The bitter dinner

Oftentimes it took you so long to come to the table, the snake is quiet to its child doesn't mean it can't bite it when it takes her simplicity for granted, Hala spoke in anger to Lila. 

Zea wanted to put on crocodile tears to dilute his father's anger, but Hala anger was beyond that. 

Hey boy! I don't want you to act funny here, console yourself right before you see my other side. Lila was bitterly enraged but she was too weak to contest Hala anger. 

Lila has the right to excuse the dinner but her faithfulness and loyalty to her husband never let her do so. 

Immediately the joy that accompanied Lila and Zea to the dining table was soured. They ate so cold but Hala buried his head into the sand for his wife and child as they ate so cold. 

The guards around seeing what was happening wanted to exit their position for the royalties to have their private space. "Where are you foes going?" he asked abusively. 

The guards halted immediately as their good plan of exiting their position was stunted by the king. They were mute, "who am I talking to?" He asked with a fierce face. 

The guards know what shall follow if they remain silent. 

Yuh.....yo.....your..highness, it was never pleasant of us to exit our duty post, it is not wise of us to stay and listen to your conversations. These words pierced his heart but his ego will never let them be right. 

Wait for my command before you take any action, the next time you guys play funny like this it shall never be fun for both of you. We are sorry your highness, sorry for yourselves you fools. 

Anger let him out of the table and Lila and his son never waited for him to enter his chamber before they too found their route to their chamber also. 

The two guards were sweating profusely, one of them was vibrating because he knew the outcome of the king's action would have been the end of them seeing the sunrise. 

When shall we be delivered from this cloudy environment? One of the guards asked his colleague sorrowfully as he narrated what transpired at the dining table to him.

We were almost gone for our good, but thanks be to the almighty that preserved our lives. 

"Where is Jaie?" Hala asked one of the guards, "he is there your majesty" . 

Jaie was one of the most intelligent guards in the Palace, not only intelligent but he always executed the king's order without fear, from his heart but to keep his soul and spirit forward. 

I don't want to see anybody, I repeat I don't want to see anybody, do I make myself clear!!!! Yes, your majesty. 

Hala staggered into his chamber and banged the door. 

Lila was troubled, Zea was Stirring at his mother, all her maidens were dumb. 

Everybody was nervous, especially the maidens, "because they were aware that what is not good for the geese is never good for the gander". 

Throughout the whole day, everybody was in their lane. 

Good morning your majesty, one of the guards in charge of Hala door greeted Lila as he walked towards the doorpost.

"Good morning Lila responded, have you heard anything from the king?"

No, your majesty, he replied. 

Lila felt guilty for coming late to the dining table. 

If anyone should suffer anything from the king's action, I am the cause and as such I must do well to embrace the implications. But will the king allow me to do so?

Lila was confused in thought, her two years Zea was so sharp taking note of every itch done by both parents. 

I don't want my child to build on this wrong foundation, it will greatly affect his future. 

I should seek peace if he opens his door. 

I think coming out of my shell will be beautiful for these people? Hala was thinking of returning so fast to his normal life, when he flashed back he signed a peace treaty with his people. 

Hmm.....I am the law and I can amend myself anytime, he said. 

If I should make this man visit his past he might dwell there without coming back and it will be hostile to the kingdom. 

Lila was still busy hallucinating when Zia came unknowingly to her. 

Your majesty, your, Lila responded as she vibrated up from her seating position. 

Is everything alright? Yes, everything is fine. Just need some space. Lila doesn't want to be advised by anyone. 

I don't always want my maidens to see the skeleton in my cupboard. 

Zia was reluctant to leave because she was troubled the queen was not in good condition. 

They have been too familiar to neglect each other's feelings but she needed to give her space as she demanded. 

Do you care for anything? Zia asked, interrupting her thinking. I said I needed some space, you......she wanted to call her a clown. This was where Zia discovered there was a fire on the mountain. 

I am sorry your majesty Zia apologised and breezed out of the queen chamber. 

Hala managed to come out but still smelling anger, nobody dared salute him, everybody was in their shell. 

That very morning he came out, he went straight and sat on his throne. 

He signalled the guards at the entrance of the Palace and he responded once. 

All the guards were on alert anytime he was angry, to avoid chopping off their heads. 

Tell the king's men I want to see them by 9 am today, failure to come shall appease me with his head. 

The guards injected saliva rapidly to the extent the sound was obvious to the king as if he was gulping a cup of water. 

The nervousness of the guards made Hala smile. The guards breezed out that very early morning sweating like a guilty goat to deliver the message. 

Lila saw Hala going to the Palace Hall but it was too early for her to play her soothing game to dilute his anger.