Chapter 6 Curse Seal

Land of Fire.

Takashi Town.

"Earth Style, it must be those Stone Rogue Shinobi!!"

Hearing his words, Shikamaru had a sudden enlightenment and understood who was the one behind this.

"We have to figure out which way they went, or they will run away again"

Said Ino with a somewhat angry face and squatted beside a corpse hoping to find something they could use to track them.

Shikamaru also began to look around, looking for anything that would lead them to the killers.


A cool breeze blew bringing the smell of blood with it as Azuma closed his eyes and from him as a center an invisible field spread out.

"1 kilometer…2 Kilometers… 3 Kilometers…"

The field kept spreading as everything within its range became visible to Azuma, as he tried to track the rogue shinobi.

Observation Haki, a type of sixth sense used in battle to predict movements, but if practiced to the limit, it had a lot of uses.

He could cover a vast area easily and within its range sense any living aura and also understand the opponent's strength by their aura.

Observation Haki when practiced to the limit also allowed the wielder the peer it into the future, Azuma had perfected his Haki to the limit it could ever reach.

He could easily cover a vast area of tens of kilometers and he can also see 3 seconds into the future.

"Found them!"

When his Haki spread around the area of 8 Kilometers, Azuma finally found what he was looking for as he opened his eyes.

The corpse he checked earlier had the aura of the person who killed it left on it, so he remembered it and compared it with everyone with in his range and finally found the true killer.

"Follow me!"

Azuma turned to Ino and Shikamaru who were still looking for clues and said lightly motioning them to follow him.

"Ah, do you know where they are, Azuma-Kun?"

Asked Ino curiously as it was shocking that Azuma had found the lead to the killers so quickly.


Azuma didn't answer her question and turned into an afterimage moving towards the direction of the killers.



Ino behind puffed her cheeks slightly as being ignored really didn't felt good, but nonetheless she followed him.


Seeing the attitude of Azuma, Shikamaru couldn't help rub his head in a headache but his legs didn't stop following Azuma.

Turning into afterimages the three of them quickly disappeared into the forests, with Azuma taking the lead this time.


In the forest, near the border of the land of fire,

"Haha, the Strength that Lord Orochimaru-Sama granted us is really intoxicating…I can't wait to kill more, Elder Brother"

On the bark of the tree, sat two figures with black hair and a slim build, identical to each other probably twins.

The younger one laughed viciously as he gnawed on the roasted deer leg in his hands looking at his elder brother.

"We have finally reached stage 2, our strength has increased a lot…we should leave this land now…Konoha shinobi might be coming after us…"

Said the older one as he looked a bit more sensible and he also feasted on the deer leg in his hands.


"What's there to be afraid of, Elder Brother, we can defeat anyone!"

The younger one put on a displeased look and complained while viciously biting the deer leg.

"Are you an idiot? No matter how strong we are…can we fight an army of Shinobi ourselves…use your brain sometime…"

The older brother reprimanded his younger brother as this guy never used his brain.

"Elder Brother, huh?"

The younger one wanted to say something but suddenly he paused and looked towards in a direction as he was a sensory type Ninja also, so he picked some signs of chakra.

"How many?"

Seeing his younger brother looking in a particular direction, the older one immediately understood and asked a cruel look over his face.


"Let's try our newly gained powers on them…"


"You just took words right out of my mouth, elder brother"

Seeing it was only three, the older one relaxed and suggested testing their powers as the younger one laughed taking out a Kunai as he couldn't wait to kill.


"Amazing! we really found them"

At this moment, shadows flashed and on a tree at a little distance from the brothers, three figures appeared.

Ino looked towards Azuma with amazement as she couldn't understand how he was able to pinpoint their location so accurately.

Even an accomplished Sensory Ninja isn't that capable and is far behind Azuma.

Even Shikamaru looked at Azuma with a little acknowledgment in his eyes as he did have something to back that attitude.

"Well~ it turned out to be a few Konoha Chunin and I was expecting some challenge!"

The brother seeing the Chunin vest on the three of them were shook their head in disappointment.

"But it will be a pity if they die easily…let's make them experience despair older brother…"

But the younger one didn't want things to be boring so he spoke like suggesting something as a cruel grin appeared on the face of the older one.


Shikamaru and Ino who were looking at the two rogue shinobi and were left stunned by what happened the next moment.

Some black marks started appearing on their faces spreading all over their body immediately as Shikamaru in particular recognized them immediately.


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