Chapter 4 Mission


Mission Assignment Desk.

Azuma bowed to Tsunade but after a while he didn't get any response so he looked upward and saw her looking at him also, with a dollar sign in her eyes.

"Those gems…"

Tsunade looked at the sword on his back and easily spotted the gems inlaid on the hilt as with her years of knowledge she could easily tell how precious they were.

Each one of them looked no less than the necklace she gave to Naruto shocking her greatly.

"Ahem, Lady Tsunade!!"

Shizune immediately understood what Tsunade was looking at so moving her throat a little she poked Tsunade, reminding her that she was in public.

"Ah, cough, sorry I got lost in thought, so where were we?"

Hearing her voice, Tsunade immediately woke up and coughing slightly she asked Azuma, not much embarrassed.

"I'm here for a B-Rank Mission, Lady Tsunade, is it available?"

Azuma didn't bother thinking why she was looking at him so intensely just now, and with the usual poker face, stated his business.

"B-Rank Mission, where are your teammates?"

Asked Tsunade putting a serious expression on her face but her eyes wandered to his sword from time to time.

"I work alone…"

Genin work under the leadership of a Jonin and Chunin have the right to be a squad leader himself but he can be free as well.

Azuma has worked alone these two years and was already used to it.

"I have a mission but it is dangerous, you have to deal with two Jonin Class Rogue Shinobi…you are a Chunin…can you handle them…"

Asked Tsunade in a slightly teasing voice looking at Azuma intently wondering what his choice would be.

His blade had successfully developed her curiosity for him as a Chunin having such a precious thing was simply amazing.

"I can."

To her question and her teasing gaze, Azuma remained unfazed and answered honestly with no change in expression.

"Sorry…I can't put your life in danger…you can't take this mission alone…"

His answer surprised Tsunade as she was expecting him to give up and in his yellow hawk like eyes she spotted no fear only indifference.

But she knew she can't take a risk with the life of a shinobi from her own village.

"Then I'll take a C-Rank____"

"Excuse me, why don't you join us?"

Azuma didn't want to argue with her so he simply decided to do a lower rank mission today but before he could complete his words, a voice from the side interrupted him.

Azuma looked over and saw Ino looking at him with anticipating eyes wondering what his answer would be.

"Ah, we met again…it must be fate…"

Thought Ino looking at Azuma as she guessed this must be a work of fate as they met each other again so soon.

"Don't agree!"

Shikamaru on the other hand gave Azuma a pleading look as he didn't want his good day to be destroyed.

Azuma wasn't surprised seeing her and Shikamaru as he already spotted them when he entered the room but he ignored them as they were strangers to him.

"Sorry I can_____"

"Join them, this time the mission is really important, the more we delay the more lives may be lost…we are short on manpower…"

About Joining them, Azuma didn't have a second thought and wanted to reject her suggestion but Tsunade spoke cutting him off.

Hearing her words, Azuma looked at Tsunade and saw her giving him a solemn look, like things were really difficult.

"I…see… I'll join you."

Seeing the serious look in her eyes, Azuma didn't dawdle anymore and looking at Ino and Shikamaru he said lightly, agreeing to join with them.

"It's a pleasure to work with you!!"

Hearing his answer, Ino was delighted and nearly jumped from joy but held herself at the last moment and spoke giving him a cheerful smile.

"Sigh…another bad day"

On the other hand, Shikamaru sighed once again as things once again took an unpredictable turn and his day was ruined again.

But he knew he had no choice and had to go on this mission now.

"Leave as quickly as possible"



Said Tsunade in a hurried tone as three of them nodded and disappeared the next moment from the assignment center.

"Shizune bring me the file of that kid…"

Tsunade didn't recognize Azuma as a long time had passed since she last saw him but this little encounter with him piqued her interest for him.


Nodded Shizune as she went away ready to request the file of Azuma containing all the information about him.


Azuma went home and after putting the necessary things for a journey in a seal scroll, he arrived at the Konoha Entrance waiting for the arrival of Shikamaru and Ino.

"Sorry for the wait."

Azuma with his arms across his chest stood at the entrance and soon he heard a loud voice and saw Ino with a backpack running towards him waving her hands.

Following her, was Shikamaru with a lazy aura around him and troubled look over his face.

Read chapters ahead on

(AN"- About Aokiji Yuki I will return on sunday, sorry some personal matters that I need to focus on)