Chapter 15 Return


Hokage Mountain.

On top of the Hokage Mountain, under the beautiful blue sky, sat a figure cross legged his black sword leaning on his shoulders.

The breeze blew swaying his spiked up black hair and the yellow eyes gazed at the prosperous village below.

"Unknowingly, I have started to like this view…"

Said the figure, the same calm look in his eyes, the poker face still there as well.


Another wave of the wind blew fluttering his black hair, as the figure closed his eyes enjoying the rare peace.

It's been 2 months since Azuma has become a Jonin, and his lonely life has changed a lot.

In these two months, Tsunade who got familiar with him, had him go on numerous tough missions due to his strength.

It even included 3 S-Rank Tasks, and dozen A-Rank Tasks, completely filling his idle schedule from before.

Choji was sick for nearly half a month, so he went on three missions with Shikamaru and Ino and completed them easily.

But even after separating, Shikamaru and Ino stayed in touch with him, especially Ino, who once in two days would surely come to greet him.

Just yesterday, after completing a mission he was on his way back home and was passing by Yakiniku BBQ, when Ino along with her friends like Sakura, Tenten, Hinata, happened to be passing by on the same route as well.

Seeing him, Ino without fearing his strength dragged him inside the Yakiniku with Sakura, Tenten and Hinata present as well.

He is a quiet person who has hardly attended social gatherings, so being alone stuck in between girls and hearing their constant chatter was even more terrifying than fighting Big Mom.

Who do you like? do you have someone special?, the same question was asked to him in different ways by the girls as they hoped to make him blush.

But fortunately adhering to the principle, "as long as you're not embarrassed, others will be", he escaped the calamity and didn't make a fool of himself.


Azuma couldn't help but sigh thinking about this, as so much has changed since the day he went on the mission with Ino and Shikamaru.

"But it's not bad…"

But even if his life had undergone a tremendous change, Azuma knew that he didn't hate this in his heart, and kind of liked such a change.

"It's time to go back!!"

After reflecting on his last two months' life, Azuma stood up and wanted to go back but a sudden shout stopped him in his tracks.

"Everyone! Uzumaki Naruto is Back!!"

The yellow eyes of Azuma flickered slightly as he looked straight towards the sound source and spotted a blonde hair kid standing on a pole with his arms wide open.

"So it has started, huh"

Murmured Azuma, the same poker expression over his face as he knew the wheel of fate has started to spin.

Tsunade who was busy handling the documents in the office also heard the familiar voice and arrived immediately at the window with a wide smile over her face.

"It really is Naruto!"

Tsunade couldn't see the figure on the pole clearly but the Iconic yellow hair convinced her that it was definitely Naruto.

"Shizune, hurry up and bring Naruto here and call Kakashi as well!"

"Yes, Tsunade-Sama!!"

Still looking outside the window, Tsunade ordered Shizune with her back facing her as the latter hurriedly went out.

"Sigh…you are finally back…"

Murmured Tsunade in a low voice with a large smile on her face as he was finally back.


After looking outside the window for a while, Tsunade finally decided to take her head back in but from the corners of her eyes, she spotted a figure on top of Hokage Mountain.

Hokage Building was right under the Hokage Mountain, so it was easy for Tsunade to spot someone from such a close distance.

Azuma's Observation Haki, also detected a person looking at him, and from the aura he recognized it immediately that it was Tsunade.

But without a change of expression, he calmly turned around, ready to leave as he suddenly had a feeling that trouble was near.

"Stop Azuma!!!"

Seeing Azuma turning around, Tsunade immediately understood that he wanted to slip away and shouted stopping him in his tracks.



Hearing the sound, Azuma sighed inside his heart as he knew his hunch was true but his poker face didn't change and disappeared from his place.

"Lady Tsunade!"

The next moment, Azuma appeared before Tsunade beside the window on the roof and greeted her calmly.

"Hehe, where were you trying to escape?"

Said Tsunade laughing and rolled her sleeves trying to act tough, but the poker faces of Azuma didn't change and stood motionless before her.

"Sigh…you are no fun…come inside…I have some work for you!"

Seeing him unfazed, Tsunade sighed and rolled down her sleeves as the only thing that she disliked about this kid was his lack of interest for everything.

Seriously, you are a young man, don't your hormones urge you to act differently to gain attention, some time she thinks that there is a soul of an old man in this kid.

Azuma didn't knew about her thoughts as he calmly entered the office through the window and stood on the side waiting for her orders.

(Well, some can guess what's going to happen, it won't be a boring fight, I will try to make it interesting)


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