Becoming An Adventurer

"Hello, I want to start as an adventurer"

As he said this, his face lifted so the receptionist could see it. The receptionist thought she had seen good looking men before, but as she saw this 16 year old, cold faced young man, she had to admit he was in the top 5.

"Uhm, you there" This time she was the one to doze of, because of how handsome Adrian was.

"U-uh y-yes, how can I help you!" She finally cam back to it when she heard his voice.

"I want to become an adventurer" He repeated himself. He was not annoyed at all, he was too excited for this.

"Oh, okay, have you been an adventurer anywhere else, or are you new?" She went back to her professional tone.

"I am new!" He showed a sliver of a smile on his cold face, before it disappeared again.

"Okay, there is a few things you need to know! ..." She proceeded to tell him everything he needed to know.

In the adventurer guild, you get ranked considering your skills and stats. There is 9 different levels in this world. F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS and SSS. He was told that there was only 5 SSS ranked in the whole kingdom. Newbies like Adrian usually starts and rank F, but they can start higher, since they need to be evaluated.

The evaluation will be done by an A or higher rank adventurer, and if there is none of them, the guild master has to do it.

"... so, let us go get your evaluation first! Wait just a second so I can prepare!" The receptionist was trying to act calm and professional.

Around 30 minutes later she came back to Adrian, while he had sat down on one of the benches.

"Sorry it took so long, I couldn't find an adventurer, so the guild master will help you now!" The receptionist sounded kind of scared.

She showed Adrian where to go, and they ended up in a big hall with something that looked like a big battle arena in the middle. There stood a tall burly and bald man in the middle of the arena. He was a very handsome middle-aged man, with a very well kept mustache.

The receptionist told Adrian that that man was the Guild master, and one of the 5 SSS ranked adventurers. He was very unlucky to get this man to do his evaluation. The reason being, he had a hard time holding back.

The guild master finally saw the 2, and he took a long look at Adrian, trying to see through him. "Hmmm, you seem decent newbie! How old are you?" He got the feeling that Adrian was a strong person, compared to other newbies.

Adrian could also feel his strength, but he kept his cool head "I became 16 this year!".

The guild master was very shocked after hearing this. How could a 16 year old newbie stay this calm after being near him. He was always showing some of his aura, since he didn't know how to hold back.

"16 huh, a little young i see" The guild master was wondering about something for a second, but he stopped that immediately.

"So kid, Why do you want to be an adventurer?"

He showed a battle hungry smile, with some battle intent showing "I want to fight strong monsters and people!" He didn't even have to think before saying this.

"HAHA, I like that kid! Want to fight me?!" The guild master was quite shocked by this battle intent. He had never seen a 16 year old with this kind of strong intent.

"Of course!" Adrian was getting excited, as he walked into the battle arena.

What neither Adrian nor the guild master knew was, that in the back of the hall, a very eager adventurer was looking at this happening. He was also getting excited, and seeing such a weird newbie would be a fun show. He hurried into the hall, and told all the adventurers there about what was happening.

Before the fight had even started, the hall was field with people, and there was a lot of cheering going on.

"Come on kid, you can get him down!" A random man yelled, which made all the other people laugh loudly.

Adrian paid no attention to all of the people around, he was ready to fight. He saw that the guild master had no weapon, but that also happened to him earlier. So he would not ask the stupid question.

"When do we start" That was the only thing Adrian could think of.

"NOW!" He suddenly disappeared, and less that a second later, he appeared behind Adrian, and swung his arm. Adrian reacted at the moment he appeared, thanks to instinct.

He moved to the site of the guild master, and used 'Perforate' on him. The guild master didn't react to the attack, so he took the hits head on.

"That was interesting kid!"

Adrian heard this voice, and he was very surprised. He looked at the guild master, seeing that his attack did absolutely nothing.

He suddenly felt danger, and dashed as fast as he could to the side. The ground suddenly started shaking, and part of the battle arena caved in. Adrian was lucky enough to have dashed away from his previous position, since that was where the ground had caved in. It made a massive dust cloud that no one could see through.

This caused a big uproar in the hall, everyone had thought that this attack would have hit Adrian. The guild master thought so too, so he had already started to walk away.

Suddenly a figure came out of the dust cloud though, and the spear in that persons hand thrusted straight at the back of the guild master. He had no idea that a spear was coming for him, before the spear hid him, and pushed him 3 meters forward.

[New Skill learned: Charged spear thrust lvl 1]

This man with the spear was of course Adrian, and he had just tried a new attack, and it was successful.

Again, the guild master was surprised, he was just pushed by a newbie. Only 3 meters though, and he was just walking, but still.

"How did you do that kid?" He had to know "Is it some kind of skill?"

"It became a skill! I just tried to use dash and thrust together, which would give the thrust a massive momentum boost!"

The hall turned deadly silent after hearing this. They looked at him in a weird way, even the guild master looked shock.

Adrian looked around with a curious look, why was everyone looking at him in that way. It felt really weird.

"D-Did you just create your own skill?" The guild master was shocked. You usually get skills from buying techniques.

"Oh yeah, I have a few self created skills" He gave a small smile. He thought it was quite normal, but by all these reactions, it seemed it was kind of good.

"I see we have found a genius, follow me kid, lets finish the procedures!!" After hearing Adrian say these things, he was getting very excited. What kind of genius did he just find?

"Okay" Adrian had nothing to say, and just followed the guild master.

They walked into a small office, it looked like the office he was in with the guard at the entrance to get his ID. There was also a crystal here, at it was the same crystal. They didn't need top use it, since he had already gotten a ID.

"Adrian, show me your stats, i need to evaluate your rank!"


Name: Adrian Stone

Age: 16

Class: Novice spearman

Subclass: None

Title: None

lvl: 12

Health: 60/60

Mana: 21/21

Strength: 12

Agility: 16

intelligence: 7

stamina: 12

Vitality: 12

Bravery: 12

Charm: 8

undistributed points: 6

Combat Skills:

Basic Spearmanship lvl: 5

thrust lvl: 3

swing lvl: 3

overhead swing lvl: 2

Perforate lvl: 2

Whirlwind lvl: 1

Active Skills:

dash lvl: 3

Passive Skills:

Disciplined lvl: 4

Instinct lvl: 2

Emotion control lvl: 3

Pressure lvl: 2


As the guild master looked through his stats, he was a little shocked. He had the stats of a D rank adventurer. It was not unheard of that a newbie has such stats, but they are usually above 20 years old.

His skills were pretty low level though, and his spearmanship was self created, so it might suit him better, but without proper guidance, it will fall behind in the early levels.

"Kid, I will make you an E rank adventurer in the beginning, your stats are high, but your skills levels are too low!" He had to do this, he really wanted to make him C rank though. But the higher ups would never let a newbie get such a high rank from the beginning.

A few minutes went by, when the door suddenly opened. It was the receptionist from earlier. She was carrying a small card, which she gave to Adrian.

"My name is Sandra, and i will be your personal receptionist from now on!" What she meant by personal receptionist was, that he could always ask her for questions. She would show the best missions they had to offer for him, and so on.

She did have other adventurers too though, so she might not always be available. Anyway, Adrian had finally become an adventurer.

"What should be my first mission?"