Chapter 12 Fight


The cool breeze of the morning cooled the mood of everyone but at the training ground, things were going to heat up.

Konoha Third Training Ground.

On the log in the ground, lay a figure with silver hair and a blue mask covering half of his lower face and the forehead protector slanted covering his left eye.


He was holding an orange book in his hand and was smirking with a light blush on his cheek.

"Seriously, when will Kakashi Sensei stop reading such indecent books!!"

A little far away from her was a girl with pink hair and green eyes sitting on the grassy ground treating an injured sparrow.

She wore a pink attire and her hands were covered with black gloves.

Hearing the sounds of the perverted smirks of Kakashi, Sakura couldn't help but complain with a little helpless look on her face.

As an adult, Kakashi should at least have the foresight not to read indecent books in public, making her mad.

"Here you go, be careful next time"

Green energy shone on the injured bird and soon the wound on its leg disappeared as Sakura set it free and it flew away.


Just when Sakura was thinking about going back, she spotted few fuzzy silhouette from afar approaching the ground.

Kakashi also looked from the corners of his eyes, wondering who came here so early.


Soon the fuzzy figures become visible clearly as Sakura immediately recognized the woman walking in front.

Hurriedly walking in front of Tsunade, Sakura bowed slightly and greeted her with a smile on her face.

"Lady Tsunade!"

Kakashi also stood up and after putting the book away, he came forward greeting her.

"Oh, you two, Good Morning!"

Tsunade seemed to be in a good mood as she greeted them back enthusiastically with a grin on her face.

"Shikamaru, Ino!"

Sakura looked behind Tsunade and found some other familiar figures as well.

"What are you doing here?"

Sakura came near Ino and asked quietly wondering what happened that the whole group was here.


"It's the Jonin promotion ceremony of Azuma-Kun"

Ino also seemed to be in a good mood and answered her honestly without fighting for once.


This was the first time Sakura heard this name as her eyes were subconsciously were drawn to the figure standing at the side with arms across his chest.


Her eyes couldn't help but widen seeing the handsome figure with the black sword on his back and sharp yellow eyes.

"Azuma…let's start"

Tsunade removed the green haori revealing the grey sleeveless Kimono as she motioned Azuma to start the fight.

Kakashi and others gave space and stood on the side watching the two figures standing before each other at a distance of around 10 meters.

"Who is he?"

Kakashi moved a little close to Shikamaru and asked as he also saw Azuma for the first time.

Azuma looked around the age of Sakura and others, and yet he was about to take the Jonin promotion test, meaning he was somewhat a genius.

He didn't know anything about such a guy, surprising him greatly.

"Yoshitake Azuma, a great guy…you'll see soon, Kakashi-Sensei"


Shikamaru replied causally as the interest in the eyes of Kakashi increased hearing his words.

"Come on Azuma-Kun!!"

"Don't be such a bimbo, Ino!!"

Ino on the side cheered for Azuma waving her hands as Sakura said, looking at her with an annoyed look on her face.

"Don't tell me you are eyeing Azuma-Kun, Forehead Girl"

Ino looked at her suspiciously as this girl would always compete with her for everything.

"I have no interest in him, Ino Pig!"

Taunted Sakura back as both Sasuke and Azuma were equally handsome in their own way but she had already chosen Sasuke.

"You don't have to hold back…come at me with everything you got!"

Tsunade with a serious look on her face said to Azuma who stood before her motionless, the same poker face.

Hearing her words, Azuma raised his eyebrows a little like thinking about something before he took out a Kunai from the Ninja Holster.

"You won't use your sword!"

Asked Tsunade a bit confused as she was expecting him to but this move surprised her.


Azuma remained silent and guided the chakra in his body as around the Kunai in his hand, blue lightning appeared as it began to extend upward from its tip.

Soon a meter-long lightning blade appeared in the hands of Azuma as the crackling sound of lightning spread all around.


But this wasn't the end as more chakra burst out from Azuma destroying the ground underneath and the blue lightning appeared all around his body.

"What a strong lighting style!"

Kakashi's pupils widened looking at the blue lightning armor around Azuma as even he couldn't reach this step.

"It's like facing the Raikage!!"

Looking at the lightning armor around Azuma, Tsunade couldn't help but say so as only Raikage of Cloud could take lightning style to such a level.