Chapter 10 Return


The first ray of the rising sun shone on the village and the sweet melody of birds rang throughout the village.

"Ah, it's a good day!"

At the entrance gate of Konoha, the gate duo, Izumo and Kotetsu also woke up as they stretched out their arms moving their still bodies enjoying the cheerful morning.


But at this moment, few shadows flashed and some figures appeared before the gate duo surprising them slightly.

"Ah, Shikamaru, Ino-San, are you back from a mission?"

After being surprised for a moment, Kotetsu and Izumo recognized the two and asked with a curious look over their face.

"Yeah~ so troublesome …"

Replied Shikamaru rubbing his sleepy eyes as after paying the respect to those who died, it was already too late to go back.

And there was no town nearby as well so they decided to sleep outside in the wild as it was super uncomfortable for Shikamaru.

"Ah, he is?"

Izumo smiled seeing the tired Shikamaru as he has always been like this but his attention was quickly shifted to the figure with spiked black hair, a handsome and sharp face with a small slash mark on his left cheek.

He was around 1:87m in height, easily one of the tallest of the village and the black blade with the yellow hilt on his back added to his charm.

He wore the standard green flak jacket, a blue shirt and blue trousers underneath with white strips on his left thigh.

"He is Yoshitake Azuma, a Chunin and a friend of ours and they are Izumo and Kotetsu, they mostly are stationed here, Azuma-Kun"

Izumo looked towards Azuma hoping for an introduction but the latter stayed silent before Ino jumped in and hurriedly introduced them to each other.

"Nice to meet you, Azuma-San"


Izumo and Kotetsu courteously stretched out their arms for a handshake but Azuma just looked at them and nodded slightly.

"Ah, Ha...ha!!"

A bit embarrassed, both of them took their hands back and tried to laugh it off.

"Hehe~ a familiar sight"

Ino smiled a little seeing the embarrassed gate duo as this happened to her also when she met Azuma the first time in the shop.

"Let's go, Shikamaru, Azuma-Kun, we have to report the mission"



In a good mood, Ino turned to Shikamaru and Azuma and said cheerfully as the former nodded and the later followed her quietly.


Hokage Building.

Hokage Office.


"It's another tiring day"

With her hair a little messy, Tsunade donned in grass green haori slumped on the desk, two mountains of her trembling a little, a tired look on her face.

"Please maintain the majesty of Hokage, Lady Tsunade"


Shizune with a bundle of documents in her hand and Tonton following her on the ground, arrived near her and placed them on the table, eyes of Tsunade getting even more drowsy seeing them.

"I want to drink…"

Said Tsunade slumped on the desk, pouting, as after becoming a Hokage, she hardly got a chance to enjoy the nights.


"You can go after you complete all of this…"


Shizune brought even more documents placing them on the desk as well and said with a devilish smile on her face.


"How can you be so heartless Shizune?"

Cried Tsunade with a wronged look on her face, and put a hand on her left sphere, like she was hurt deeply.


But at this moment the door was knocked, as Tsunade straightened up immediately and spraying a hand through her messy hair, she said politely.

"Come in!"


"Ah, you're back!"

The door was pushed open as Shikamaru, Ino and Azuma who had just returned entered the room.

Tsunade greeted them with a somewhat serious look on her face, so different from the pouting look before.

"Lady Hokage!!"

"What about the mission?"

The three of them greeted her while bowing slightly as Tsunade nodded and asked about the mission as its importance was no less than an A-Rank Task.

So many people have been killed by those rogue Ninja, and dealing with them was the top priority.

"The mission is completed, here is the task report!"

Replied Shikamaru with the usual tired look on his face and handed her a scroll on which the details were narrated.


A smile appeared on the face of Tsunade as she took the Scroll and wanted to put it to the side but seeing Azuma standing, she decided to read the report now.

She has gotten his information from Shizune, Yoshitake Azuma, 16-year-old Chunin, both parents died in the attack two years ago, a completely normal resume not worth mentioning.

But what piqued her curiosity was that in this year Chunin exam he defeated all of his opponents with ease without getting injured, not even once.

Due to the matters of Akatsuki, she didn't pay much attention to the Chunin exams, but when she read his report she was really surprised.

She wanted to see what kind of performance he had in this mission, was he really an interesting prospect or was he just lucky in Chunin Exam.