Chapter 11 Doubt


Hokage Office.

"Let's see how you performed in the mission"

Smiled Tsunade as she said looking at the three of them and opened the scroll, making a hand sign.


Shikamaru and Ino chuckled to her words looking at each other as they knew a big surprise was coming for her.

Azuma stayed cal. as to him it didn't matter whether his strength was revealed or not, as he never intended to hide it.

"Huh, Curse Seal?"

Reading that the enemy they encountered had a curse seal on them, a solemn look appeared on the face of Tsunade.

Orochimaru had damaged Konoha a lot, nearly everyone in the village hated him to death, so the Anbu was always looking for his clues to exact judgment on him.


Even Shizune stopped bundling the documents and looked at Tsunade hoping for the details.


Tsunade didn't stop reading as the more she got through it, the more her eyes widened.


"Two Elite Jonin…One Strike…"

Finally, after reading the whole report, Tsunade put the scroll on the desk and mumbled looking at Azuma, like she has seen a ghost.

"What happened?"

Seeing Tsunade looking at Azuma in a trance, Shizune was surprised as she hurriedly picked up the scroll and got through it as well.

"This…how is this possible…?"

The reaction of Shizune was similar to Tsunade as the scroll fell down from her hands and she stared at Azuma, stupefied.

To their curious and shocked gazes, Azuma remained unfazed and stood quietly in his place arms across his chest.


"Is…this…really… true…?"

After being stunned for a while, Tsunade finally woke up from her stupor and taking a deep breath, she asked looking at Shikamaru who handed in the report.

Defeating two Elite Jonin in one move, she can defeat them but it would never be as easy as Azuma did.

"I…naturally won't make such a joke Lady Tsunade"

To her question, Shikamaru merely shrugged and answered causally though he can understand why she was so shocked.

Someone so strong was living in the village, and they had no idea, it's normal to be surprised.

"It's true…"

Seeing the look in the eyes of Shikamaru, Tsunade knew there was no doubt anymore and what is written in it is true.

"Yoshitake Azuma…I'm not doubting you…but as a Hokage…it's necessary for me to know everything that is happening in the village…"

"If you were so strong…why hide your strength? I…need an answer to this…"

Tsunade finally looked towards the figure with the big blade on his back, standing there with a poker face.

Tsunade wanted to know why did he hide his strength and why did he stayed hidden when he could have gotten so much if he had revealed his strength.

"Lady Tsunade…It's not like_____"


Seeing Tsunade looking at Azuma with a questionable look in her eyes, Ino wanted to say something as she didn't like Azuma being treated like this.

But Shikamaru stopped her making a silent gesture as he knew no matter what they say it can't dispel the doubt of Tsunade, it's better to be quiet and let Azuma explain himself.

Before seeing Azuma respectably seeing off the dead, even he had the same doubts as Tsunade in his mind.

"I never intended to hide anything or show anything"

"My parents died protecting me and this village, to repay them …I'll try doing the same…"

"That's all I have to say, Lady Hokage"

Seeing her questionable gaze lingering on him, Azuma's eyes did not waver and in a calm tone he said everything he had in his mind, looking straight in her eyes.

He never intended to hide his strength and he never intended to show it off either.

If someone is dying before him, he'll try to help him and if someone dies unjust behind his back…than he has no guilt in his heart.

That's his belief of living, simple and straightforward and he doesn't care whether someone likes it or not.

The voice of Azuma fell in the ears of everyone in the room as they all looked at him with somewhat complex eyes, as they never expected such an honest and simple answer.

"A strange kid!!"

Seeing his unwavering eyes and hearing his firm tone, Tsunade couldn't help but say so, as it was the first time she met someone like Azuma.


Shikamaru hearing his words chuckled as this was what impressed him the most about Azuma.

He doesn't hide what he has in his mind and simply states it, such people are rare and are worth making friends with.

"So cool!!"

On the other hand, a blush rose on the cheeks of Ino as his words and the serious side face really attracted her.


At this moment, Tsunade stood up from her seat and arrived at a little distance from Azuma, and raised her head to look at him as he was a lot taller than her.


"Follow me!!"

Tapping his shoulders, Tsunade gave him a smile and said moving towards the door.

"Where, Lady Tsunade?"

Asked Azuma turning around, a little confusion in his hawk like yellow eyes as he couldn't understand what she wanted to do.


"Show me what you've got…if you... want to repay your parents...first become a Jonin"

Tsunade stopped at the door and turning around, said giving Azuma an acknowledging look in her eyes and with a wide grin on her face.


The eyes of Ino widened, as she understood immediately what Tsunade intended to do.


"What a drag~"

Even Shikamaru let out a small laugh and said his iconic words though his eyes couldn't conceal the relief for Azuma as he knew Tsunade had accepted him.


Seeing Tsunade urging him to follow, Azuma was silent for a moment before shaking his head he followed her, but his indifferent eyes were no longer as chilly as they used to be.