Chapter 2- First date

; Ishuya went to the party but Eri said she'll be late and turns out it was only Loki and his group of friends and not the whole class. They went to a karaoke bar and ordered a few drinks. Ishuya who had half of a bottle started singing and her phone rang. It was Eri saying she won't make it and bailed out. Ishuya then decided to head home. Loki and his friends were good enough to accompany her as she wait to get picked up. Good thing they were a bunch of guys who respects girls. You're probably thinking why did she drink and all. she can't properly conversate with people and she thought if she drink a bit she'd be less shy which she ended up laughing with them at the stop cause Markian was feeling sick as he had too many drinks with an empty stomach.

It's the day of the exam Luke's voice "Baka~ get up now Ish~" she rubs her eyes and turns off her alarm as she yawns, and then goes to the bathroom and showers. "All my exams are for today I'll just go out with my friends for the next two days, Lucky!"

Today she's wearing a white big shirt, jeans and of course boots. it's a comfy outfit as she plans to go out after exams with her friends.

; Xeno is her classmate in Algebra so they sat next to each other. Ishuya finished before him and he's got another exam after so Ishuya decided to go out and started typing on her phone to meet up with the others when suddenly an arm was wrapped around her shoulders and as she turns to look it was Loki smiling at her. Xeno who's still inside the classroom waiting for the next exam to start saw what happened and frowned sending Ishuya a text "Who's that? do you know him? where are the others?"

Ishuya: did u know I was here? as she types a reply to Xeno "It's Loki, Eri's classmate. The others say they're still having their exams"

Loki: I asked Eri what room you're having your exam and we took ours on the same floor. where are you heading? wanna grab lunch?

Markian: yeah let's go we're hungry.

Ishuya: hard for her to say no "uhm okay, cafe uno?"

They agreed and went to the university cafe and she ordered her favorite pork chop with garlic rice and iced tea. They talked about their exam as they ate. after they finished eating they decided to go to 7 eleven for some ice cream and on their way there...

Markian: Oh you guys go ahead I forgot we need to pick some papers from the teacher's lounge.

Ishuya: It's okay we can wait

Z: *one of Loki's friends* No it's fine you guys go on ahead we'll be quick

Loki: Alright boys, be quick. *turns to Ishuya as they walk* What flavor are you getting?

Ishuya: I don't mind waiting for them *she mumbles* Uhm either vanilla or chocolate

They got to 7eleven and they only had vanilla ice cream on a cone available. Ishuya who actually never had ice cream on a cone before.

Ishuya: *ice cream dripping on the floor and on her hands* uh..uhmm, do you have a tissue?

Loki: Woah you're making a mess *chuckles*

Ishuya: *embarrassed* I've eaten ice cream on a cone before it's always on a cup with spoon *smiles awkwardly* can we get a spoon?

Loki: Pffffft *finds it cute and asked for a spoon* here ya go princess

Ishuya: *turns red as they sat wiping her hands and ate trying to avoid Loki's gaze* thanks

Loki: I need to thank Markian and Z for this

Ishuya: huh?

Loki: They actually have nothing to do *scratch his chin as he slightly looks away* it was a lie so we can be alone. What a first date though *chuckles*

Ishuya: *never had a boyfriend and not even on a date before*!

Loki: *nods* that time I saw you standing outside our room with that "don't talk to me face" I told myself "I gotta shoot my shot" and well here we are.

They got closer after that and started seeing each other when Ishuya gets out of class waiting for her friends, they'd meet by the chapel and walk around it as they talk and after 2 to 3 laps of walking around, they'd sit near the entrance and talk. Ishuya is very shy and can't look at him in the eyes Loki would ask her a few times to face him and ask why she can't and the only thing she'll utter is "when I see you looking at me, it's like your eyes are sparkling" Loki would just chuckle thinking just how cute can you be as she pet her head. Loki would then drop her off and finally meet her parents. her dad was against him at first because of his tattoo. Ishuya with her shyness and all, is into bad boy-looking guys. She listened to Loki as he shares his past, his flaws even though he was afraid that Ishuya might not want to have anything to do with him after hearing him, but she accepted him for who he is at the moment. the person who tries to change himself for the better. She warned him though, that if he were to do any of those past mistakes, she would leave him and he agreed and promised that that will never happen.

After 6 months, on March 8, outside her house...

Loki: *as they look at the stars holding hands* I love you

Ishuya: Thank you (she can't say i love you back)

Loki: I have been saying that for a few months now... will you be my girlfriend?

Ishuya: *nods shyly* yes

Loki: Really? Yes! I wonder when I'll hear you say I love you too *they walk inside holding hands tell everyone they're a couple now*

Meanwhile, Isabel's (Ishuya's sister) friend who came over was crying cause she broke up with her boyfriend lol

After a year of being together, Loki moved in with Ishuya at her parent's house. Loki's family is overseas and Ishuya is kind of a worrywart. Loki got hospitalized a few months back and so Ishuya decided that he sleeps over every weekend till it became to him, not going home anymore. the family accepted that. Since meeting Loki, Ishuya slowly began getting closer to her family. Loki would stand up for her whenever her father talks negatively about her around other people. Having Loki around, Ishuya seemed to finally be happy. For her, Loki is the light, the sun the moon, and the stars guiding her away from the darkness she's been placed in by her trauma. She started to believe in herself more and appreciate herself. You might be thinking she should be able to do that by herself, stand by herself. though some would get up and prove people wrong. there are some who are weak like her. those who succumb to their pain and see themselves as failures. Love yourself before you can love others. in some cases, they learn how to love themselves by loving and being loved by others. everyone copes up with their problems differently and for her this is it.

Meeting Loki's relatives gave Ishuya a sense of accomplishment as they say "so this is the girl who changed him" knowing that in her worthlessness she was able to help in some way. Another year later Ishuya's mother asked them when they're moving out as she was given a house by her father. the two were thinking when and how they should tell them but it seemed like they're already okay with them moving out even though they're still both studying. they were both happy living on their own. She'd cook and sometimes he'll help with the dishes. there would be times where he's light some candles as she takes a bath and turns off the lights making it romantic, he'd take pictures of her while she's in the bathtub covered with bubbles. Sometimes she'd fall asleep as they bathe and he'll carry her to their bed, dress her and dry her hair. they both like to play on their phone and they'd stay up during the weekends to rank up. ah~ what a happy couple. Most of the time they have breakfast in bed, they'll order anything, and would always have pancakes. sometimes they'd go out at midnight and get egg tarts when she craves some. They later moved to another house Loki's parents got for them, where they also stay whenever they visit from the states. Ishuya is happy as her grades are more than just passing now. before she doesn't really care anymore but after meeting Loki who has higher grades than her it motivated her to do more as he would always tell her how proud he is of her.

But then one day the loving Loki changed. He stopped going to school and has been lying to Ishuya. They went to watch a movie but Loki would go out of the cinema and won't be back till it's almost done, tears build up as she watch the movie by herself. She then started just staying home as she can't focus on her studies anymore. Loki would tell her he's gonna get them food but won't come home till late or the next morning. Ishuya is torn apart. The meals she would cook never get eaten as she would wait for him to get home. she then can't do anything, can't eat, don't even have the will to get up. she would constantly worry about what's happening with him. The sound of the police or ambulance would freak her out thinking about what happened. Is he okay? did he get into an accident? with all the worries she started getting sick, she lost weight, she cries almost the whole day as she can't reach him.

The happy life of the couple is now gone. The things she was afraid of happening are now happening. The promise he made is now broken. He lied, betrayed, and kept things from her. Ishuya knowing that she now have to leave him, couldn't. She still believed that maybe just maybe he's stressing about something. She promised to always be there for him no matter what. but that didn't matter. She decided to go back to her parents. Loki then went to visit and talk to her but her parents wouldn't allow her to go out or even see him as they also felt betrayed by him. They would talk hug and kiss outside with the gate separating them it somehow felt like it's the last time they'll see each other. The next day Loki called and said he'll come by again Ishuya waited the whole day but he never came he disappeared.

Ishuya cries every day. the moment she wakes up and even cries herself to sleep. She would check her phone investigating where could he have gone. Until one day she was just like an empty shell. She went online and came across a website where she met someone named K. They would chat for hours and Ishuya opened up to K telling him everything she's going through.