She had sympathy for them from their speech," don't worry it is a gradual process, we shall get there someday,'' she assured them. 

"Now everybody go to your duty post, Tashia get Zea ready for dinner, alright your majesty. Happily every worker in the Palace did their job". 

The presence of Lila was a sun that brightens their day. 

Lila was ready for dinner but was engaged in a talk with Zia when she heard a gentle knock on her door. 

Yes!! "Your majesty", the guard called from the other side of the door, his highness waiting for you at the dining table. 

Okay, "we shall be there to rock the meal together, Lila said jokingly".