Chapter 14 Gift


The morning sun was nowhere it's full swing and the cool breeze of the morning lightened the mood.

Konoha Third Training Ground.


In the still surroundings, only the sound of the crackling purple lightning could be heard as all the present were too shocked to say anything.


Tsunade wanted to say something but the purple lightning blade on her back, made her unable to say anything and she could only gaze at the figure before her.

His short black hair spiked up, a small slash mark on the left cheek of his handsome and sharp face.

Yellow hawk like eyes which seemed to have seen the most tough of times, and adding that indifferent poker expression into all, he looked otherworldly.

"This speed…even Raikage…"

Thought Tsunade looking at Azuma with some lingering fear in her eyes as no one has made her feel so helpless before.

If the opponent wanted, her head might have long since separated from her neck and even her Mitotic Regeneration wouldn't have been able to save her.

Even the Raikage in the intelligence report didn't seem this fast, it's like the opponent blended with space appearing before her the next moment.


Feeling the lightning blade still on her neck, Tsunade took a deep breath and said softly, admitting her clean defeat.

Azuma didn't have any change of an expression after seeing her surrendering and calmly stopped the output of chakra, the purple blade around the Kunai vanishing.

"Wow!! Tsunade-Sama lost!!"


"Is he really around our age?"

Ino said loudly a happy look over her face, followed by the shocked admittance of Kakashi and the questionable gaze of Sakura.


Hokage Office.

"Yoshitake Azuma…with your strength…you have proved that you have more than enough to be a Konoha Jonin…"

"If there was a rank above Jonin, I would have granted you that without hesitation…"

After the fight, everyone returned to Hokage Office, even Kakashi joined them though Sakura didn't as she had work in the hospital.

Holding a dark green flak Jacket in her hands, Tsunade looked at Azuma who stood before her and told her decision.

Aftwe that, Tsunade stretched out the jacket in front of Azuma waiting for him to take it and wear it before everyone.


Looking at the dark Green flak jacket before him, a slight emotion appeared in the hawk like eyes of Azuma as he couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

Not because this was a big achievement for him, with his strength, he could have been a Jonin more than a year ago.

It's just he remembered that in the memory he received of the predecessor, because of his bad talent, his mother always used to tease him, about letting a Konuichi support him in the future due to his good looks.

Now remembering the smiling face of her looking at him with a teasing look, he couldn't help but let out a small laugh with some emotion in his eyes.

If she was alive she must have been really proud to see him wearing this flak Jacket, and might have fainted from Joy.


Hearing the laugh of Azuma, a surprised look appeared on the face of Shikamaru, Tsunade and Ino.

All they have seen is him with a poker look on his face, they never even imagined this.

But now seeing the pure smile on his face, they couldn't help but be surprised and didn't know why seeing him happy, even they felt a little happy in their heart.

"Thank You!"

After letting out a small laugh, Azuma took the flak Jacket from the hands of Tsunade and wore it quickly and thanked Tsunade in low voice.

"Haha!! So you can speak!!"

Hearing his thanks, Tsunade laughed and couldn't help but say so, as the worry about his unfathomable strength completely vanished and some respect for this kid, quarter of her age build up.

Someone who could be so polite despite having such strength, he is worthy of her respect.

To her words, Azuma remained silent, as he had returned to the poker mode though his eyes were not indifferent like before.

"Congratulations Azuma-Kun, I don't have anything valuable on me for now as a gift…but would this work"

After Azuma wore the jacket, Ino was the first one to congratulate as jumping before him, she flashed a warm smile to him, her eyes turning crescent and removed the small white flower from her hair.

"This flower is a sign of friendship in my clan…please advise me more in the future!!"

Said Ino cheerfully and stretched out the flower towards Azuma who stayed silent and kept looking at the smiling Ino.



Azuma looked at her for a while and seeing no change on her smiling face, he stretched out his hand and took the flower from her palm and replied in a low voice, causing Ino to giggle.

"Though it's been only a day since I got to know you…but it wasn't a pain in the ass…"

"Be a king who protects the pawns, not sacrifices them"

After Ino gave her gift, Shikamaru rubbing the back of his head came forward and in the curious eyes of everyone took out a shogi piece.

Not waiting for Azuma to take the piece from his hands, Shikamaru tossed it and it fell accurately in the pocket of the flak jacket of Azuma.

"Please… advice…"


Looking at the shogi piece in his pocket, Azuma's yellow eyes had slight emotion and before Shikamaru could turn around, he repeated his earlier words causing Shikamaru to chuckle.

"Excuse me, I just got to know you, but would this work?"

After Shikamaru an unexpected arrived before Azuma and took out an orange book putting it in the hands of Azuma.

"Should I thank him?"

The poker expression on the face of Azuma couldn't help but change looking at the book as he didn't know whether he should thank Kakashi or not.


But before his response, a large shout interrupted his thinking and saw Tsunade with her eyes full of rage glaring at Kakashi.



Kakashi immediately turned into afterimages disappearing leaving a mad Tsunade and Shizune who tried her best to stop her from going out chasing Kakashi.

But Ino wasn't going to stop as she held Shikamaru and chased after Kakashi who to her tried to corrupt Azuma.

Looking at the lively scene before him, Azuma just shook his head and turned around and left, but his back didn't seem as lonely as before.


No chapter for next five days

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The morning sun was nowhere it's full swing and the cool breeze of the morning lightened the mood.

Konoha Third Training Ground.


In the still surroundings, only the sound of the crackling purple lightning could be heard as all the present were too shocked to say anything.


Tsunade wanted to say something but the purple lightning blade on her back, made her unable to say anything and she could only gaze at the figure before her.

His short black hair spiked up, a small slash mark on the left cheek of his handsome and sharp face.

Yellow hawk like eyes which seemed to have seen the most tough of times, and adding that indifferent poker expression into all, he looked otherworldly.

"This speed…even Raikage…"

Thought Tsunade looking at Azuma with some lingering fear in her eyes as no one has made her feel so helpless before.

If the opponent wanted, her head might have long since separated from her neck and even her Mitotic Regeneration wouldn't have been able to save her.

Even the Raikage in the intelligence report didn't seem this fast, it's like the opponent blended with space appearing before her the next moment.


Feeling the lightning blade still on her neck, Tsunade took a deep breath and said softly, admitting her clean defeat.

Azuma didn't have any change of an expression after seeing her surrendering and calmly stopped the output of chakra, the purple blade around the Kunai vanishing.

"Wow!! Tsunade-Sama lost!!"


"Is he really around our age?"

Ino said loudly a happy look over her face, followed by the shocked admittance of Kakashi and the questionable gaze of Sakura.


Hokage Office.

"Yoshitake Azuma…with your strength…you have proved that you have more than enough to be a Konoha Jonin…"

"If there was a rank above Jonin, I would have granted you that without hesitation…"

After the fight, everyone returned to Hokage Office, even Kakashi joined them though Sakura didn't as she had work in the hospital.

Holding a dark green flak Jacket in her hands, Tsunade looked at Azuma who stood before her and told her decision.

Aftwe that, Tsunade stretched out the jacket in front of Azuma waiting for him to take it and wear it before everyone.


Looking at the dark Green flak jacket before him, a slight emotion appeared in the hawk like eyes of Azuma as he couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

Not because this was a big achievement for him, with his strength, he could have been a Jonin more than a year ago.

It's just he remembered that in the memory he received of the predecessor, because of his bad talent, his mother always used to tease him, about letting a Konuichi support him in the future due to his good looks.

Now remembering the smiling face of her looking at him with a teasing look, he couldn't help but let out a small laugh with some emotion in his eyes.

If she was alive she must have been really proud to see him wearing this flak Jacket, and might have fainted from Joy.


Hearing the laugh of Azuma, a surprised look appeared on the face of Shikamaru, Tsunade and Ino.

All they have seen is him with a poker look on his face, they never even imagined this.

But now seeing the pure smile on his face, they couldn't help but be surprised and didn't know why seeing him happy, even they felt a little happy in their heart.

"Thank You!"

After letting out a small laugh, Azuma took the flak Jacket from the hands of Tsunade and wore it quickly and thanked Tsunade in low voice.

"Haha!! So you can speak!!"

Hearing his thanks, Tsunade laughed and couldn't help but say so, as the worry about his unfathomable strength completely vanished and some respect for this kid, quarter of her age build up.

Someone who could be so polite despite having such strength, he is worthy of her respect.

To her words, Azuma remained silent, as he had returned to the poker mode though his eyes were not indifferent like before.

"Congratulations Azuma-Kun, I don't have anything valuable on me for now as a gift…but would this work"

After Azuma wore the jacket, Ino was the first one to congratulate as jumping before him, she flashed a warm smile to him, her eyes turning crescent and removed the small white flower from her hair.

"This flower is a sign of friendship in my clan…please advise me more in the future!!"

Said Ino cheerfully and stretched out the flower towards Azuma who stayed silent and kept looking at the smiling Ino.



Azuma looked at her for a while and seeing no change on her smiling face, he stretched out his hand and took the flower from her palm and replied in a low voice, causing Ino to giggle.

"Though it's been only a day since I got to know you…but it wasn't a pain in the ass…"

"Be a king who protects the pawns, not sacrifices them"

After Ino gave her gift, Shikamaru rubbing the back of his head came forward and in the curious eyes of everyone took out a shogi piece.

Not waiting for Azuma to take the piece from his hands, Shikamaru tossed it and it fell accurately in the pocket of the flak jacket of Azuma.

"Please… advice…"


Looking at the shogi piece in his pocket, Azuma's yellow eyes had slight emotion and before Shikamaru could turn around, he repeated his earlier words causing Shikamaru to chuckle.

"Excuse me, I just got to know you, but would this work?"

After Shikamaru an unexpected arrived before Azuma and took out an orange book putting it in the hands of Azuma.

"Should I thank him?"

The poker expression on the face of Azuma couldn't help but change looking at the book as he didn't know whether he should thank Kakashi or not.


But before his response, a large shout interrupted his thinking and saw Tsunade with her eyes full of rage glaring at Kakashi.



Kakashi immediately turned into afterimages disappearing leaving a mad Tsunade and Shizune who tried her best to stop her from going out chasing Kakashi.

But Ino wasn't going to stop as she held Shikamaru and chased after Kakashi who to her tried to corrupt Azuma.

Looking at the lively scene before him, Azuma just shook his head and turned around and left, but his back didn't seem as lonely as before.


No chapter for next five days

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