Chapter 19 Weak

Here's the thing I have an idea if someone wants to he can write a fanfiction on it, since I don't have time to write it and I'm desperately searching for a good Naruto fanfiction written by someone else after all you can't enjoy your own work.

The idea is: A transmigrator takes on the body of Hyuga Neji who just died in the war and opens Tenseigan, chakra mode of Tenseigan directly takes the power to sixth path level, truth seeking orbs prove it, Toneri was weak since those weren't his eyes.

After the war Neji marries Hanabi or Tenten and than kick the ass of Otsutsuki in Boruto.



Third Training Ground.

The crescent moon hung on the dark sky with countless stars inlaid on it shone brightly on the training ground.

With expectations on their faces, Tsunade, Jiraiya, Shikamaru, Kakashi, Ino, Sakura and Shizune with Tonton in her arms stood on the side gazing intently at Naruto and Azuma as an interesting battle was about to unfold.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!"


Naruto made a hand sign and white smoke erupted around him on a large scale around him.

Soon the smoke dissipated and around more than hundred clones of Naruto appeared on the field, gazing at Azuma who stood calm on his place.

"Shadow Clone, huh"

Tsunade and the others weren't much surprised as this was the iconic Jutsu of Naruto, the one he was best at.

"For the title of Jonin, let's go!!"


Looking at his clones, Naruto shouted loudly and waved his hand towards Azuma as every clone marched towards Azuma.


The sounds of running of hundreds of clones spread on the field an astonishing sight.


Looking at the army marching towards him, Azuma exhaled lightly and closed his eyes the next moment, surprising everyone.


Under the dark sky, the crackling sound of lightning spread as around Azuma purple lightning appeared, hovering brightly around him, lighting up the whole training ground.


The sounds of thousands of birds chirping suddenly resounded as Azuma turned into an afterimage leaving a purple trail in the air.


The clones of Naruto didn't even get a chance to see what happened as purple light flashed passed every clone and they began to turn into smoke.

"What is happening?!!"

Naruto who saw the clones dispersing at an astonishing rate couldn't understand what was happening but he didn't get a chance to think as his last clone dispersed as well.

This sounded long but it didn't even take more than 2 seconds, as all more than hundred clones of Naruto were dealt so easily and all everyone saw was a purple trail in the air.



Naruto wanted to say something but with a burst of crackling sound in the air, leaving a purple trail, a figure appeared before him and a huge force acted on his chest.


Once again, all everyone saw was a purple trail and the next moment, they spotted a figure whizzing back at an astonishing speed.


Naruto flew back upside down and hit the tree at the edge of the forest on the side destroying it immediately.


Naruto groaned in pain blood leaking out from his mouth as he lay around the broken barks of the tree.


Everyone finally came back to their senses as what just happened was too fast and they didn't even have a chance to interrupt.


Jiraiya looked at Azuma like he was gazing at a monster as even he didn't see the figure of Azuma at all during the fight.

He had once seen the likes of Third Raikage fighting in his young age but even he was nowhere close to this astonishing speed.

Even the Fourth Raikage who is renowned as the fastest shinobi after his student shouldn't be this fast.

The flickering of purple light in the air reminded him of Minato, just like he used to leave a yellow trail when he appeared.

"Maybe only in Sage mode, I can respond to that speed"

Thought Jiraiya as he had no doubt that in his normal form he won't last more than two rounds against that fearful speed.

His reaction speed won't be able to keep up with that astonishing speed, only in Sage mode, when his senses, strength and agility are elevated to a new level, he might be able to dodge the attacks.

But that is just dodging as even in Sage mode, he had no doubt that he was nowhere the speed of Azuma.

"This kid can't he keep a hand"

Tsunade held her forehead in headache as gazing at Naruto who lay there confused about life, she felt a little guilty.

"You sure dug a trap for Naruto, Tsunade!"

Said Jiraiya looking at Tsunade who was holding her forehead as the guilty look on the latter's face increased.

"Haha!! Go Azuma-Kun!!"

The strange atmosphere was broken by the cheering of Ino as she was already somewhat immune to his unfathomable strength.

"Sure enough, Azuma-Kun is the best in our generation!"

Thought Ino, with a bright smile on her face gazing at the figure who after punching Naruto stood quite on his place, the same poker face, the purple lightning around him had dispersed.

"Damn…cough…how can he be this strong…"

Naruto coughing blood tried to get up but he couldn't as the force behind that punch was not small, even with his healing abilities it would take some time to heal.

"KeKeKe…pathetic…and you want to bring your friend back…you can't even defeat such a guy…"

Just when Naruto was trying his hardest to get up, a gloomy laughter fell in his ears as he found himself before the familiar cage.


Azuma who stood quite on his place suddenly frowned as he looked carefully at Naruto since he seemed to have heard something from him.

"Shut up!!"

"KeKeKe…admit it…without my power…you can't do anything…"

Shouted Naruto angrily but that gloomy voice sounded again and orange chakra began to ooze out from the cage enveloping Naruto.


A huge bubbled orange fox face also appeared outside the cage laughing at the struggling Naruto but it was to no avail and he couldn't break free.

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