Chapter 8 Scared

Land of Fire.

The forest near the border,

The sun hung high and the blue sky brought peace to the heart of nearly everyone except the figure with black hair and lazy eyes in the forest.

"This chakra…they are no less than any Elite Jonin!!"

Said Shikamaru looking at the two brothers who had turned into monsters, as they were way stronger than the one he fought two years ago.

Even Asuma alone would not be able to take on the two of them at the same time, this was the feeling that Shikamaru had.

The curse seal increased the strength of the wielder exponentially, even without curse seal, both brothers were Jonin Class, now adding the buff of Curse Seal, they were nearly Elite Jonin Class Shinobi.

"Azuma, run away with Ino, and call for reinforcements, I'll stall them!!"

Shikamaru knew the situation was dangerous but as the team leader it was his duty to protect his teammates.

He wasn't a coward, even if things were a drag, he would rather die than run away leaving his comrade alone.

"Azuma-Kun, leave me here too, we'll both try to stop them, you go and call reinforcements"

Ino gritting her teeth stood up as there was no way she would let Shikamaru die here and wanted to fight along with him.

"Ino…it's not____"

"Don't stop me Shikamaru, you know when I decide something…I don't back down from it…"

Seeing her trying to fight, Shikamaru wanted to say something but Ino cut him off and smiled looking at him her face pale.

"Do...whatever... you want..."

Shikamaru no longer persuade her as he knew there was no point in convincing her anymore as she will never change her decision but his heart did feel warm as such comrades who didn't want it.

"Haha!! Get ready to die!!"

The two brothers spoke their voice hoarse as it added a touch of fear in the heart of everyone who heard it.


Ino gritting her teeth walk towards Shikamaru, her steps wobbly but at this moment, figure passed by her side with the usual poker face.


Both Shikamaru and Ino were surprised as they saw him arriving before them his back facing them, looking at the two brothers.

They never expected him to act so bravely at this point, his position in their heart rising slightly.

"Move back a little."

The expression on the face of Azuma didn't change as with his back facing them, he said lightly, his tone devoid of any fear.

"Haha!! There is actually another one…"

Seeing Azuma standing before them the two brothers laughed and purposely made fun of Azuma as to them he was the most useless.

From the start he didn't do anything, now he tried to act tough, making them laugh.

Azuma remained unfazed, as he put left his hand in his left pocket and took out a very small dagger and brought it before him. (The one Mihawk used against Zoro}

"How dare you look down on us?"

Seeing the toy dagger in his hands, both the brothers felt insulted as no one had looked down on them so much before.


Even Shikamaru and Ino behind were surprised and couldn't understand what Azuma was trying to do.

They were expecting him to remove the big black blade from his back but he took out a toy dagger.

"Don't stop me Elder Brother…I'll divide him into pieces…"

The young brother said to his elder brother anger on his face as Azuma was his prey and no one could save him anymore.


The elder brother nodded letting him deal with Azuma as he was not worth their joint effort.


"You'll pay for your arrogance!!"

Shouted the younger brother, as he turned into an afterimage appearing before Azuma in the air at an inhuman speed.

Even Ino and Shikamaru only saw a shadow flashing and they didn't even have the time to remind Azuma.

The hand of the younger brother turned into a claw with long nails strong enough to cut metal easily as he waved it towards Azuma's face.

"Now take your arroganc____"


Shouted the younger brother but his words were cut off and his voice stopped abruptly, as a flesh piercing sound was heard by everyone.

The three watching saw the younger brother stuck in the air, his legs dangling, his eyes wide staring at the unfazed figure before him.


The toy dagger had penetrated his throat as blood coursed down from it dripping on the ground.


The battlefield had a unique silence before it was broken due to Azuma taking the dagger out from the throat as the younger brother's corpse fell down, making a noise.

"1 strike…just 1 strike…"

All three present were too stunned to think something as Ino murmured continually looking at the poker face figure.

Azuma didn't' care for their shocked look as he crouched down and wiped the blood from the toy dagger with the corpse on the ground.


After cleaning the toy dagger, Azuma gazed towards the other guy whose expression changed and he shouted with a terrified look on his face.


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