Chapter 3- The Promise

Asleep on the couch she felt someone's presence as she woke up but barely opened her eyes. She didn't know what to do so she pretended to be asleep. She noticed the guy have blue eyes and blonde hair, he then carried her, and just held her as if going to sleep with her, until...*ring**ring* Ishuya groans "who would disturb my sleep at this time?" rubs her eyes as she answers without looking who it is "Hello?" "Hey twin, sup? what ya doing?" she recognized the voice it's Kason "Bruh! do you know what time it is where I'm at?! I was in the middle of a dream!" He chuckled "my bad, my bad go back to sleep" "why'd you call though?" "Nothing, I was bored" "Aight I'll just call you when I wake up" hangs up.

Kason has dark skin with black hair and golden eyes. He's been her friend for a long time so much so they call each other twin. There's never a serious time with him, it's always just nonsense talks which helps with Ishuya's mood as she's never been positive with everything. She did start to be positive here and there but all that seemed nothing now since what happened between her and Loki. She forgot to call Kason that day.

; She was finally coming out of her shell after meeting Loki but right now it's like she went back in, way too deep that no one can even help her feel better. Can you blame her though? She's been traumatized by her own family without them realizing it. She grew up questioning her worth, she's afraid to try new things and even some that she knows she can do. every time she wants to take that step she'll hear the voice of her father saying "You'll just fail or you can never do anything right" it may be different now but after hearing that at a young age she can't pull herself out. All of that began to change slowly because of Loki. All this time she is still waiting for him. There may be guys who want her but she'd always say I have a boyfriend. You see for her, there's no one else even with the red flags she can't seem to free herself from him as she loves him deeply. You see he did something wrong that he needed rehabilitation and even then Ishuya stayed loyal to him. Having faith that the guy she met is just trapped within himself. She prayed "If we're not meant to be please let me know. If we are then please let me hear any news about him" and before that day ended she got a message and a picture of him holding a paper saying "please wait for me, I'm sorry. I love You, you are my wife and you can kill me if I don't come back" As she reads the message and sees how skinny he got she bursts into tears feeling hurt and relieved at the same time. "So after this, we're gonna be okay? I'm glad cause I Love Him more than my life." as she hugs her phone. Everyone around her wanted her to just let go and move on, seeing how devastated she's been, but after that, she was finally smiling again. Wondering when she'll get to see him, she took the heart-shaped plushie and played the recording with Loki's voice "I Love You, honey. Now get up and clean this room niguh *faint chuckle could be heard* I Love You" hearing his voice again tears started building up as she thinks how much she misses him. "I'll see you soon my love" *ting* she got a message from Loki's mom saying they'll visit him and that she can go with them. Ishuya up seeing that jumped with joy as she would be seeing him again after almost a year. She went out and bought ingredients as she thinks of the baking brownies and cookies that Loki would often ask her to bake before they watch a movie in bed. Seeing how happy she is, no one dared to say anything because they knew that no matter what they say Ishuya would always fight for him. No matter how people see him now the Loki she knew that they never got to see is what she's holding on to. The nights they would laugh at something to the point where she couldn't stop and forget what they're laughing about and Loki laughing at her for being like that. The nights where they binge-watch anime as Loki happily eat the baked goods Ishuya makes. The times they'd bathe each other and Ishuya falling asleep. Times where He would make random things to make Ishuya's daily routines easier. Like a hair iron holder or hair blow dryer holder. Times where they'd play till the sun's up beating everyone and how jealous some people would get with the duo couple. Not everyone can find a partner that likes to play as you do, it's rare and they have that. Every decision Ishuya makes, Loki would be that constant in the equation. Whenever she goes out without him and she'd come across a store and find something that'll suit him. She'll buy it and she's happy about it because she thinks that only by taking care of him and doing things like this can she show how much she appreciates him. They might've had a few fights here and there and sometimes Ishuya would get out of control and would hit or scratch him they still manage to work it out. Ishuya at a young age would lock herself in her room whenever her parents bad mouth her, she'll hit the wall or hit her head thinking why was she even born, and every time it happens it's as if she doesn't feel a thing the pain in her heart was so great that physical pain doesn't affect her. Only after meeting Loki did she start to care about herself more. He was patient, caring, considerate, rarely sweet, honest, and understanding. But all those seemed to vanish. That man who couldn't lie to her even over a little thing like having a sip of coke when they decided to just have water for a week *chuckles* was able to lie to her face even though she already knows the truth she turned a blind eye validating all of his actions.

Finally, it's the day for her to see him. She was so excited that she be jumping lightly by the entrance as she wait for him to come out. As Loki was walking in the hallway their eyes met and both of them just burst into tears hugging each other tightly not wanting to let go.

Loki: I'm so sorry *he held her head closer as they hug* I'm gonna try my best so I can get out as soon as possible. I love you so much.

Ishuya: *Crying so hard can barely utter a word* I'll always be by your side and support you. I Love You.

Loki: Forgive me? What do I do without you... I don't know *grabs her head gently and kissed her not minding the people around them*

They were allowed to eat in the park inside the facility and Ishuya was so happy that Loki was enjoying those she baked for him. Till it was time for them to leave. Ishuya told him she'll wait for him and that she'll start going to school again. As if the weight has been lifted being able to be with him again is what gave her the strength to keep moving forward.

She would then talk to K about her worries and also her happiness. She can't be alone, can't eat alone as she gets filled with negative thoughts or random guys talking to her as if they know her. She would stay on the phone with K till it's time for her to go to class. Xeno would see her alone under the umbrella table and would accompany her and drop her off to her class. Every one of her friends knows that she's waiting for Loki still and would just support her. K knows that too and would often just give her advice or just to keep her will strong as she waits.

It was finally the time for Loki to get out. Ishuya came with His family to pick him up. Loki doesn't seem to wanna let her go. He'd always hold her hand or stay close to her. His parents decided to take him home with them to the states. They went outside to talk. Ishuya couldn't bear it as she cried, you can hear the pain as she tried to speak to him.

Ishuya: Hun, you're *hic* leaving me?*wipes her eyes as tears wouldn't stop*

Loki: *Crying as he wipes her eyes* It's what they planned. I wanna stay here with you *hold his head down to his face and covers his mouth* If I can't get your VISA, I'll wait for you or maybe after 2 years I'll come back.

Ishuya: I can't let you leave me again hun. Not again *as she sat holding her chest from the pain*

Loki: Honeeey *held her from her shoulder making her stand up and hug her* You know I love you right? *Ishuya just nodded, he then kneeled down holding her hand and removed the ring she's already wearing* Will you marry me?

Ishuya: You ask me that every day and I'd always say yes. *tears still flowing down* and that's our promise ring

Loki: * gets up and wipes her tears* I know. when we meet again I'll get a new one and propose properly then. *kissed her*

Ishuya: *wipes her tears and sighs* what do I do with you *they both chuckled and went back inside*

If we're meant to be, we will be. this is just another challenge I have to face she told herself. She stayed the night that time.

After the initial release of Loki, the couple which had been longing for each other had finally been reunited, hugging and kissing each other passionately, practically being inseparable from each other. The happy couple as they would have seemed from anyone's point of view are very happy to be in each other arms again. They headed back to the home that was provided for both of them. Their parents knowing how much they longed for each other had decided to give them both some space to catch up with each other for days. On one occasion, a random day like any other or so it would have seemed at the moment. They did all they usually do in the past, from playing to bathing to eating to going out and all that, finally it was time to rest and they had picked the anime "fairy tail" to watch while they relaxed before bed. While watching the said anime, Loki turned towards Ishuya and gave her a deep entranced look as he stared into her captivating eyes and finally said "I've missed you so much Honey". Ishuya sharing the same passionate look with Loki smiled and replied softly " I've missed you more Hun". Suddenly the shared gaze had turned to a shared and passionate kiss, he held her close and tight in a warm and loving embrace while they had locked lips and tongues airtight and occasionally backing away before returning back to the kiss. His pink lips entangled with her soft pink lips while they kissed. His tongue wrapping and curling around hers while they passionately kissed was enough to turn the both of them sexually on. They started undressing each other whilst their passionate kiss held them close before they were both nude. Finally, he moved on to laying down on his back as he watched her straddle him and get into the cowgirl position. He caressed her ample hips while he moved his hips in a slow, deep manner while grinding his crotch against hers. She had missed this special activity with him as she immediately joined in on the grinding and could feel her sexual lower part getting moist already. They both released small moans and grunts of pleasure while they started grinding more energetically and hungrily for each other, she couldn't hold back the words as she said "Put it inside of me, I want you so bad". Not to get into too much details, they had made sweet, hot, and passionate love that night and Loki ended up passing out after shooting his rounds in her.

The next day they're at the airport. By the van.

Ishuya: *crying* You better behave!

Loki: Yes i will

Ishuya: You better not cheat on me or I'll kill you

Loki: *chuckles as he hugs her*, Of course, I won't, I have you

Ishuya: *Glares as she tries not to burst out* Promise?

Loki: *offers his pinky* pinky promise

Ishuya: *locks pinky with him* You better keep it this time

*they both kissed each other's thumb before putting their thumbs together*

Loki: Stop crying honey it's so hard for me to leave you're making me want to put you in my luggage and take you with me *chuckles*

Ishuya: I would gladly do that open it! *they laughed as if about to kiss then gave their goodbyes and kissed*

As he entered the airport Ishuya couldn't bear to look and so she got in the van and burst out. Loki's cousin who's driving said "Don't worry you'll see him again, hopefully, he won't fuck up again" Ishuya Cried herself to sleep again that time. Until Loki called and they stayed on the phone the whole time as they both went to sleep.