Chapter 1- Genesis

Let's go back to where it all began shall we?

; On a Friday morning...

: Today's turn is... (A man's voice) "wake up Mako-chan~ wake up~" "5 more minutes" she mumbles "hey baka get up!! You'll be late!" *reach for her phone and turn off her alarm* yes that's a recording of her friend Xeno as her alarm.

Ishuya groans as she sits up and stretches her arms yawning, as she rubs her eyes she glanced at her phone "7:30 am?! Oh shit oh shit oh shit" as she panics running around her room getting her clothes ready and straight to the bathroom, as she takes a shower "no breakfast again today huh, hmm what's my first class again? Ugh Shion and Luke will scold me again I gotta hurry" as she brushes her teeth, *dials her phone -calling Shion~...-*

*Shion answers* "You're still at home aren't you?"

Ishuya: Eh no I'm on my way *moves away from her phone as she gargles*

Shion: I can hear u gargling you know. You're always late! Hurry! It's Mrs. Kelly for our first subject, I already left home.

Ishuya: aww I was gonna pick u up though.

Shion: I don't wanna be late you baka, unlike someone who loves to sleep almost 24/7

Ishuya: okay okay sorry geez, see ya there! take care! byiiie~

~hangs up~

Ishuya has long black hair, pale skin, gray eyes, a small pointy nose, and oh plump lips, she's skinny which is always a problem for her especially she's 5'7 and she sees herself like a pfffft post or a match stick lol well enough with that.

Today's outfit is a white crop top with an abstract design at the center, ripped black jeans and of course, she always wears her commando boots giving her gangster vibes "Hmm whatever this should do" she mumbles, as she was about to leave her room "shit my jacket" in case the guards won't let her in for wearing a crop top, she calls herself a rebel and don't follow SOME school rules.

She hurriedly took her keys, starts the car, and talks to herself "hmm Friday. Mrs. kelly huh hope I make it in time" plays music and sings along feeling every word as she drives...

Who says you're not star potential?

Who says you're not presidential?

Who says you can't be in movies?

Listen to me, listen to me, who says you don't pass the test?

Who says you can't be the best?

Who said, who said?

Won't you tell me who said that?

Yeah, who said? Who says, who says you're not perfect?

Who says you're not worth it? (Yeah)

Who says you're the only one that's hurtin' (Yeah, yeah)

Trust me, that's the price of beau~

*cough**cough* "ugh fuck I really need a voice lesson" *clears throat*

Please forgive this girl for she curses a lot *chuckles awkwardly*

; A few minutes away from school it started raining. *groans and mumbles to herself* "why did u have to wake up late and what? only motorcycles can park inside? so unfair!" She parked a few blocks away from her university and starts running "oh well this is exercise" as she reach the gate she greets the guard and was reprimanded for not wearing her I.D, she smiled awkwardly, wears and swipes it, and ran "shit! I hope I make it" as she put her I.D back in he back pocket. As she reached the hallway waiting for the elevator, Izumi walked up to her holding drinks.*Ting* both get's in.

Izumi: Yow, mornin.

Ishuya: Yow, thank god I made it. (seeing Izumi means Mrs. Kelly isn't in the classroom yet)

*Ting!* as the elevator opens Ishuya sees Shion and Elle are standing by the classroom door, Luke and Tetsu goofing around and everyone looked my way when they noticed the elevator door opened.

Ishuya: good mornin guys! *as she steps out happily then noticed Shion shaking her head while Luke stare at her with his arms crossed as Elle walk towards her*

Luke: Iiiiiiish! You baka look at you! you're soaking! you know u get sick easily when it comes to rain! *Izumi handing him a drink*

Elle: *Wipes her with her handkerchief* oh Ishie what are we gonna do with you.

Tetsu: Maii! *Flicks her forehead lightly* you should've called one of us, you know we'll pick you up.

Shion: *sigh* that's why you should bring an umbrella with you.

Ishuya: it's a hassle though and it won't fit in my bag plus it is heavy *noticed Shion raise a brow* okay okay *she mumbles scratching the back of her head*

; They notice Mrs.Kelly approaching and hurriedly go inside taking their seats and class started. Ishuya sitting by the window was enjoying the breeze as she writes the lecture. as the wind blows harder she tucks her hair behind her ear and looked outside *sigh* "i hope we get dismissed soon, I wanna have coffee and some cinnamon buns" even with her tiny voice Luke who's sitting next to Ishuya heard her talking to herself *rest his hand on her shoulder and pokes her cheek as she turns to face him. Ishuya curled her brows pouting only to notice Luke pointing at her desk* "Bare with those, for now, sweet tooth" he said in a low voice. Ishuya smiled and whispered "thanks" as she grab the pack of gummy bears and started eating secretly.

*Riiiing* "That's all for today, submit the assignment at our next meeting. Oh one more thing I won't be here on Monday, Mr. Lucas will be the substitute and we will be having our quiz on Wednesday"

She stretched her arms up and yawns "Finallyyyy~" puts everything back in her tiny bag and walks towards Shion and Elle "did u hear that!! Mr.Lucas! Oh my ghaaaaad those dimples of his and blue eyes" Tetsu walks up behind her and pulls her bag, as she turns to face who it is, Tetsu flicked her forehead "contain yourself maii" the girls laugh at her "let's go satisfy that sweet tooth of yours" She rubs her forehead and glares at him "Geez, can't I be happy?" Shion pinches her cheek "You're always happy, what are you talking about?" She smiled "hehe oh, yes, yes i am" the girls linked up their arms as they enter the elevator, following behind them are the three musketeers! lol.

; As they reached the gate someone's calling out "Maaaakoooo-chaaaaan" everyone turns to face where that voice is coming from and they see someone walking up to Ishuya with open arms. Luke, Tetsu with a frown on their face looked at each other as if asking if they know who it is and then turned to Izumi and he shrugs.

Ishuya: Xeno-kuuun *she hugs him* you're running late aren't you?

Xeno: *chuckles as he messes with her hair, high fives Shion and Elle, and starts running* yeah! see ya around!

Hai! (Yes) she answers and starts walking. Shion and Elle explain to the three who that was, as they were about to cross the street Elle tugs Tetsu's shirt and signaled as if to pay attention to Ishuya. He looks at her and moved back a bit for her to hold on to his backpack as they cross.

Ishuya gets scared when crossing the street as she is not used to. Finally, they got in her car, and knowing how she drives Tetsu jokingly says "I still wanna see tomorrow okay?" as he grabs and holds on to the seat belt. Everyone laughs at him since he wanted to be the shotgun... As they get out of the car.

Ishuya: Let's watch a movie.

Shion: hmmm despicable me came out yesterday

Elle: Let's G

Tetsu and Luke: it's your treat?

Shion: You guys never change

Izumi: We have class in 3 hrs. what time is it starting?

Luke: It's just a minor subject, we'll be fine

They got food for the movies, and Of course, Ishuya got her cinnamon roll, iced coffee, and a box of pizza for everyone... An hour later as they come out of the cinema. Tetsu teases Ishuya "Mai, You really look like Lucy" as he laughs. Ishuya frowns and slaps his arm "no I do not!" Luke pinches her nose "You both have a tiny pointy nose" "I hate you guys" as she walks faster thinking how hungry she is. Shion clears her throat as she slaps Tetsu's and Luke's arms "That's enough you two" Elle grits her teeth "You know how conscious she is of her looks" Both Luke and Tetsu rub their napes and run towards Ishuya wrapping their arms around her shoulders "we're just joking" they said "Leave me alone" she mumbles "we're sorry" they added, she then shoved their hands away "I said leave me alone, I'm hungry" as she walks faster laughing internally. They both looked behind them and says "she's still hungry" almost soundless and the three understood and walks faster to catch up with Ishuya.

; A few moments later...

Ishuya happily munching on gummies jumping lightly here and there.

Elle: Ay ay ay look at her happy again after eating *messes Ishuya's hair, and she chuckles with a wide grin on her face walking ahead of everyone*

Tetsu: Calm the beast with sweets

Shion: You mean bribe

Elle: She'd always just smile at everything and suddenly be quiet if you get in her feels, ya know that she's not like this at home she only gets to be happy around us.

Izumi: Stop before she hears you guys

You might be wondering what they were talking about so let's go back, shall we?

*scratch**scratch* Nurse "you would have to go home, it might be contagious" as she walks out of the clinic she noticed the principal walking her way and she greets her "what happened? is that chickenpox?" the principal asks as she examines her "I don't know sister, but they're so itchy" the principal then shook her head and said "don't come to school till they're gone"

It's their 3rd quarter and Ishuya has been absent for a month. it's their exam day when she got back and she didn't know anything. She doesn't have friends cause mostly when they ask her out it's only cause they need someone to pay for them. During her time of absence, she tried to study those she thought would be on the exams. She is more on hands-on learning meaning unless someone teaches her and she tries it herself it'll be hard for her to understand, and because of this, she's always hard on herself but even so, she failed.

Ishuya stays in her room all the time. whenever there are gatherings her parents, uncles and aunties would always compare her to her siblings and cousins. "she's looks so so" "lazy" "dumb" "she's so skinny" "you'll fail" she'd just get food and eat as fast as she can and then go back to her room and lock herself in. "I've been trying my hardest" as she cries in her room, papers could be seen on the floor along with her works. since then she just smiles at everything as if telling them it doesn't affect her while she cries internally. Meeting her friends in college and as she was babied a lot by them she started to feel like she mattered. She can at least be herself in a way but in reality, she was just faking it. the smiles the energy cause deep inside she's afraid that all of this is fake. whenever she gets happy before the day ends something would always remind her of how worthless she is.

; 2 weeks later, Elle's voice "ishiiieeee! get up" ~groans~ "5 more minutes" she mumbles "c'mon girl I know you'll say 5 more minutes but will end up sleeping hrs more" she reached for her phone "fine, fine I'm getting up" "good girl" then she turned off her alarm. "It's our last day before the exams and the semester is over" *sits up and yawns stretching her arms*

Today's outfit is a black crop top, high-waisted jeans, and commando boots. oh and Ishuya is Asian "hmm maybe a bit of mascara and blush" *she puts on mascara and a bit of blush and lipstick and then lightly tapped tissue over it just to make it look natural* Ishuya is actually boyish. Her favorite look is anything gangster. Big ass shirts, jeans, and boots. But today she just felt like fixing herself since it's her last day and she plans to go out with her friends after school.

; she checks her phone to make sure she's going to the right room, yeah even though she knows her room every day she would check her phone a couple of times on her way there. She does this cause she walks alone and she feels uncomfortable being alone. she's not in the same class as her friends and doesn't meet her schedule of break times so she's mostly alone all the time. today her professor didn't come so she decided to sit-in in one of her friends' classes, Eri. While waiting outside with her some guy walked up to them and asked

Guy: Eri, Is it note check today?

Eri didn't understand what he said as he said it pretty fast and looked at Ishuya for help.

Ishuya: *chuckled lightly* He's asking if it's checking of notes today... lectuuures

Eri: *Facepalmed* oh, yes it is *laughed awkwardly*

Loki: *Turned to Ishuya* Hi I'm Loki nice to meet you *offers handshake*

Ishuya: Uhm, I..Ishuya.. Nice to meet you too *shyly shakes his hand and looks at Eri as if asking what's happening*

Loki: This is Markian

Markian Smiled and waved at her "Hi" and she did the same "Hello"

Loki: Are you gonna sit in our class?

Ishuya: Uhm, I'm not sure. if your prof allows me, I might"

Loki: You should, I'm sure she'll allow it *smiles and started walking into the room*

Ishuya: Uhm.. Hope so. *smiled awkwardly*

Eri: *waits for em to get in the room* Oh my ghaaaad beb, I couldn't understand him. I'm not good at English as you. How come you understood him when he spoke way too fast for me.

Ishuya: *laughs* Practice beb. Practice. By the way do you think your prof will allow me though? ~beb is like baby/bestie~

Eri: Yes. I mean as long as you're quiet and won't interrupt the class. But she might call you to recite too. *Laughs*

Ishuya: Well you know the quiet part is no problem for me *they both laugh* but the recite part uhm... I think I'll just stay here outside just give me a chair.

Eri: You sure? *Ishuya nods* okay. *pinched ishuya's sides* ooohh that guy talked to you he really wants you to sit in *she teases*

Ishuya: eeeehhh *as they take a chair out* no way. He probably just heard us talking. *noticed him walk by and whispers* and keep your voice down! he'll hear us.

; The class started and she was asked to get in the room and Loki helped her put the chair back in as he sat behind her.

Loki: *taps Ishuya's shoulder with his pen* Hey, we're gonna have a party in 2 days you should come *smiles*

Ishuya: *Looks at Eri for help* Uhm

Eri: Sure, no one really invites us cause we're irregular students (those who shifted course and doesn't have a block section)

Loki: Cool *gives Ishuya a piece of paper* Can I have your number? So we can text you the details *noticed ishuya's shyness* oh, and of course, Eri too *smiles*

As the class continued Loki kept talking to her whenever the professor isn't looking. Ishuya gets awkward around guys except for her friends (at this point in her friend group they're mostly guys and just her and Eri are the females) it takes a bit of time before she can act normal around them. The class ended and for the last time, Loki said goodbye to her and reminded her that he'll text them.

Ishuya would then see Loki around the campus and she'd avoid meeting him without Eri.