Chapter 18 Fight


The night sky is black as ink, with a crescent moon and a smattering of starts sprinkled over it.

Under the silvery moonlight of the bright moon, was a prosperous village brightly lit up, the streets full of people, smiles all over.

Third Training Ground.

The moonlight brightened the whole training ground, the little dew on the grass shone brightly, creating a glandular spectacle.

"Ah, Naruto how can you challenge Azuma-Kun?"

Ino in her usual purple attire looked at Naruto who she hasn't seen for years, with a look of pity in her eyes.

"Don't look down on me, Ino, today everyone will see my greatness"

Naruto once again felt a little angry being so blatantly looked down but he quickly composed himself as soon after defeating Azuma, his strength will be revealed.

"Women~ So troublesome"

Shikamaru who saw Ino fighting Naruto couldn't help but say so an annoyed look over his face.

On his way here, Ino who was out shopping spotted him and chased after him, as she couldn't believe this slacker was out so late.

Under her interrogation, Shikamaru had to spill everything and hearing that Azuma will be fighting Naruto, Ino hurriedly tagged along.

"Grandma Tsunade, where's that guy Azuma?"

Naruto turned to look at Tsunade who stood on the side with Jiraiya and Kakashi, arms across her chest.

A little far away from her was Sakura who was being bandaged by Shizune as her fight with Kakashi is already over.

She did improve somewhat in these two years making some trouble for Kakashi before the latter went all out, defeating her.

Tsunade wasn't disappointed as she had already expected such a result as defeating Kakashi, even for her it may not be easy.

"Don't worry, he'll be here soon, oh, there he is"

Tsunade calmly said but before her words were completed, she spotted a figure walking towards them.

He had short black hair, yellow hawk like eyes and a handsome and sharp face with a little slash mark on his left cheek.

Tonight, Azuma wore a totally different attire from his usual self, a white high collared open jacket with black flowers patterned on it

He was bare chest and his powerful abs were completely visible as well and a toy dagger was hung around his neck.

He wore a black pant underneath held up by a red belt, a big black blade with a yellow hilt with gems shining under the moonlight inlaid in it was fixed on his back.


A heart shaped pattern appeared in the eyes of Ino as she nearly fainted seeing the changed Azuma, especially his strong abdominal muscles, caused an intense glow to appear on her cheeks.

"Get a hold of yourself, Ino!!"

Sakura who was treated, stood beside her and seeing her nearly fainting, she supported her stopping her from falling.

"But he's so cool!!"

But Ino didn't care and kept looking at the quite figure with a devoted look, the red glow on her face not decreasing at all.

"Hmph! Sasuke is better!"

Even Sakura had a little red glow appearing on her cheeks uncontrollably before she imagined Sasuke to be even better, refusing to admit that Azuma was more cool.

"Damn, this guy, why I'm not so cool!!!"

Naruto was once again envious seeing Azuma as even if he didn't want to admit it, Azuma really looked badass at the moment.

"Ha…Ha…This…guy…so troublesome…"

Shikamaru just laughed seeing his change as Azuma was really unpredictable to him.

"Lady Tsunade!"

Azuma didn't care for the shocked gazes of everyone, and arriving before Tsunade, he bowed slightly greeting her.

"Well~ Well~ what's with the change today?"

Tsunade looked upside down at the figure with abs and chest visible before her, a curious look over her face.

"It's comfortable."

But with the same usual poker face, Azuma replied as he mostly wore such clothes in the previous two years.

To increase the template extraction in the past, he tried this trick of impersonating Mihawk and it did work a little so he ordered a lot of clothes specially designed for him.

Now even if the system has left, he is used to wear such clothes at home and some time would wear them on a mission as well.

"Sigh~ let's start!"

Hearing his response and seeing the poker face, Tsunade knew she was thinking too much and this kid was still the same.

Naruto and Azuma stood at a little distance from each other as everyone watched from the sidelines hoping for a brilliant duel.

"Ho~Ho~ I hope that kid is good enough to live up to your confidence!"

Jiraiya standing beside Tsunade laughed and said with an interesting look over his face.

"Haha, don't worry just watch, a big surprise is your way!!"

To his words, Tsunade merely laughed and said in a mysterious tone, as she still hasn't told him that she had lost to Azuma in the past.

"Let the fight began!!"


Shouted Tsunade looking at the two who stood at a little distance from each other as Naruto immediately made a hand sign and white smoke erupted all around him.

(Two chapters today)