Chapter 13 Defeat


Third Training Ground.


The crackling sound of lightning and the visual flashing created a huge impact on the hearts of the spectators.

"When did our village had such a guy?"

Sakura looking at the lightning armor around Azuma, couldn't help but say so, her eyes wide as she knew everyone around her age in the village.

Someone this strong around her and the others age, was unknown till now, shocking her greatly.

"Hehe~ this is nothing…you'll soon see that Azuma-Kun is the strongest in our generation"

"Even Sasuke-Kun___"

Seeing the surprised Sakura, Ino felt happy and said proudly but at last she didn't complete her words as hearing the name, the face of Sakura changed slightly.

"It's impossible, no one can be better than Sasuke-Kun"

Denied Sakura in her heart as she refused to believe this, Sasuke has always been leading their generation, she didn't want anyone to take his place in her heart.

"It seems you have no intention of attacking…than…I'll make the first move…"

Seeing Azuma surrounded by lightning standing quietly in his place, Tsunade decided to take the lead as her opponent didn't seem to have any intention of attacking.


Chakra burst out of Tsunade as like a cannon ball she whizzed towards Azuma, appearing before him the next moment.


Her right hand was clenched into a fist as the air around it seemed to break from the force behind it.

The powerful fist of Tsunade moved towards Azuma at an astonishing speed as everyone only saw a shadow flashing.



But at the last moment, when her fist was about to strike his chest, Azuma disappeared as she felt a little wind blowing behind her.

Putting her both hands on the ground, Tsunade arched her back, kicking behind but once again to hit nothing as from her left side she heard an air cutting sound.


Putting force on the ground with her both hands, Tsunade ejected back as a lightening blade fell where she just stood, destroying the ground completely.

"What fearful speed…"

Said Tsunade jumping back trying to keep her distance from as he seemed no less than Raikage in speed.

"Wow!!Tsunade-Sama is at a disadvantage!!"

Ino who saw the first round ending in Tsunade being passive couldn't help but clap her hands while jumping as this proved the fearful strength of Azuma.

"Impossible…how can anyone…"

Sakura was at a loss of words, as this little round had proved how strong Azuma was, she didn't want to admit it but even Sasuke won't be able to pressure Tsunade so much.

"It seems Tsunade-Sama is going to lose…"

Shikamaru who saw Tsunade barely able to dodge Azuma's attack couldn't think how Tsunade would be able to turn the table.

"That kid…just like you said is great…but don't look down on Tsunade-Sama…she has lived for so long…she won't go down so easily…"

To his words, Kakashi shook his head as though the strength of Azuma did surprise him as he could tell easily that it was even greater than his.

But Tsunade would definitely not go down so easily.

"Haha!! Such strength…are all kids these days' monsters!"

Moving back and making a considerable distance from Azuma, Tsunade laughed loudly and said looking at Azuma who stood motionless on his place with lightning armor around him.

"But the older generation is not that easy to surpass kid…let me show you why I'm famous all over the world…"

To her praise Azuma remained silent but Tsunade didn't feel embarrassed being ignored and continued speaking and at last made a hand sign.

The violet diamond mark on her forehead lit up and it began extend downwards as black lines appeared on her face, on her arms and on her whole body.



A look of shock appeared on the face of Kakashi sensing the massive chakra of Tsunade as this was the first time he felt such a danger from her.

He had a feeling he won't last more than 2 moves against in her in this form of hers.

"Hundred Sealing Jutsu, he actually made her use it!!"

Sakura naturally knew this Jutsu of Tsunade and also knew that she won't use it unless she has no other choice, showing how much Azuma has pushed her back, forcing her to reveal her trump card.

"Go, Azuma-Kun!!"

The cheers of Ino didn't died down as she still believed that Azuma was stronger as the current Tsunade still couldn't give her the despairing feeling she felt when Azuma defeated the two brothers.

"You have done enough already to be promoted to a Jonin…but I want to see your limit…don't hold back and come at me with your full strength…"

Said Tsunade with black lines over her face and put on a fighting stance, pointing her fist towards Azuma.

"It's time for breakfast!"

But to her words, Azuma stayed quite for a while before he raised his head and looked at the sky above and said with the usual poker face.

"No pressure at all "

Black lines appeared on the forehead of Tsunade also hearing his words, as this kid was too straightforward.

"I should speed up things…"

Looking at Tsunade who had revealed her trump card…Azuma decided to speed up as he needed to go back and prepare breakfast as he was feeling a little hungry.



"It's over!"

In the horrified eyes of every present, the blue lightning armor around Azuma turned Purple and the next moment, a purple light flashed and a calm voice sounded.


Tsunade looked at Azuma who had appeared before her but the meter-long crackling purple blade on her neck made her unable to speak and she could only look at Azuma with shocked eyes.