Chapter 3 Belief


Mission Assignment Center.

Every Shinobi whether it is a Genin, Chunin, or Jonin, all of them receive missions as for a village it is a good way to get a large amount of revenue,

Located at Hokage Building, is the mission assignment center which mostly Hokage himself assigns.

"God!, where are those two?"

At the mission assignment desk sat a woman with blonde hair a violet diamond mark on her forehead, she wore a grass green haori and a sleeveless grey Kimono underneath.

Behind her stood a woman donned in a black kimono and holding a pig in her arms.

Ino donned in her usual purple attire cursed as it has been half an hour and Shikamaru and Choji still haven't arrived.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Lady Hokage"

Ino bowed 90 degrees to the woman before her apologizing as she knew her time was precious and she had to apologize

"Don't worry, just be careful next time"

Tsunade waved her hands not bothered at all though her face had a tiring look on it as this job was really tough.

"Sigh...I want to drink..."

Tsunade leaned back on her seat and said looking at the ceiling above, tired beyond words.

"Please be a little serious lady Tsunade, you hardly issue missions, you have no right to complain"

Shizune who heard her words couldn't help but complain with a displease look on her face as Tsunade would hardly issue missions.

She would always leave it to her or some other Chunin and would slack off every day.

Today, she came to the mission assignment center after four months and was still complaining, Shizune didn't know what to say.


At this moment, the door was pushed open and a figure with black hair and lazy eyes came in.

He wore the standard Chunin green flak jacket with black shirt and black pants.

"Shikamaru where were you? I have been waiting for ages!!"

Shouted Ino looking at Shikamaru as a troubled look appeared on the latter's face.


"I went to Choji's house to call him but he is sick from overeating…what a drag..."

Said Shikamaru picking his ears with an annoyed look on his face as life was getting more and more of a pain in the ass.

Sometimes he envies clouds, they have freedom and no one to bother them, but his life is always full of missions.

"He is sick…it means he won't be coming, then how would we complete the mission"

Said Ino as today they were going to complete a B- Rank Mission of dealing with the 2 rogue Shinobi of Hidden Stone Village.

At a town nearby they were spotted and killed a lot of people of that town.

Both rogue shinobi are Jonin and Anbu had already grasped their location, all they needed to do was go and deal with them.

Together the three of them can deal with 2 Jonin, but now without Choji things are difficult.

"So, do you want to take this mission?"

Seeing the situation, asked Tsunade as it was up to them whether they still wanted to complete the task.

"Sigh…Let's give up…"

Said Shikamaru putting on a sad face but his eyes revealed his happiness, as today he finally should be able to rest.


Hearing his words, Ino thought for a while and just when she wanted to give up the door was pushed open and a person with a handsome and sharp face entered the room.

A huge blade was fixed on his back as with and he wore the standard Konoha Chunin Attire.


The person was slightly taken aback seeing Tsunade on the desk as the last time he saw her was more than one and a half year ago.

But he didn't care much and shaking his head strode towards Tsunade who was also looking at him.

"Lady Tsunade."

Azuma arrived before Tsunade and bowed slightly as she was the Hokage and he needed to give her some respect.

With his strength, though there was no need for him to bow, But Azuma wasn't someone who would swell after gaining strength.

He didn't have big dreams like being a Hokage or something, he had already attained the highest peak of swordsmanship and he had no other ambition.

He just wanted to live quietly and if possible marry a normal wife later in his life, have a kid and if they are in trouble, protect them with his strength.

This village was in, which where his parents lived and died protecting it, and if something happened to this village, he will also try to protect it, that's all he had in his mind.

But he would not actively look for trouble, maybe he is a bit selfish that despite with his strength he is not helping the weak but that's how he is.

Leave the saving of the world to Naruto and others, he had already attained his dream and now just wanted to live freely.

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