Chapter 7 Second Stage Cursed Seal


At the forest near the border,

Among the towering trees and grassy land five figures could be spotted two on one side and three on the other.

"Haha!! What happened, too scared to talk!!"

The younger brother who had black marking all over his body laughed looking a the speechless Ino and Shikamaru.

"Those markings…it's the curse seal of Orochimaru"

Said Shikamaru his expression serious as he had fought against such guys two years ago on the mission to rescue Sasuke.

He never expected to such guys again as he nearly died last time when he fought them and if it weren't for Temari, he might be dead already.


The name scared Ino as it was this guy who killed the Third Hokage and his subordinates were no less than monsters.

"Oh, it seems you recognize this power…you must have met others…"

Seeing Shikamaru talking about the curse seal, both brothers were somewhat surprised as they guessed how did he knew about it.

"The situation is urgent, we are changing the strategy, Azuma, Ino, I'll take the lead, you look for an opportunity"

Said Shikamaru quickly as he had some experience dealing with these guys so he decided to be main attacker.


Putting chakra in his feet, Shikamaru burst out with his full speed rushing towards the brothers while making hand signs.

"Shadow Sewing Jutsu"

A long black trail spread out from the feet of Shikamaru before roaring towards the brothers.


"Shadow, you are from the Nara Clan"

Seeing the shadow, the brothers were somewhat surprised before they recognized the identity of Shikamaru.

They have been Jonin of Stone for quite a while and they had information about the clans and their abilities residing in Konoha.

But they didn't get much time to launch a counterattack as Shikamaru had already arrived before them and they had no choice to jump.

"It's not so easy…"

But Shikamaru made another hand sign and the shadow on the ground suddenly protruded out turning into spikes.


The brothers were only a little above ground and the shadow was about to pierce them but at the last moment they both punched each other on the chest, as they flew back in opposite directions.

"That was close!!"

Both the brothers flew back and landed on the ground far away as they said rubbing their chest.

The speed of Shikamaru somewhat surprised them as it was comparable to a Jonin, far exceeding his current level.

"You are somewhat strong, huh?"

The older brother said looking at Shikamaru a surprised look over his face but his expression changed seeing the sneer on the face of Shikamaru.

"I'll leave my body in your care, Azuma-Kun"

Azuma who was about to make a move was stopped by Ino as giving him a trusting look, she pointed her hand towards the older brother.


"Mind Transfer Jutsu Complete!!"

Azuma wanted to say something but Ino had already completed her Jutsu and her body fell in his arms.

"What happened, Elder Brother?"

Seeing his brother suddenly becoming motionless asked the younger brother with a little worried look over his face.

"Nothing…I'm fine…"

But his worry was short lived as he heard his assurance but before he could plan his next move a wind cutting sound fell in his ears.


He hurriedly moved back at the last moment as a Kunai rubbed past his throat creating a thin red line on it.

"Elder Brother…you…"

The younger brother looked at his brother with lingering fear in his eyes as he nearly died by that sudden attack.

"Damn, I missed!!"

Ino who had controlled the body of the older brother cursed as she nearly took down the opponent by surprise.

"You are not elder brother…that girl...she is from Yamanaka Clan"

The younger brother looked towards Azuma with the passed out Ino in his arms, and understood immediately what had happened.

He knows about the Mind Transmission Jutsu; his brother must have been taken control of by that girl.

"How dare you!!!"?

Some anger appeared in the eyes of younger brother as how long has been since they were toyed like this.


A shocked look appeared on the face of Shikamaru as he saw the curse marks of the younger brother changing, his skin turning grey and a horn protruded out from his head.

His arms became thick as a tree bark and two wings protruded out from his back.

The older brother seemed to be affected by the change of his brother as the mark on his neck lit up as well as Ino who had controlled him suddenly felt a force acting on her consciousness and a figure with black hair, long tongue, pale skin and snake like eyes appeared before her.


Ino who lay passed out in the arms of Azuma suddenly woke up and puked blood, her face slightly pale as suddenly seeing Orochimaru broke her control.

Changes began to occur in the body of the older brother as well as a horn, two wings also appeared on his body.

"Second Stage Cursed Seal!!"


A huge chakra broke out from the two brothers as Shikamaru felt pressure no less than of Asuma from each one of them.


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