Chapter 9 Change

Land of Fire.

Forest near the border,


The hawk like sharp yellow eyes of Azuma fell on the remaining brother as he said terrified, his whole body trembling.

Not caring for his terrified face, Azuma took the first step towards him and put the toy dagger back in his pocket



Shouted the older brother inwardly and drilled his thighs with his claws removing the fear with pain, as he turned around wanting to run away.

Azuma seemed to have a kind of force that completely destroyed his will to fight as no one has scared him this much before.


Seeing him running away, Azuma stopped and put his hand on the hilt of his sword fixed at his back as time seemed to have stopped at that moment.




Ino and Shikamaru's eyelids fell while blinking and when they rose, a wind cutting sound was heard and Azuma who was just a few meters away from them was standing at a distance of around 50 meters away his hand still on the hilt of his sword.

Behind him was the older brother his back facing them a terrified look on his face but this wasn't the end.

A red line in the eyes of Ino and Shikamaru appeared on the back of his head tracing down as some drops of blood fell.



But this was just the start as more and more blood spilled on the ground from the red line on his back before he was divided into two, both parts falling on opposite sides.

"Is this an…Illusion?"

Shikamaru looked at the mess before him, his eyes full of confusion as he stretched out his hand and stretched his cheeks.

The pain came and the confusion of Shikamaru finally began to vanish as he gazed at the figure with the blade on his back, standing unfazed arms across his chest.

"This…strength… Two Elite Jonin…in one strike…"

Ino was also in a trance as she has never seen someone so strong…she trained under Tsunade for a while and had seen her fighting Sakura but even she didn't give her such a feeling.

Taking down two Elite Jonin in one strike was nothing more than a fantasy for her but it came true before her.

Elite Jonin is one of the top powerhouse of a Shinobi Village and in war they all lead a huge army.

But watching two such strong guys killed so easily was too much to swallow for Ino and Shikamaru.

"Let's go."

Azuma arrived before the shocked two and ignoring their curious and full of awe eyes for him, he motioned them to follow him.

The mission was done and all they needed to do was go back and report the mission to the Fifth Hokage.


Ino and Shikamaru looked at each other and decided to not to ask why he was so strong and even more importantly why was he still not famous with such strength.

If they hadn't seen what he did now, they would have never known in the village such a monster around their age was present.


With mind full of questions and curiosity for Azuma, they turned into afterimages following him back to the village.


But after following them for a while Shikamaru noticed this wasn't the way back to the village.

Just when he wanted to remind Azuma, he saw smoke rising from afar and soon a familiar town littered with the smell of blood appeared before them.

"Why are we here, Azuma-Kun?"

Taking a deep breath, Ino gathered the courage and asked Azuma with a curious look over her face.

Azuma stayed silent and in the confused eyes of the two went forward and started picking the bloody, charred corpses, without any disgust on his face due to the smell.


Ino wanted to say something but Shikamaru stopped her and motioned her to look as he was curious what Azuma was about to do.


But their confusion was soon removed as with a pile of corpses over his shoulder, Azuma arrived at a clear field and put them down.

The sun that hung high on the sky began to lower as time passed and soon the red glow of the setting sun blanketed the sky.

Ino and Shikamaru still stood shocked on their place as the clear field before them had turned into cemetery with around 20 tombstones.


Azuma placed the last big piece of rock on the entrance of the cemetery and began to carve words on it with his sword.

After writing the best wishes for those who died in the next life, Azuma sat down and closed his eyes paying respect to those who died unjust.

Azuma maybe selfish but he is a human, for those who died right before his eyes, he doesn't mind lending a helping hand and for those who he doesn't know, he has no guilt.

"This guy…"

Shikamaru saw everything that Azuma did from start to finish and this proved what kind of a heart he had.

Aside from the awe for his strength, pure respect rose in the heart of Shikamaru for Azuma as his status was elevated to a new level.

At first some doubt did rose in his heart, that why did Azuma hide his strength, but now it all went away as he knew such a guy could never be evil.

"What a warm feeling"

Ino said with a smile on her face looking at the quiet figure sitting under the shadow of the setting sun, as his image in her heart was risen to a new level and a special kind of feeling filled her heart.

"Let's go"

Ino motioned Shikamaru to follow him as she arrived beside Azuma and sat down on his left and Shikamaru on his right as they also closed their eyes paying respect to those who died.

Azuma who had his eyes closed finally opened them and seeing Ino and Shikamaru beside him with eyes closed, his cold and indifferent hawk like eyes couldn't help but soften a bit.

(AN:- I know some readers want him to release a big slash but please be patient it requires a better stage and a strong opponent.

A reader mentioned why I choosed Ino, even in Gojo Satoru I choosed Ino, actually she is the best choice if I don't want to change the plot of Boruto since I plan on writing till that.

Hanabi and Tenten are good choices as well but let's leave that to another one).

(Chapter Ends)


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